On A Budget

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Just when things were looking impossible, the game has changed! It changed when three lovely gentlemen offered to be your models for free. It gave you an idea! All this time you've been thinking about paying professional models and a professional photographer. As great as that would have been, you might have to go amateur for this runway. Now not everyone was going to be as generous as them. People were going to want to be paid though maybe they would be more understanding about the low pay for this show. That's what you were hoping for when you brought it up to Hoseok about how the runway was going to be saved.

The two of you just needed to be cheap! Saving money was an absolute must at this point. Having three free models was great, but you also needed to get some female models too. You needed more people fast! Anyone who was willing to accept being paid thirty bucks at most. It was a crime to be paid that low however there's wasn't much Hoseok and you could pull together when there would be about twenty models in total. Then the photographer had to be fifty at most. Another crime, but the price of all the models was making it tough for you guys.

Still, you were ecstatic that Hoseok and you found a solution for the runway. The two of you just had to think locally and very cheap! When you got home last night, Hoseok and you talked a lot about who you guys could ask to be models. It was then when the both of you realized just how little people you guys were close to at FIT. You guys were always attached at the hip so there was never a need to find anybody else. They would have felt like a third wheel anyway, but now it was coming to bite you guys. Hoseok was close to giving up until you remembered two special people!

Why didn't you think of them earlier? With how much you adored their style at first sight, they should have been on your mind the moment you got the idea! You were upset with yourself though there was no time to mentally scold yourself. When Hoseok and you went to FIT the next day and finished your classes, going to the main office became the priority. You finally had time off work today so you were going to do everything in your power to recruit people into being your models! Plus you had an idea of who you wanted as the photographer.

"Their work was posted on the website. I took a look and honestly, their work was the best in my opinion." You showed Hoseok your phone as the two of you walked up the steps to the office.

"Yeah, these are actually pretty good. They look professional." Hoseok approved of them, getting a squeal out of you.

"Right!" You bounced. "They're a student here at FIT, so I hope they're understanding about our situation. They're a fashion photography major and we're designers so I'm sure we can find some middle ground."

"I'm excited to get this runway happening. You're making it sound more believable by the second." Hoseok wrapped his arm around your waist as the two of you approached the front door.

"I like to make my dreams a reality." You playfully winked at him. He knew how hard you were working to tie up all the loose ends. The two of you were super stressed about it, but as long as you had each other then it was possible. Things got hard now that you were no longer rich yet here the two of you were! Strong and determined as ever!

"(F/n)! Hoseok!" Jimin's delightful voice perked you up.

When Hoseok opened the door for the both of you, Jimin's head naturally turned to see who was entering. Seeing your familiar faces immediately put joy on his face. How you've missed your favorite himbo! Not only him, but you were ecstatic to see Star as well. There stood a queen in all black, moving around the office to make sure everything was running smoothly. You loved to see it! She was wearing a rather large headpiece with silver spikes poking out, black roses, and multiple chains hanging off with cute metal charms at the end. Her black dress had the same shape to it that you've always seen her wear though you adored how much ruffles and ribbons this dress had.

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