Love Doesn't Exist

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He's everywhere. Literally everywhere. That was a realization that didn't take too long to slap Hoseok in the face. From the moment he woke up and checked his phone, articles were already online about the mysterious blonde man seen with you last night. Now his face was blurred in the photos though it didn't give him much privacy. Your face was still visible and his blonde hair stuck out like a sore thumb. There's no way that anyone who sees you and Hoseok together out in public won't put two and two together. At the same time, it's not like you were a major celebrity or anything! Surely, this won't matter to most people.

How wrong he had been. Hardly stepping down into his living room, Hoseok caught his mom watching the television to hear a woman reporting about Kang (F/n)'s new man. His mom was startled when she saw him approaching the television in shock though despite the channel switches she did, each channel had something to say about Hoseok's sudden appearance. Was he really that big of a deal? It was embarrassing that his mom had to hear him get called 'the other man' and have his relationship be considered an affair. It was a scandal in most people's eyes seeing as they knew nothing else besides what the reporter's fed to them.

They were painting the story as Seokjin getting cheated on with this new stranger. You were bold and unapologetic which was gaining you a lot of criticism from the public. Though everyone was confused on what that meant for your relationship with Seokjin. He was seen talking to Hoseok and being friendly so was it really what they all thought? Everyone was confused on what the true story was and all Hoseok knew was that it was nobody's business. His relationship shouldn't be on the cover of gossip magazines. Seriously, how did they work that fast?

Originally, Hoseok was trying not to care about it. He wanted to leave it as everyone else's problem if they were interested in the lame drama. Yet that was becoming impossible to continue when he noticed how many neighbors were eyeing him on the walk to the bus stop. They didn't greet him like they used to. It left Hoseok uneasy, but he hoped that that would change soon. Hopefully by the time he comes back from FIT, they start to act normal around him again. He just wants things to return to how they used to be. His neighbors know him as Jung Hoseok to begin with! Not Kang (F/n)'s lover.

Though he couldn't say the same for his colleagues at college.

"You got to be kidding me..." Hoseok muttered to himself when he arrived to FIT.

As if the ride on the bus wasn't awkward enough! A small TV on the bus just had be showing footage of the charity event to discuss the presence of the mysterious blonde. Some of the elderly folk on the bus were watching when they noticed a blonde on the bus. Who else, but Hoseok? He hated that their assumption was right. Hoseok was just doing his best to ignore them and survive the ride. They don't know his relationship with you so they couldn't know it was him for sure. Maybe them, but everyone at FIT? No!

They all knew. They had to. Hoseok was on campus for ten minutes when he finally reached his limit of pretending everything was okay. It really wasn't. So many students around him were on their phones, glancing up at him and whispering to their friends. Rumors were already spreading fast thanks to your familiar name and presence at the school. The only person they see you with all the time is Hoseok who happened to become a blonde recently. Coincidently, just like your lover. It didn't help that a lot of Hoseok's classmates have seen the two of you hold hands, hug, and even kiss. He's so screwed.

Hoseok tugged down on his bucket hat in order to avoid making eye contact with anyone. The confidence he had tried to leave the house with disappeared. Now he was stuck feeling embarrassed, but why should he be? His relationship with you is real unlike your engagement! Hoseok was doing his best to just walk through campus peacefully and ignore all the whispering around him. He hated the way the breeze only carried their voices closer. They were all staring and he knew it! Hoseok brought both hands up to his hat when he noticed two pink Moschino heels in front of him.

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