Misplaced Trust

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The room was quiet as Mr. Kang sat behind his desk with his hands loosely clasped together. He was relaxed in his chair as if his schedule weren't packed and he had all the time in the world. That couldn't be further from the truth. But he would make time if something were crucial. Due to recent events, he found it was necessary to get more involved in his children's lives. He would have preferred not to yet here he was. Pushing back a meeting in order to have a chat with his daughter's fiancé.

The last time Seokjin was here, he came to inform Mr. Kang about you being close with another man. A man named Jung Hoseok. The friend you brought over from school to work on a project with. There was no denying that something was going on between Hoseok and you. Mr. Kang knew this even before he received the photos of the kiss. Just knowing that you were close to another man was enough to make him be suspicious. The hand holding made it clear though. You could call Hoseok your friend all you want, but your father wasn't stupid.

He may not speak to you often, but he knew you. He knew you like the back of his hand. Whatever classes you were taking he didn't know. How to get inside your head to make you obey, he knew how to do so very well. Mr. Kang knew what it took to handle Kyunghwan which hardly took effort. You put up more of a fight, but in the end you were scared of your own Father. Sometimes you got brave. Brave in the sense to do what you wanted without permission. College being one of them and now getting a boyfriend despite being engaged to another. He couldn't really say he was surprised.

This boyfriend did cause a lot of problems. They weren't big enough issues for Mr. Kang to handle himself. Why should he waste his time doing that? Rather than that, he would give Seokjin advice. Guidance on how to stop this issue from getting worse. This was the best way for Mr. Kang to help as Seokjin's future father-in-law. Though Mr. Kang didn't particularly care for Seokjin, the best thing about him was that he was exactly like Kyunghwan. Craving approval from an elder male figure and greedy for power they've been raised to believe they're entitled to. It was perfect for taking advantage of.

"Congratulations, you're a joke." Mr. Kang stared at Seokjin with a blank expression. Seokjin had barely stepped into the room to hear this verbal slap to the face. He forced a smile despite his lips twitching, the weight of his cheeks wanting to push the corners down. It was embarrassing standing in front of Mr. Kang like this as he recovered from a horrible hangover. It didn't help that Kyunghwan was standing outside of his Father's office to overhear everything. "She doesn't take you seriously and neither do I."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kang." Seokjin almost didn't sound like himself. At least the version of him that you were familiar with. Mr. Kang got to see a whole different side of Seokjin. A more pathetic side that just amused him.

"She left you drunk in a love motel with no way to drive yourself back home. Hilarious," Mr. Kang said as he watched Seokjin's ears begin to turn red. He kept his eyes on the boy just to see him squirm. Not an ounce of emotion to his voice or face to give a clue to Seokjin on what he was thinking. Let him stay lost. "She's certainly my daughter...we're much too alike which makes her such a pain."

"..." Seokjin couldn't find a response. That would have been fine yet he couldn't even keep eye contact with Mr. Kang. His eyes shifted for a brief moment and that was all it took to piss Mr. Kang off.

"I don't give a f*ck if you love her or not. What I want from you is to be competent enough not to let her walk all over you." Mr. Kang narrowed his eyes on Seokjin's tense form. "Kyunghwan had to come get you because you can't think about anything besides alcohol and sex."

"That's not—" Seokjin spoke up only to get glared at harshly. A simple look was all it took to shut him up.

"Useless is what you f*cking are. Your Abeoji would agree with me." Mr. Kang sighed, bringing a hand up to his temple. No matter what, Seokjin and Kyunghwan always disappointed him. They were nothing but stupid children. Was it so hard to do something right? Kyunghwan lacked thought and Seokjin got distracted easily. Useless.

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