Busier These Days

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[Right to left: Eunhyuk, Yesung, Donghae]

(A/n: Hyukkie had tennis ball hair for the Super Clap mv uwu perhaps give the mv a watch? asdfg I'm trying here-- )


Everything was set in stone. Sort of. Since you could fund the runway on your own, you knew that it was bound to happen. It was just hard to know where to start so that it could actually happen. Hoseok made sure to write a list of everything he remembered Professor Monet mentioning. There would be a lot of things that you needed to pay for, but the most important thing was getting the paperwork filed and done. Hoseok and you needed to set a date to rent the campus space. There was so much thought that went into putting it together before you could actually even think about the show itself.

It was a little overwhelming since Hoseok and you had a to get everything together before the semester ends. One semester was almost four months in total, but you didn't see that as much time. Not when Professor Monet takes almost a whole year to prepare for her runway shows. She must have contacts and connection though. Who is her usual photographer? What kind of promotions should Hoseok and you do? The options felt unlimited and you were tempted to email her right away even though she said she would provide little guidance.

"She's not making this easy...but it's a challenge I accept." You stared up at the ceiling. Hoseok was on his laptop, searching for photographers in the area. He also had the school website open in another tab. Tomorrow the two of you plan to go to the office to talk to the event committee to get permission. The two of you weren't a club, but you figured it would be possible somehow. "Hoseokie?"

"Yeah?" He looked away from his laptop to stare down at your face. While he sat with his legs crossed on his bed, you were lying down like a starfish. You were trying to think though it was hard to move forward with any of your imaginary plans without getting certain things confirmed first. The campus space being one of them. "Are you stressed, Princess?" Hoseok brought his hand to your face, delicately pushing away hair from your face.

"A tad...nothing I can't handle though." You sighed. "It just makes me want orange juice."

"Orange juice?" Hoseok smiled at you, pinching your cheek. "I'll get some for you." Hoseok leaned down to kiss your forehead.

"Thank you!" You couldn't get over how sweet your boyfriend was.

Normally, Hoseok would feel hesitant about bringing you inside his house. The only reason he felt confident about his choice was because his mom was running the shop right now. Apparently she would be busy for a while according to him. That meant that Hoseok could freely bring you into his room without any worries. Kind of. Hoseok preferred for you to stay in his room in case he went down and bumped into his mom all of a sudden. An unlikely event yet he was paranoid. You already met her and get along great! That didn't stop Hoseok from being afraid of the overwhelming energy the two of you create together.

Rolling onto your side, you went on Hoseok's laptop to look through the school's website. Hopefully they don't make it hard to get the runway accepted. All you needed was for this to get accepted and then everything else would fall in place. You weren't doing much by the time Hoseok came back into the room with a glass of orange juice. He shut the door behind him as you pushed yourself up in a sitting position. Hoseok sweetly kissed your cheek when giving you the orange juice. He sat by your side, bringing his laptop back on his lap.

"Alright, what viruses were you putting on my laptop?" Hoseok grinned. He earned himself a playful nudge from you. Taking a large gulp from your glass, you soon put it on the nightstand at the side of Hoseok's bed.

"I was looking for your nudes." You looked back at him as he laughed.

"My nudes wouldn't be on my computer. They'd be on my phone," Hoseok said. He really shouldn't have. Has he taken nudes before? Your eyes dropped down to his sweatpants. His phone sat in a pocket that you quickly shoved your hand in only for Hoseok to grab your wrist. "No!"

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