Just Might Fall

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Hoseok liked your company and he liked you as a person as well. He was kind, but if he were really bothered by you then he would have told you so already. If you were honest with him then he wanted to return the favor. The only thing was that he was very specific on when he wanted your company. Hoseok was okay with you visiting him at the thrift store as it turns out, but only when Eunhyuk wasn't working at the same time. Hoseok also told you he's okay with bringing you to his house, but only when his mother isn't around. After he said that, his face turned red and he quickly tried to change the subject.

You weren't letting go of this though. Essentially what Hoseok told you was that he wanted to keep you all to himself! While you could sympathize, you really couldn't go along with his terms. For one thing it would be really rude of you to avoid his mother. She seems like such a fun person to be around! You couldn't wait to get to know her. This had Hoseok turning pale, worrying for what could happen if you and his mother joined forces. It was too much power and he couldn't have that! Last time was too close of a call for him. As for meeting Eunhyuk, Hoseok wasn't too worried about you meeting him again. It was just hoping that Eunhyuk could keep his mouth shut.

Eunhyuk basically said all that he knew about you though. Hoseok made sure to be vague and never mention a name. The main reason for doing so was because Hoseok knew your family's name was in the spotlight. Just in case, Hoseok was secretive. He didn't want to reveal information for the sake of your privacy. You really appreciated that from Hoseok when most people couldn't wait to flaunt it around. He put a lot a thought into maintaining his friendship with you. That's what made it so easy to trust Hoseok with everything he did. It always seemed to be the right move. He also had a good judge of character!

"It's really not that deep. I want to be a dancer, but if that fails and if the old man fires me then my backup plan is to become a stripper. Nothing illegal," Eunhyuk informed you as you nodded attentively. Eunhyuk was currently trying to fix the clothes on the rack after you nagged him about it. In return, he gave you his life story. He thought it would bore you since Hoseok didn't ever look joyous to hear it yet you were intrigued. How you could you not be?

There was so much to learn about Lee Hyukjae or now known as Eunhyuk. That was going to be the name he'll live by if he does become a stripper. You didn't fully understand why he was already preparing for failure if he was getting people used to it. Still, you figured it was best not to judge. Instead you wanted to see these dance moves that Eunhyuk assured you were awesome. He had his back facing you while you sat on a pink tufted ottoman. It was hard but it was something to sit on in the furniture section. It allowed you to see Eunhyuk as well as take a few glances over at Hoseok who stood behind the counter. He was aggressively eating beef jerky which you thought was adorable.

"I'm telling you, (F/n). I've got dance moves that will mesmerize and shock a whole crowd. It's true! Hoseok's seen it and he's got moves of his own too. He's my pupil if you will." Eunhyuk chuckled as Hoseok stopped chewing his beef jerky. His eyes widened, looking over at Eunhyuk in panic. "I tried convincing Hoseok that if his whole fashion dream doesn't work out that becoming a stripper should be his backup plan—"

"I said no! I said no to that plan because it sucks!" Hoseok shouted, not caring if there was food in his mouth. Eunhyuk and you turned your heads immediately over to Hoseok in amusement. He was so ready to jump over the counter just to prove his words. Hoseok was on his toes as he leaned over the counter with his finger pointed at Eunhyuk. "I don't care what you do, but I'm not becoming a stripper!"

"Hoseok's right. I don't think I could share him." You sighed, shaking your head at Eunhyuk. The older nodded at your reasoning rather than Hoseok's outrage. Your words only caused Hoseok to turn red.

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