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Who does Seokjin think he is? You couldn't understand him when he got so wrapped up in his anger. He could be terrifying when he stopped thinking rationally. There was nothing worse than putting up with him then. Morals were the last thing on his mind. As if he even had any. But yesterday you may have pushed it. Though quite honestly, he deserved to hear the truth from you. If he could be blunt then so could you. All you even did was tell him that you don't want to marry him and that you hate his guts. Those two things never really changed yet it always got his blood to boil without fail. Seriously, what was his problem?

It was easier dealing with Seokjin in the earlier stages of your engagement. He was intimidating at most. You didn't want to spend time with him after the first date and you didn't know how to feel about what had happened. While your feelings were still all over the place, you've processed it. Even what happened at Seokjin's little event. Seokjin could tell you all the lies he wanted in order to make you out to be the dramatic one, but you know your feelings are true. They have to be. Hoseok let you know that your feelings are real. He always tells you not to listen to their gaslighting so they could hide their wrongs and blame it all on you.

At least Hoseok believes in you. It's thanks to him that you don't feel like you're going crazy. Plus, every time something happens, you're able to rant to him. There's no more bottling it up with a smile and pretending it's okay. You had one person you could share everything with. Hoseok felt bad he couldn't do much, but if he was there to listen then that's all you could ever ask for. That's definitely more than you've received in your entire life. Staff were aware but always looked the other way for the sake of their paycheck. It was frustrating, but it's not like they had power to do anything. Father would fire them and replace them immediately. He'd make sure they kept quiet after being fired too so it was pointless.

It was so frustrating! Every time you thought of a solution, it was always crumbling down instantly. There was no doubt in your mind that your father had prepared for everything just to keep you under his control. He had the money to be capable of everything anyway. The money you spend spoiling Hoseok with is technically his. Whatever, it's in your bank account meaning it's your money now! Hoseok just sighed as you vented to him about everything. He called you to have someone to talk to while he cut through his fashion magazines for inspiration. It was perfecting timing seeing as you were in the middling of hand sewing lace periwinkle appliques onto the dress you were working on.

"He's an idiot, Hoseok. He kept badmouthing you and it just pissed me off." You took a pin off the pink cushion tied to your wrist.

"Don't listen to him, (F/n). He's just trying to get under your skin...what the hell does he know about me anyway?" Hoseok scoffed. You smiled, noting his anger. He wasn't necessarily bothered by Seokjin's claims about him. More that Seokjin was trying to turn you against him. "You know I'm not with you for your money, right? It has never been about that."

"I know, Hoseokie. You made that very clear when I was just trying to be your friend." You giggled at the memory. He was so hesitant to open up to you and felt like the shirt you made was a bribe. Hoseok could only groan at it now, but you knew he was wearing the shirt you made him. He tends to wear it around the house often based off all the selfies he sends you. Nothing beats receiving morning selfies from your boyfriend.

"Well, I'm glad you wanted to be my friend. Though I still don't understand how you found high school me attractive." Hoseok sighed heavily. "I looked tacky, no muscle, and I had some bad breakouts."

"As if we didn't all look weird growing up." You rolled your eyes, grabbing another lace butterfly from the bucket. You brought it to the skirt of the dress before poking a needle through it.

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