Safety First

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[Left to right: Yesung, Donghae, Eunhyuk]


Things weren't perfect at home, but you were used to that. It was unfortunate. That was all you could really say about it. You avoided breakfast today since you knew Father wouldn't be there. Only Kyunghwan and you still weren't in the mood to see him. He probably wouldn't say anything to you though. Not after the extreme reaction you had. Maybe he would have said something, but you really didn't want him to. It was easier to avoid that altogether by not going. Instead you had a small breakfast packed and had Mansu drive you to FIT earlier than usual.

You've been avoiding Kyunghwan recently and for good reason. After yesterday, you just weren't in the mood to talk to him. He was so hard to figure out recently. Was he trying to help you or was he just following Father's plans? What were his intentions? If he was only there to help Seokjin then you don't want to see him ever again. But there were moments when it felt like he took your side instead of his best friend's. What was the truth? It was too hard to sort out on your own. Kyunghwan was just as complicated as you were. There were times when you've attempted to help him yet they were never enough. Could you even consider it 'help'?


It's only been a month since you've finished middle school. There were still so many days left of summer break so you intended to have as much fun as you could by going to the fabric store. It's always been a hobby of yours to sew and make clothes, but lately you've really been getting into it. So you messaged Mansu to have the car ready for you as you left your bedroom. By the time you were approaching the stairs, you came to a stop to hear voices. They belonged to Father and Kyunghwan. Staying quiet, you stayed close to the wall to check what was going on. Sneaking out of the house might be a problem with them right there.

"Don't bother coming into the company. I have people to entertain and all you ever do is make a fool of yourself in front of others. I don't need you acting like an embarrassment in front of my colleagues," Father said coldly. You were tense just from hearing his voice, but his words made you feel...sad. You secretly took a peek to check Kyunghwan who was giving Father a small smile. You were fourteen while he was eighteen, only recently getting hands on work with the company.

"I promise I won't embarrass you, Abeoji! I actually can be of help since I was thinking for the Gangnam branch—" Kyunghwan was ready to impress, but Father never looked thrilled.

"Not a single thing you said was worth wasting my time over. We're done." Father narrowed his eyes on Kyunghwan, making him quiet. Father sighed heavily as if talking to his son was exhausting. He looked away from Kyunghwan, staring down at his expensive watch. "I'll let you around my colleagues when you stop being a disappointment."

"..." Kyunghwan silently nodded. You frowned at this, wondering why the hell he would nod to Father's words. Regardless of your feelings towards your brother, you wish he would have a little more self-respect for himself.

Father left like that without a care. He never really said goodbye to either of you. Slowly, you began to step out as Father went out the front door. He was going to the company today so he wouldn't be a problem. As for doubted he would put up much of a fight with you after that. Especially if you saw it. That only hurt his pride and you honestly weren't sure if he had much pride to begin with. Kyunghwan was stuck standing in the same place Father left him when you walked over to him quietly. By the time you were at his side, Kyunghwan finally snapped out of it to look down at you.

"What the hell do you want?" Kyunghwan tried to sound tough and aggressive. He just sounded defensive and hurt.

"...I have something for you," You spoke softly. Kyunghwan furrowed his brows, waiting when you held out a small packet of tissues for him. "You look like you need them."

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