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You'd be lying if you said you haven't been on edge for the past couple weeks. Of course, you've been doing your best in all your classes and making sure you maintained a healthy loving relationship with Hoseok. The thing that just wouldn't get out of your head was your short conversation with your Father a few weeks ago. He hardly shows up to the estate and when he does, it left you terrified. Was he planning on taking your freedom away? You seriously had no clue what was going on in his head. His facial expressions told you nothing and what were you supposed to read from his cold dead eyes?

As if you didn't have enough to stress about! You really didn't have time for any of your Father's mind games. He can get lost with that crap. Doesn't he have a business to run? While he does that, you were waiting for the event form to get accepted already. The minute it does, you're going to pay for the space and then you'll start searching for everything else. You'll find the best photographer out there! Even if you have to pay for their flight ticket to come over. Then you'll also make sure the promotions of the runway are well done. You'll pay for ads and talk about it nonstop on social media. You're ready for this runway to become a reality.

So when it finally did, Hoseok and you wasted no time running to the office. The both of you received an email saying that the event had been approved. A payment had to be paid in the next two weeks or else the event would be cancelled. That was enough for you to get a checkbook out. There was no real reason to run over, but the two of you did it anyway. When you both stepped into the office, you were ecstatic to see Jimin and Star at the front desk like last time. Star was in the middle of helping someone out while Jimin was guided to the front by a faculty member before leaving him to walk to the back.

You hardly knew Jimin yet you've missed him tremendously! He was adorably playing with the strings of his brightly colored tie-dyed hoodie. The strings didn't seem to be even which was causing him to play with them. The amount of attention Jimin was putting into balancing the strings was admirable. Though he always ended up undoing his progress when he noticed his hood scrunching up behind him. He didn't even realize the connection. Bless his heart.

"Jimin!" You squealed. Rushing over to the desk, you smiled as Jimin gasped to see the both of you. He was like a puppy excited at the sight of guests. "How's my favorite himbo?"

"(F/n)!! I'm so happy now that you're here!" Jimin nodded before pointing to Hoseok. "And you too! You make me happy too!" Jimin went on his toes, waving enthusiastically to Hoseok just to make sure your boyfriend could see him.

"Hey, Jimin." Hoseok smiled at the boy. He was lost as ever by how Jimin's mind functioned. It was better not to question the ways of the himbo. If Jimin was smiling at him with bright twinkling eyes, who was he to change that? As worrisome as Jimin's capabilities were to Hoseok.

"Oh!! Did you hear that your event was accepted? I remember because Star told me!" Jimin grinned. He motioned over to Star who was waving goodbye to a student. She looked over at you guys with a smile before another student walked up to her. Star looked stunning as ever in a new black dress that had a white corset and a large flower crown on her head.

"I heard! We actually came here to do the payment," You said as Jimin clapped his hands.

"Right! I'll go find your accepted form and the payment form." Jimin turned around, rushing over to the cabinets in the back.

This was going to take a while. You were in no rush though Hoseok couldn't stop himself from watching Jimin concern. The boy ran up to the cabinets only to turn around with a baffled expression. However, the minute he saw Hoseok and you then he was smiling and rushing to the cabinets again. This happened numerous times until Star called Jimin over to give him a sticky note quickly before continuing to help the student in front of her. On the note, it told Jimin what he was doing and where to look. Finally Jimin was on a roll as he found what he was looking for before returning to the front desk.

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