Romantic Getaway

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The entire day had gone by in a flash. Hoseok couldn't believe how much he got to do with you today. The two hour drive went by easily, checking into the hotel, the runway show, and going around the town. All of that seemed to pass with the blink of an eye. It felt like the least important thing about today. The main thing on both of your minds was what would be happening at night. Would it happen? Would it not? Hoseok and you haven't really discussed anything in detail about it. Though something was bound to happen now that Hoseok and you stood in the hotel room.

The two of you returned to rest after a long day. Still, Hoseok didn't feel exhausted in the slightest. His energy was high along with his nerves. He didn't know what to do with himself as he watched you set your bag on a table. You were already removing your coat and heels to get comfortable in the hotel room. Hoseok decided to follow as he removed his own coat and beanie. He threw that onto a chair while removing his shoes near the bed. Hoseok was facing the bed when you hugged him from behind all of a sudden.

Hoseok tensed up from your touch at first. For a second, he had stopped breathing to see your hands on his chest and stomach. This was different from any back hug you've ever given him in the past. Your fingers slowly began to grasp the material of his shirt as you pressed yourself tighter against him. It didn't fail to make him blush. His body temperature was rising quickly as he struggled to think. Were you...? Was he thinking...? Hoseok had no idea and at the same time he had a feeling about what this could be. It became clear the moment you turned him around to shove him onto the bed.

"(F-F/n)?" Hoseok stared up at you with wide eyes. You crawled over him on the bed with a dark look in your eyes. There was a hungry twinkle to them that easily had Hoseok melting under your touch. He was taken by surprise at first before he had pulled you down for a kiss.

You said Hoseok's name in soft whimpers throughout the heated kiss. He always loved the feeling of your lips on his. The moment was feeling perfect. Somehow Hoseok was forgetting how anxious he had been earlier about this. If the two of you were going to go all the way then he was completely open to it. Hoseok was more than open to it now with confidence fueling his actions. He flipped you over to press you down on the mattress, bringing his lips to your neck. His hands began to slide down your sides to grip the hem of your shirt.

Hoseok couldn't get over how beautiful you looked underneath him. His heart nearly bursted out from his chest when he removed your shirt. It was tossed to the side and he was quick to remove his own shirt. His heart wouldn't stop pounding inside his head as he lowered himself down to peck your lips. His silver necklace hung down his neck, swaying lightly as his eyes traveled down to your bra. You brought a hand up to caress the side of Hoseok's face, that same lustful gleam in your eyes. It had Hoseok weak in the knees as he went to kiss you again.

"I want you," You panted against his lips. Your hands ran down his chest to the top of his pants while his hand wandered to the clasp of your bra.

Just as you slipped your hand past the band of his boxers, Hoseok saw his vision turning black. What was going on? He fell forward when his eyes opened to light. The hotel room he had been in earlier now felt like a distant memory. You weren't with him either and the two of you weren't...oh god. Hoseok instantly sat up in his bed, shock waking him up earlier than his alarm clock had been set. The blankets he usually wrapped himself in had fallen to the floor, allowing him to feel how cold the air was against his flushed skin. He had actually dreamt about you and him about to...Hoseok brought his hands up to his head as he fell back with a groan.

"Wow. Am I that horny?" Hoseok whined into his hands. He had a wet dream like he was middle school boy. What is going on with him? He was in utter disbelief that this dream actually happened. It had felt so realistic. From the kissing to your touch. He could have sworn it was real, but now that he was awake in his bedroom in the early morning...Hoseok frowned to himself. Did the dream really have to end there...? "Yes, Idiot."

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