A Future Together

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The runway was in less than three days now! It was hard containing your excitement for it. The second semester at FIT was coming to an end as well which had a lot of your models pushing through finals just like you and Hoseok. Since everyone was finishing up their classes and with the runway pretty much set for an audience, all of you decided to celebrate. Nothing big though since a majority of you were broke college students. If you still had money then you definitely would have made the celebration a lot bigger. Nothing wrong with how you guys chose to do it though!

Everyone agreed at meeting at this bar that was near campus. Apparently it was a hot spot for students which you never knew about before. Hoseok and you were excited to try it out for the first time. For once the two of you were going out with other students at your school! Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Yesung came along too since they were models. They were easily the eldest out of all the people who came to the bar. They had no problem fitting in though and making themselves comfortable. Donghae had been catching the attention of some of Star's friends which he has been oblivious to. That only frustrated Eunhyuk and Yesung who had to try a little harder.

You weren't going to get involved. It was much too fun watching from the sidelines although Hoseok refused to look. He felt like all his hyungs were embarrassing themselves. Hoseok was close to his hyungs though at this moment in time, he would much rather spend his time with the people he had complicated relationships with. Those being Taehyung who he didn't always know how to talk to, Jimin who he worried for constantly, Jungkook who irritated him a little, Namjoon who irritated him a lot, and Yoongi who was just...there. You seemed to get along with all of them though.

Honestly, you think you were just talkative and that's what made it look that way. The seven of you were all seated in a circular booth, but not necessarily because you were all best buddies. You sat down with Hoseok which immediately attracted Jimin over. He saw his hyung and with him came Taehyung who had no interest in speaking to anyone else. Namjoon saw you and made his way over since something in his brain convinced him he still had a shot with you. For some reason Hoseok's glare and arm around you was not enough to make him think that his chances were zero. Naturally with Namjoon came Yoongi. Then Jungkook came along once he saw you and Hoseok, the directors of the event.

"Let me buy you a drink, (F/n)." Namjoon leaned over the table to send you a wink.

"Can that f*ck off?" Hoseok pointed to Namjoon.

"That?" Namjoon scoffed in an offended tone. Yoongi patted Namjoon's shoulder, attempting to get his friend to settle down.

"Namjoon, I have a boyfriend," You told him as he eyed Hoseok suspiciously. This has happened far too many times.

"I don't know why you go after her. She's clearly obsessed with this man." Jungkook motioned to Hoseok.

"(F/n) noona loves hyung so much!" Jimin nodded.

"They're madly in love and it's sickening. That being said, I kindly request for you to back off the lovely couple." Taehyung's eyes bore into Namjoon. His monotone voice seemed to make him more intimidating. Namjoon was finally shifting uncomfortably in his seat as you wrapped your arms happily around Hoseok's torso.

"OMG! Taehyung, that's the sweetest thing you've ever said!" You blew him a kiss. He ignored your kiss, waving it off as if it were a fly. He means that with love!

"Flirt with Star's friends." Yoongi suggested to Namjoon who groaned.

"No, Yoongi. This is where you need to learn from me. I can't just try to flirt with a group of girls even though I have before." Namjoon sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. You weren't sure what you were listening to and neither did the rest of the table. "If I try to flirt then they'll all fight over me. I'm so desirable, Yoongi. Ladies love me."

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