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What a surprise it was for Hoseok to see you on his front doorstep looking like a hot mess. Well, now that he's seen you at your worst and he still loves you, you know he's the one. Hoseok was horrified from the moment he noticed you had walked all the way to his place. Without even having to say a single word to him, Hoseok put everything together really quickly. Something bad happened with your father, you walked here out of anger, and now you were here. Hoseok instantly pulled you into his house so you wouldn't be shivering outside any longer.

It's not every day he sees you like this. It was quite the sight to see even for his mother. She was watching TV with someone else in the living room until her eyes traveled to who Hoseok had brought inside. From the moment she saw you, she was stunned. How embarrassing. You didn't even know what to say to her, but luckily Mrs. Jung didn't need to hear a word. She was up on her feet to take care of you herself. Hoseok immediately received orders to get you a change of clothes and to go out to buy cream for your blisters. Mrs. Jung was going to handle getting you all cleaned up as well as washing your clothes.

All of it was a whirlwind, but you were grateful for it. Hoseok had you wearing some of his mother's clothes after you showered and gave you the blister cream he went out to buy. Since you had walked such a long distance, Hoseok had you sit down to rest your legs. Mrs. Jung figured you would be hungry so she quickly whipped you up something to eat. Did the Jung family have to be angels? You were so happy at the kitchen table that you hadn't realized that there was somebody else at their home as well. A chubby man you've never met before but looked a lot like Hoseok.

"Oh, pardon me! I didn't get to introduce you two!" Mrs. Jung's face heated up. She's been stressing out about you that she hadn't had the time. Hoseok was in the same boat as well, but he found the situation a lot more humorous than his mom. "Kang (F/n), I want you to meet the love of my life!" Mrs. Jung immediately hugged the man standing by the doorway. He chuckled at his warm introduction, his eyes almost turning into crescents from her affection.

"In other words, my Appa." Hoseok grinned. He was bouncing on his toes to finally have his dad home after so long.

"Ugh, I wish you got to meet him sooner but he's always on the road." Mrs. Jung pouted. She gave her husband an upset look though he didn't take it seriously. You just found it so adorable!

"Gotta pay the bills somehow." Mr. Jung shrugged his shoulders. Mrs. Jung only whined, refusing to let go of her husband. His round cheeks were turning red from how unashamed his wife was in front of his son's girlfriend. She was in the middle of telling him to stay here and never go back to his work. Hoseok just shook his head at them.

"Get a room." Hoseok crossed his arms.

"That's how I made you!" Mrs. Jung huffed.

"Oh god, why?" Hoseok winced. He brought his hands up to his face, wishing his mom wouldn't say things like that. It was too gross to think about.

"Honey." Mr. Jung tried to dial down his wife though that wasn't happening.

"What? She knows how I am! She's the same way!" Mrs. Jung looked over at you as you released a squeal.

"The two of you are so adorable! When I look at you, I see my future with Hoseok!" You clapped your hands as Hoseok turned red himself. "Your son is so handsome by the way, Mr. Jung! I know we just met, but I really want to marry him and have his children! It's so exciting to meet you in person!" Hoseok nearly collapsed at the mention of children.

"(F-F/n)!" Hoseok stammered, rushing over to you.

"Oh wow, she is like your Eomma, Hoseok. Good pick." Mr. Jung gave his son a thumbs up. Hoseok was feeling faint from that. While he was glad you were approved, it was the fact that his own father confirmed how similar you were to his mother. That's not exactly the type of thing he wants to hear.

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