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Honestly, you were doing pretty well for yourself. Adjusting to the poor life wasn't easy and there were still some things you didn't understand. It's horrible when you're in the middle of showering and someone uses the sink down in the kitchen. The water goes cold! According to Hoseok that's how it has always been though you were frustrated on how he accepted that. Some things you just couldn't wrap your mind around, but overall, you were surviving. You were saving money from work and living well. Arguably a lot better than your father or Seokjin would have assumed.

Luckily, they haven't tried contacting you at all. There was that run in with Seokjin that Eunhyuk ended up spilling to Hoseok though. You had kept it quiet for the sake of not worrying Hoseok, but he wasn't content with that. He felt the need to know and after a lot of talking, you knew he was right. He was just worried for your safety. You also told Hoseok about the creeps on the bus which got him angry. Not at you. He only felt angry towards the pigs you constantly had to deal with. Either in your life or in passing. It was unfortunate, but you were glad that you had Hoseok plus the other guys to be true gentlemen.

In general, you were feeling pretty good with how life was going for you. It wasn't perfect, but you were remaining positive! Especially since you felt like Hoseok needed some more joy in his life. His father was going to be headed back on the road tonight so you figured he would be sad today. At least he had no classes today like you! The entire day was free for the both of you except you already filled your day with plans. You plan on going to check on the fashion journalism majors in hopes of finding someone to help you promote the runway. Then you also need to round up all the models and everyone involved to have a meeting with them.

You were hoping Hoseok would come with you, but he's been downstairs talking to his parents all morning. There's been a lot of tension in the air every time he spoke with them. While you were curious, it wasn't your place to intrude so you kept out of it. All you did was focus on putting in your earrings in front of the mirror to get ready to go to FIT. Hoseok was down with his parents wearing his uniform for the thrift shop, staring at the kitchen floor as his parents tried to keep their voices low. They were trying not to worry you but speaking with calm voices didn't stop Hoseok's stress any less.

"I'm just saying that I might need to get an extra job." His mom shrugged, earning a sigh from his dad who sat at the table.

"But then your hours at the tailoring shop might mess up business," Dad reasoned, but she knew that. She had to have known with these thoughts plaguing her mind for the longest time. She wasn't just spitting things out at random. They came from mulling over night and day.

"What business? It's too slow." Mom frowned. "Honey, your pay is supposed to help out with paying for our home. Not my business too. It's getting too expensive to keep the shop running."

"You love tailoring though, Eomma..." Hoseok whispered. She looked over at her son with a tired smile. She would have preferred for him to be upstairs with his girlfriend, smiling and laughing. Instead he was here listening to the depressing talk. It was hard to make Hoseok go away when it came to discussing this. He was an adult now and wanted to be involved with what's happening to his family. He didn't want to be out of the loop anymore. Hoseok knew what it was like having his mom brush it off as adult stuff or telling him everything was perfectly fine. Clearly, it wasn't.

"Maybe I can do it on the side but having a whole shop for's just not working right now, Sweetie." She brought her hand up to gently squeeze his arm. "What I love is my family and that's my first priority."

"What if I take next semester off and work more hours? Or get a second job and—" Hoseok started as his father frowned.

"Jung Hoseok." Dad's tone was stern. "I don't want you stressing out over our problems. Focus on your schooling. You worked hard to get in."

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