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Things were quiet when you went back to the Jung household. Turns out Hoseok had left the house too and you had no clue when he would return. You did a little bit more of your work for the runway, but it was too hard to focus that night. Instead, you got yourself ready for bed and fell asleep. When you woke up in the morning, Hoseok was back though the two of you were acting like the other didn't exist. Hoseok wasn't looking at you or saying a word. He was barely acknowledging your presence which was disheartening.

It hurt to look at him. You stole a few glances at him during breakfast, but he looked like he was deep in thought. You didn't want to bother him or make the situation worse if he wasn't ready to talk about it. He made you breakfast like he always did though. That had to mean something good. It could have been done out of habit, but you were grateful he remembered you. Despite the meal, it was hard to convince yourself to break the tension and speak. All you wanted to say was 'thank you' yet that got tangled up in your throat and never came out.

Hoseok didn't hold your hand when walking to the bus stop. He let you take the open seat in the crowded bus, but you were still unsure on where the two of you stood. He's most likely still getting his thoughts together about everything. You may know what you want, but it could take a little more time for Hoseok. It's okay. You're willing to wait. In the end, you hope that the two of you can start smiling at each other again. It would be better than Hoseok walking off to his own class without saying goodbye to you. Did he think you were still mad?

Since your relationship is on the rocks, you've decided not to go home and just work on your second design at FIT. You'll be finishing it today at the rate you're going. Professor Monet let you stay in her classroom to work on the fairly simple design you created for the runway. Your first design was an easy picnic dress and now the one you were working on was a tiered ruffle sundress. You bought four yards of linen for this dress which was making your wallet cry. Though you didn't want to think about that right now as it only stressed you out.

Sewing was your stress relief. You didn't have to think about anything else as you worked on the dress. It may not be as extravagant as you normally liked your designs to be, but you were doing your best to give it your own touch. The top was already done with the first ruffle and creating the rest of the ruffles was going to be repetitive process. What you liked about your sundress was that it just needed to be tied with fabric without using a zipper. You really needed this fabric to count!

So that's what you've been doing for the past couple hours. All your attention has been used on creating the dress to make sure the ruffles came out nice. You were sewing the pretty sides together so they could shine while the...aesthetically challenged sides didn't shine so much. You also made sure to trim the edges to help with the fraying so there wouldn't be so many raw edges. The cuts gave it a much cleaner look which was preferred. After cutting, you removed the basting stitches then began to work on the next ruffled tier to repeat the same process only with more fabric!

It was late in the afternoon when you finished with all the tiers. The last thing you needed to do was hem the bottom which was thrilling. Just that and then you would be done! It was so exciting, but also right on time since Professor Monet told you that her next class would be in half an hour. There was no need for her to worry or for you to rush. The hem was sewed with no problem and you were squealing at the final result. It's going to look so good down the runway! Carefully packing your dress, you happily walked out of the building.

This was exactly what you needed. Some time to just focus on yourself and do what you love. It was just you in your element that entire time in the classroom. While a lot of your problems still remained, you felt like you were in a better place to deal with them now than earlier this morning. For one thing, your two dresses are finished so that's good. All the money you save up from work can go to the runway with no issues and you've been giving Hoseok his space. You couldn't deny you were still anxious about him, but you felt confident everything would be good between the two of you.

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