Puppet on a String

615 81 108

[Lee Si-Kang as Kang Kyunghwan]


"Thanks for all your hard work today." You finished the rehearsal.

All the models bowed to you, thanking you in return as they packed up their own belongings to leave. A majority of students had their outfits finished. Each model was getting to experience walking in their outfit, learning the timing of their walks, and how to pose. This entire process has been fun and it would have been better if Hoseok were by your side. Just thinking about him made you want to break down into tears. You could feel it now as your eyes began to sting, but you continued to smile at everyone as they waved to you and left.

Hoseok and you didn't break up last night though you guys didn't make up either. He apologized to you for the longest time. All he could say to you was 'I'm sorry' but what about? That would be great to know. Sorry for listening to your father and breaking your heart? Sorry that I'm going to take the money and break up with you? You would have liked a little more clarification on what he was sorry for. Especially when you cried so hard last night. You begged for him not to break up with you because you need him in your life. You're still not ashamed of your choices.

You do love Hoseok. Despite the fight, what happened last night, and everything...you love him. You didn't care if that made you foolish in other people's eyes. The idea of letting him go just didn't seem plausible. It wasn't a life you were interested in living. If you have to put yourself through more pain and struggle just to keep Hoseok, so be it. You were desperate to stay with him until the very end. Only if Hoseok truly didn't want to be with you anymore would you respect his wishes.

Though thinking about that left you so undeniably miserable.

"Hey, (F/n)! Do you want to get some coffee?" Namjoon waved at you. He was the nice nerd who always took the time to compliment you or try to invite you out to places. Today was no different, but the timing was never right. He probably wanted to have a fun chat at a café and you wanted to ugly cry at the sight of other couples. A tub of ice cream right now sounded nice.

"Sorry, Namjoon. I'm not feeling well." You shook your head lightly.

"Ah, that's okay. Maybe later? Heh..." Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck.

You felt bad since you've used that excuse on him multiple times. You weren't lying. Though at the same time, you knew it was for the best. Being alone with a man you hardly knew who Hoseok didn't know either while you were vulnerable just didn't sit well with you. Namjoon may be a sweet guy, but you were paranoid. Plus you really wouldn't be any fun to be around right now. Namjoon awkwardly waved as you walked away, your head aching to add to your bad mood. Your throat didn't feel great either. It was tight as if you were going to cry except you've been trying not to burst out into tears all day. Thus creating the headache you were forced to deal with.

Life was miserable to put it simply. Hoseok and you went to bed with puffy eyes without facing each other. It made you wonder if he had to cry himself to sleep too. Sharing a bed with him but feeling so cold and lonely was hurting you more than words could describe. You miss Hoseok so much. You wanted nothing more than to just cuddle and hear him call you by his affectionate nickname for you. If only you could bury yourself into focusing on only the runway. It would be nice if you could get the distraction, but it was hard to ignore when there was a gaping hole in your chest.

You have a strong feeling that nothing will change when you get home. Hoseok probably won't say a word to you and your throat will close up. It'll just be you staring at him with the urge to cry coming in full force. Then you'll cry, maybe cling onto him and beg again. Hoseok may end up crying too if you do that and that wasn't something you wanted to put him through again. At least you had to go to work so you wouldn't have to go home yet. Hoseok was finally calming down on his work hours only to work on his designs which he's fallen behind on.

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