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[Kang Kyunghwan (Lee Si-Kang) & Kim Seokjin]


Getting info from Mansu didn't get you far. He practically knew the same information as you. It was super unfortunate! Not only were you going into this family dinner completely unprepared, you left Hoseok's place so abruptly. You would have much rather stayed with him! He was left to stay at home and surprise his mother with his new hair. You would have loved to see her reaction. You also would have loved to keep kissing him. It should be a crime to separate you from Hoseok! Why would you want to be anywhere else if it didn't involve either Hoseok or fashion? What would be the point?

Well, there wasn't anything you could do about it anyway. In the end, Father called you to dinner so here you were. A fake smile plastered on your face as you sat far from him, Kyunghwan, and even Seokjin. Who invited him? The need for Seokjin at this dinner was almost as unnecessary as the family dinner itself. It's never been important to Father whether all of you ate together like this or not. That had to mean he was going to reveal something if this dinner was so crucial. Enough to even invite your garbage fiancé over.

You've been doing such a good job staying away from Seokjin up until this moment. They just had to invite him over for whatever reason. Dinner has never felt more awkward. Seokjin didn't bother sitting near you despite being engaged. He didn't seem to be in the mood to fake any kind of relationship in front of your Father. He just sat on the opposite side of Kyunghwan with your Father at the other head of the table, the three of them far from you. It honestly felt like everyone at the table didn't like each other. This was officially the worst dinner ever.

"The food is delicious," Seokjin smiled causing Kyunghwan to roll his eyes. You wanted to leave the table at that moment, but Father's gaze was the only thing keeping you glued to your seat.

"Really? Talking about the food?" Kyunghwan scoffed. This entire time, you've noticed tension between your brother and fiancé. They used to always be on the same page with one another. What was going on now? Seokjin glared at Kyunghwan, losing his commercial smile he had presented to your father to scowl. His true self coming out so easily.

"Shut up. At least I'm trying to start a conversation." Seokjin growled.

"No one here wants to have a conversation." Kyunghwan crossed his arms as he slumped in his chair. He quickly received a glare from Father. It went unnoticed by Seokjin, but it was enough to make Kyunghwan straighten his posture.

"This is new." You held your fork up, motioning to the two of them. "No longer buddies? Why not?"

"Don't act as if you care," Kyunghwan grumbled.

"You have the worst attitude here!" Seokjin raised his voice at his 'friend'.

"All of you are getting distracted," Father spoke up. Finally the rest of you stopped trying to talk. There was no interrupting and overlapping of voices any longer. It had all sounded grating to Father's ears. He was the only one capable of getting all of you to become silent. "We're having dinner together for a reason. Must I remind each of you why that is?"

Kyunghwan and Seokjin kept their eyes low. They didn't dare speak as much as they wanted to defend themselves. They wanted to seem more capable to Father. You could tell by the way they were almost restless in their chairs. It was bewildering. They weren't close friends anymore and for a second it made you wonder why they felt like enemies. Did it...have anything to do with the last time you saw Seokjin? It only made your heart ache when you thought about it. Whatever broke their friendship, you suppose it didn't matter. It was bound to happen eventually.

It was a cynical belief. However, that's what Father raised Kyunghwan and you to think. You always had to fight back those types of thoughts. You'd rather think for yourself yet Father was right in many ways. With this life, they weren't going to last as friends. Not as true friends at least. Not with their own growing motivations and hidden intentions. They're all selfish and greedy animals deep down. It scared you when you really thought about it. Were you better than them? Or were you just like them and you didn't even realize it?

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