Different Worlds

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Father made sure to ask you if Hoseok was still attending the charity event. He figured that Hoseok would decide to break up with you or reject coming. No, Hoseok and you would be attending together. Father gave you a small smile to feign delight. You gave him the same forced smile that he taught you to perfect. Wasn't he glad to meet his true future son in law? The joke didn't receive any laughter though as it only caused tension to rise. It's never been more obvious that Father hated you. For every time you went against him, his anger was building up.

While it did make you want to laugh and make him angrier, you couldn't always carry that mindset. Not only for the sake of trying to maintain your limited freedom, but also because you were weak. You're not always strong. Sometimes it gets to you that Father holds no emotional attachment to you whatsoever. You've accepted that that won't change though it didn't stop you from feeling gloomy. The occasional helpless feeling passed by. The dreamer in you hoping he'll change yet that was a wish far expired by now.

The same with Kyunghwan. You've kept contact with him minimal since the dinner as well. The idea of talking to him was too much. He tries to help and you feel grateful, but something about it doesn't always feel sincere. He'll help you as long as it goes by his terms. Kyunghwan was trying to act like your savior yet keep you forced in this situation. You don't know where he got in his head that keeping you a hostage of the Kang family was the freedom you desired. None of them could ever understand what you want. You gave up on them and your heart felt cold towards them though it was never entirely numb. If only the scars and cracks on your heart wouldn't ache like brand new because of them.

Their constant disappointment was what led to all this in a way. You tried to think of it that way in order not to get too lost in your head. No time for acting blue! The charity event was tonight so Hoseok and you needed to prepare. The clock was ticking as the day started by going to the salon. Hair and makeup got done first then Mansu drove the two of you back to Hoseok's place. That's where Hoseok and you changed into your outfits for the event. Hoseok changing into his Alexander McQueen suit and you into Teuta Matoshi's Blossoming Aria gown. Together the both of you looked stunning!

"Don't we look elegant?" You stepped closer to Hoseok, linking your arm with his. He was standing in front of the slender mirror he had on his wall. You couldn't even see your full dress in it, but the image was still beautiful. The soft velvety ribbon straps on your shoulders, the ruffles lining the sweetheart neckline, the pretty black lace of the overall dress and A-line figure were to die for!

"We look...amazing." Hoseok couldn't take his eyes off the mirror. He still couldn't believe he was wearing an Alexander McQueen suit. Not just the suit, but the tie and shoes he chose were from Alexander McQueen as well. Hoseok had to admit that he was a big fan of the black boots he was wearing. They weren't the typical dress shoes, but he pulled them off and you loved how happy he looked. His soft blonde hair swept to the side with some of it gelled back. The look was enough to convince anyone that Hoseok came from money too. The tie you bought him was almost two hundred dollars so you knew he looked the part.

"Especially you." You smiled at him as Hoseok finally turned his head to face you. He immediately had something to say to your statement. What was wrong with it?

"Have you seen yourself? Look!" Hoseok brought you in front of the mirror, keeping his hands on your waist as he stood behind you. Hoseok wanted you to see what he saw and it was only making you blush. You knew what you looked like in your dress. Though now you did get to see your Moschino heels and your bag from Moschino as well. "You're a beauty."

"I'm gonna make out with you if you say that again." You threatened.

"You're a beauty!" Hoseok didn't hesitate. Happily turning around, you wrapped your arms around Hoseok's neck to pull him into a kiss. His lips perfectly slotted in with yours, smiles on both of your faces. Everything about the kiss was tender which made it a shame when it got interrupted. The alarm you had set up on your phone was ringing. That meant it was time to go to the estate since you had to be there earlier as a Kang and Hoseok being your date. "D*mn..." Hoseok parted from the kiss regretfully.

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