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Despite being miles away from the city you grew up in filled with people you knew, you never felt more at home. You never felt more loved or safe. All because you were alone with the person who mattered to you most. For the longest time, you never thought you would find someone you would care so deeply about. The idea sounded nice. Finding someone who loved you for you then growing old together. It was a fantasy most people wanted for themselves. But it was just that, a fantasy.

From the entire time you've known Hoseok as a friend to your boyfriend, you've quickly learned it was no simple process. How the two of you knew each other wasn't pretty. Reuniting was still an embarrassing memory since you literally ran away from him! He was suspicious of you for wanting to be friends and then it didn't help that when you did confess, he rejected you. Multiple times. Even though he liked you back and he confused you so badly! Those days were absolutely torturous. The worst part about it was that there was no smooth sailing the entire time.

Hoseok and you are happy together. There was no doubt about it. Though now that you two are boyfriend and girlfriend, the world loves throwing outside obstacles at the two of you. There's your whole fiancé situation, keeping it a secret from your family, and hopefully from the media as well. So far the both of you have been pretty safe. It's not like you were some actress or celebrity that peopled particularly cared about. It was all still stressful yet driving away from all that and being alone with Hoseok, it cured all of it temporarily.

You were in your own little bubble with Hoseok. As long as you had him, you were content. Memories of last night were fresh in your head. It wasn't necessarily the action of going all the way that had your heart fluttering. Just looking back on it, you were smiling knowing how gentle Hoseok was. He was patient and held your hand. He put in the effort to make you feel comfortable. You would have thought you would have been more panicked to have a man touching you or feel more insecure when shedding off all the clothing. It was awkward at times though a lot better than you imagined. You had no regrets about last night. Absolutely none.

The sore feeling between your legs wasn't pleasant, but it was your first time. You didn't worry about it too much. The only thing you wanted to do was to stay in bed, wrapped in Hoseok's arms. He's been holding you close all night. You didn't have the guts to move and wake him up. You couldn't see Hoseok's face with the way he held you, but you just knew he looked cute. Messy hair and sleeping soundly. The smile on your face wouldn't go away. It was tempting to giggle and it didn't help that Hoseok had his face buried in the crook of your neck.

You also really needed to pee.

"Hoseokie?" You whispered. He didn't respond to you at all. "Hoseokie? I need to go to the bathroom," You spoke a little louder, gently nudging him with your shoulder. Finally, that was enough to get him stirring. Hoseok scrunched his face, pulling away from you with a groan.

"What time is it?" Hoseok's tired voice nearly had you staying in bed.

"It's nine." You glanced at the clock as you got a robe to cover yourself with. Standing up from the bed, you looked back down at Hoseok who was rubbing his eyes. The blanket was covering a majority of his body but left a good amount of his upper chest revealed. He stared back at you with a sleepy smile causing your heart to skip a beat. Immediately, you had to kiss his forehead which got a chuckle out of him. "I love you."

"I love you too, Princess." Hoseok watched you hurry over to the bathroom.

You were happy that things weren't awkward for Hoseok and you. As soon as you were out of the bathroom, you hurried back out to jump him on the bed. He was scrolling on his phone though that stopped the moment you plopped right on top of him. He left you sore! Hoseok was nice enough to apologize though offering to massage your thighs was dangerous. Aside from that, the entire morning was wonderful. A pillow fight ended up breaking out in the hotel room and then the two of you were calmly eating breakfast the next. Hoseok and you felt closer than before.

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