Question Myself

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You love Hoseok. The urge to fall asleep disappeared from you in that moment. Forgetting completely about your father, your mind was consumed with the realization. You had feelings for Hoseok. There was no question about it at this point. With how Hoseok makes you feel with his presence alone, it's easy to see there was something there. You've never felt this way about anyone. All the teasing and joking about falling for him became real. It wasn't a huge surprise to you yet at the same time it left you stunned. It made sense and then again...when did it happen? When did you fall for Hoseok?

There was no sleeping. That was completely thrown out the window as you moved over to your sewing room. Pressing the intercom, you asked for food to be brought into the room. It didn't take long for a butler to knock on your door and place a plate on your desk for you. Food while you looked back on all your moments with Hoseok. You wanted to pinpoint exactly when it happened though it was hard to make sense of it when the two of you are always flirting and acting like a couple!

Eunhyuk was right to be suspicious. There was something going on which you finally noticed. There was no point in denying it nor would you ever want to. This is great! It's thrilling, exciting, and magical. You're in love with your best friend. What could be better than that? Of course, there were those few reminders in the back of your head. Telling you that you were engaged, Father wouldn't allow it, and how Hoseok's financial status makes it hard for the both of you to connect at times. None of that mattered to you in the end though! You hate Seokjin, Father can cry a river, and you don't care if Hoseok is poor. Nothing can stop true love!

That's assuming Hoseok loves you back. Did he? Considering how he mutually returns your flirts and gets affectionate with you, why not? He could quite possibly like you back just as much. Even just the simple thought of hearing Hoseok reciprocate your feelings had flowers blooming in your chest. You felt alive. You could breathe clearly with the world full of colors. As long as there was Hoseok in your life, there was light. He was your sunshine that you were greedy to keep for as long as you could. He's changed your life so much and for the better. While not everything was perfect, everything felt possible because of him.

Hoseok studied hard and managed to get into your private school and into FIT against the odds. That inspired you to work hard with your own goals. You had the drive and motivation already. There was no time to let go of it. If you had Hoseok's strength and perseverance, one day you'll break free from the Kang family. Hoseok made you realize that there is strength inside of you. So far you haven't had the courage to put it to use and how to go about it, but it's there. You don't feel crazy around Hoseok. He takes the time to listen to you. He believes in you and not once has he ever shamed you for being yourself. He's never criticized your talking habits, your femininity, or made harmful assumptions about you.

Compared to all the men you're close to—and you say close loosely—Hoseok is the only one who genuinely cares for you. He's a true friend. He's done more than your own Father, brother, and fiancé. As much as you wished you could love your family and love your fiancé, you didn't get your fairytale happy ending with them. You weren't born into a loving family or given a healthy relationship. You were surrounded by monsters instead. That didn't stop you from dreaming and wanting your own happy ending. Becoming a designer was always the end goal and it still is. Just now, maybe you can share that happy ending with someone else too.

It had you squealing like an absolute madman. If Mansu had an inkling that you were deranged, he was convinced of it now. There was nothing in front of you during the entire ride over to FIT the next day. You didn't even have your phone out to stare down at. No scrolling through Instagram or watching videos on YouTube. Just you in your own world, watching everything pass by through your window. Mansu could be nervous all he wants. In the end, you were humming and skipping away on the FIT campus in a cold shoulder pink frill layered dress with ruffles. You'll never know why he finds you so intimidating. You weren't in the least bit scary right now. You're in love!

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