For The Best

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It's been hard to talk to Hoseok recently. Thanks to whatever has been bothering him, the two of you haven't been communicating all that well. He rides the bus with you and shares two classes with you yet he was quiet. Even when you guys worked together. It was as if Hoseok wasn't allowing himself to have fun. Not a single second was spent to joke around. He wasn't acting like himself and it was worrying to you. The two of you still spent a good amount of time together though things were clearly different. There was hardly any talking anymore and Hoseok wasn't as affectionate like he used to be.

Did you do something wrong? You were having trouble figuring it out. You wanted to help, but at the same time you've been caught up in your own busy mess. The runway was only a month away. Hoseok chose his model without much thought. He didn't ask you questions about how you found the rest of the models needed, how the runway was going, or anything. He doesn't even ask how you're doing. Were you asking for too much? All you were craving was a little more attention. A little more loving from him instead of his short responses.

You wanted to believe everything was okay between the both of you. Whatever was bothering him was affecting your relationship which still wasn't okay, but at least then it wouldn't be your fault. At this point you just wanted to know why, but you knew he wasn't going to open up about it. He just wouldn't, but how could you continue acting like everything was normal? That felt impossible as you sat on his bed looking over the money you've earned and how much you could pay the people helping you out with the runway plus the money you needed for constructing your second design.

Hoseok was over at his desk sewing his first outfit. He didn't show you the design like he used to which was sad. He hasn't said a word to you since he came into the room to work on his first design. Maybe you would have been able to mind your own business if you were alone but having him in the room was killing you. Your eyes kept traveling over to him causing your heart to ache. He was right there. The two of you slept in the same bed every night, but you missed him. Where did your bright sunshine go?

"Hoseok, are you free one of these days? I'd like you to see how the runway is coming together with the models." You stared at his back as he took a moment to stop sewing.

"I don't think so. I really need to get my first design done soon." Hoseok continued to sew. "You're doing good from the sounds of it. Monet seems happy."

"Yeah, it's coming together well! I'm really surprised since all our models aren't professionals, but they're working so hard. You should have seen the photos Taehyung got done of Jimin and Star! They seriously looked out of this world! They were amazing and then remember those two fashion journalists I told you about? They wrote this—"

"That all sounds great." Hoseok nodded. "Sorry, (F/n). I just need to focus on sewing." He didn't bother to look back at you. It's been a while since you've heard him call you Princess. It was a nickname you used to hate, but he changed that for you. It became dear to you with how much love and affection he said it with. You missed that.

"Oh..." You looked back down at your paper.

That hurt. More than you wanted it to. Taking in a breath, you did your best with telling yourself not to get too emotional. Don't cry. You didn't want to burden Hoseok by being sensitive except this was how you felt. The pressure on your chest was causing you to sigh more often and it was easier for tears to form. You've done your best not to cry in front of Hoseok, but it's been getting to you. Can't he spare a second to have a conversation with you? Talking to yourself was taking a toll on you. That's all it ever felt like these days.

"Sorry for bugging you, Hoseok. I was just wondering how much you saved for the runway so I can add it to the money we're using to pay everybody." You bit your lip as Hoseok's sewing slowed down.

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