Similar Or Different

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"Everyone remember what we discussed?" Adam asks stepping past the girls to the gate.
"We remember." Sakura replies.
Just as Adam is about to open the gate someone spins him around and gives him a deep kiss.
"Again?" he asks staring into Cora's golden eyes.
"For luck." she replies, seemingly out of breath.
Adam suddenly remembers that intimacy has a vastly different effect on Anima's than on humans.
For one thing Anima's become aroused significantly faster than humans. In some cases merely hugging their mate is enough to get a female Anima hot and bothered. The males are more composed.
"We're going to be late." Charlie says pushing them apart to get to the gate.
"Right." Adam and Cora replies giggling.
As they walk to the school building Adam starts becoming more and more uncomfortable. For the many kids who are also almost late on their way to school it proved impossible to keep their eyes off of the human walking next to their principal Cora.
And while the pretty girls surrounding him did draw some attention, it wasn't nearly as much attention as he was getting.
"You smell nervous." Mira comments, slowing down to walk next to him.
"I don't like being looked at." he replies trying to sound cheerful.
"I forgot that everyone at our old school was already used to you." Mira says with a chuckle.
"Ok ladies, get ready. Remember what I told you." Cora says as they approach the school gate.
The girls all clench their fists as they remember what Cora had told them.
The previous night the group all gathered in the living room to discuss important matters relating to the school.
Cora had warned them that students in this school were raised to be ruthless since most of them would inherit large companies once they grow up.
That being said she had warned the girls of a few specific things.
One being the relationship they all had with Adam. They had unanimously decided that their relationship would not be a secret from the world. Because of this everyone understands that many other students will challenge Adam so as to claim one of the beautiful girls before they give their innocence to him.
And while the challengers will be plentiful there will be none as dangerous as the student council head of Sports David Lionhardt.
As was previously explained, when a female Anima has sex for the first time she becomes emotionally attached to her partner.
David abuses this by sleeping with multiple girls. That way he's built himself a harem.
In a way he's like Adam with the biggest difference being that Adam actually cares about his harem.
I guess it would be most accurate to say that he is Adam's opposite and natural rival.
"Get ready." Cora says as they step through the gate into the courtyard.
"If it isn't my favourite principal." someone says, his confident voice carrying above the crowd without him needing to shout.
A quick glance at Cora's icy expression tells Adam that the voice probably belongs to David.
There is a commotion as someone moves through the crowd that has gathered to see the last human.
It's the girls however that draw Adam's attention. Most of them seem to become excited while also being agitated.
"I've missed you." the young man says as he pushes through the last row of students between him and Adam's group.
The young man's appearance is the first thing that surprises Adam. Before him stands a creature that is considered rare in the world, a half-breed.
Half-breeds are, as I said, rare in the Anima world. Why? No specific reason. You could say it's because most people tend to stick to their own species much like canines only breed with canines, but that would only be a part of the reason.
Another reason would be that most of society frowns on interspecies relationships and thus it's a matter of public standing.
The churches say that God made Anima's in different races so that they could build a future together without blurring the line of what is a cat and what is a dog. Thus it's a matter of faith.
But at the end of the day, no matter how you look at it, half-breeds are rare.
And right now in front of Adam stood a half-breed between a wolf and a lion. The young man had the body of a wolf Anima, but the colours of a lion. He also had a lion's tail as well as the shorter fingers of a feline Anima.
His ears were still those of a wolf though.
"I was gone three days Lionhardt." Cora replies, her voice as cold as her eyes.
"True. But you must understand that I want to see you as much as possible." David comments.
"Miss Draco is so lucky." Adam hears one of the girls whisper to her friend.
At first Adam thinks that David is nothing more than a rich pretty boy. But then he looks into his eyes and what he sees chills him to the bone. David's eyes are those of a person who enjoys manipulating people's emotions.
He's not toying with girls because he's rich and arrogant. He probably doesn't even enjoy the sex! The thing he enjoys most is tossing them aside like a dirty rag!
"You must be the human everyone's been talking about. I hope we can get along." David says extending his hand to Adam.
"Save it. I see right through your little nice guy act." Adam replies slapping the hand out of the way.
"Suit yourself." David replies, although it's clear to Adam that he just made a dangerous enemy.
"In any case. I welcome you ladies to our school. I hope we get to know each other well." David says loudly, turning to face the girls.
The girls however don't even reply back. Instead they just glare at him.
What Adam sees then only makes his hatred for this man worse.
When David had looked over the girls he had the eyes of a child searching for a new toy, mild curiosity and some desire.
But now his eyes are filled with a burning desire that almost feels like obsession.
It's clear that people don't normally treat him as Adam and the girls just have.
"You sure brought a lively bunch. Tell me which dorm are they staying in?" David asks turning back to Cora.
"If you must know, they are staying with me." she replies with a smirk.
"I see." David says, looking thoughtful.
He looks like he's about to leave when a massive smile spreads across his face.
"I almost forgot to mention. You smell different today." he comments sniffing the air around Cora.
It's then that the Anima's around them start whispering loudly. The few words Adam catches help him understand that apparently her feminine scent is amplified.
"Admit it. The moment you saw me you were overcome by your love. And don't try to deny it, because your body never lies. You want me." David says stepping closer to Cora with every word he spoke. Now he's close enough to embrace her but not so close as to make her uncomfortable, and from the position of his arms it's clear that he's expecting her to give him a reason to hug her.
"Hah! I give my boyfriend a good luck kiss and now you think I want you? Please." Cora replies with a snort.
For a moment everyone is quite, until her words sink in and the students start talking amongst themselves, not even bothering to whisper anymore.
"Cute. But we both know that's a lie. Who could possibly beat me into your heart?" David comments laughing.
"Simple. His name is Adam and unlike you he actually loves the girls who've entrusted him with their hearts." she replies folding her arms around Adam.
"Sorry but your not gonna touch us." Mira says grabbing his left arm.
"Don't even try." Sakura says grabbing his left.
"That would be creepy and pathetic." Yang says placing her hand on his left shoulder.
"We already know what type of person you are." Charlie comments placing her hand on his other shoulder.
"Please, just don't start crying like a wee baby." Jessie adds managing to squeeze in somewhere.
For a moment David looks like he's about to explode.
But surprisingly he just wishes them a good school year and leaves.
"I expected him to snap." Seth says pulling the girls away from Adam as if they were barnacles.
"Yeah! He looked pissed." John comments laughing.
Eve seems as quite as ever.
"I'm glad my dad taught me not to talk to shady people." Stella says before walking off with Mira.
"We should get to class." Yang says lightly tugging Adam's sleeve.
Without a word he follows her. Kind of like a puppy.
But as they walks a thought crosses Adam's mind. If the day ever came that he took the girls for granted, could he end up like David?
Are they opposites like Yin and Yang or are they just two sides of the same coin?

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