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Narrator POV

"What do you want?!" the student council president's father asks Ben, a terrified expression on his face.
"I've spoken with Mother and we've decided to end our contract with you." Ben replies looking emotionless.
"Don't worry, I won't kill you." he quickly adds.
Upon hearing this the president's father is visibly relieved.
"Your son will be doing that." Ben says with a smirk.
For a moment the father looks stunned but then he bursts out laughing.
He continues to laugh for a full minute with Ben just staring at him when he suddenly falls back and hits the ground with a loud THUD.
Suddenly his son steps around him.
"I have just injected you with a powerful paralysis drug.
The dosage isn't high enough to kill you though. I'll be doing that myself, Father." the student council president says pulling out a Swiss Army knife.
For the next two hours screams of agony and maniacal laughter can be heard echoing throughout the mansion.
A mansion who's hallways are drenched in the blood of dead guards.
And in the basement lay the unrecognisable corpses of the president's brother and mother. However the key difference between their deaths and that of the father is that they were never allowed to scream.
"You done?" Ben asks the president once the young squirrel stands up from his father's corpse which now resembles the heart of an abotoir more than an actual person.
"Yes." the boy replies wiping his hands on his father's old tuxedo jacket.
"Good. You will leave for the Eden training camp in the morning. I suggest you get a good night's sleep." Ben says before walking away.
BEEP. Ben's phone goes off notifying him that he has received a message.
With a curious expression he pulls it out and with a glance at the screen sees that it's from Adam.
The message says that Adam needs to speak with him and attached to the message is a location.
"Why would he be at her place?" Ben wonders, a frown forming on his face.
Meanwhile across the city Miss Beckett is pleasantly drinking her tea when a knock can be heard from the door.
As she shuffles to the door the person knocks again.
"Yes?" she asks opening it, only to be shot through the head by her assistant.
" Did you really think we would forget what you did?" she says shooting the dead woman five more times.
With a sigh the young leopard puts away her silenced Glock before closing the door and walking away.

Adam POV

Where is he? I wonder, waiting outside the apartment building.
Just then I hear a familiar voice shout out, "Hey!"
Looking up I see Ben walking up to me.
"What's up man?" he asks looking confused.
Without hesitating I throw my arms around him in a tight hug. For a moment he seems confused but eventually he does hug back.
Once I let go I see him giving me a confused look.
"We are moving." I say trying to hold back my tears. I never thought I'd have to say goodbye to my best friend.
"Oh." he seems to be at a loss for words.
"When? Will there at least be enough time to throw a surprise party?" he asks, giving a fake smile.
"We're leaving in an hour. And don't ask why, cause I can't tell you." I reply.
"Oh." he repeats.
For a good few minutes we stand there in silence, unsure of what to say.
Suddenly his phone goes off and when he checks it he seems disappointed.
"That's my mom. I have to go home." he says putting it away.
We give each other one last massive hug as we say goodbye. I then watch him walk away, sadness filling my heart.
Once he disappears around the corner I go inside. By the stairs I see someone waiting for me.
Her name is Cora Draco. She was there the night I was rescued although she was only nineteen. And this being the sixth year after the event that would make her twenty five.
She's also a black and gold dragon. No wings though.
"This must be hard for you." she says when she sees me.
"It's not easy. But then again it's not easy for any of us." I reply.
"True enough. Mira is lucky enough since she can bring her best friend along." Cora comments with a wry smirk.
"Who'd have thought Stella's Mom was one of the people who died rescuing me." I say, my voice almost breaking.
"Her mom's not the only one. Once we get to my place you'll meet someone who lost her father that night. And some of the kids at your new school are not very forgiving of humans." she says standing up.
With a sigh I follow her upstairs.
Here's the rundown.
Francoise is well acquainted with Stella's father. After setting up a meeting place between himself, Henry, Sakura's Mom and Arthur he called Stella's dad.
Her dad agreed to send her with them in case Eden comes after them too. So now they are all moving to another town to live with Cora. She was actually one of the five survivors of the first wave. The other survivors were Arthur, Francoise, Henry and Sakura's Mom.
Once upstairs I see everyone sitting around the living room. Suddenly everyone looks up at me.
"Everyone is here now." Dad says once I sit down.
In the corner I see Francoise pull out his phone to start recording. I had asked him earlier why he would record what is about to happen and he said that there was one more person who needed to know.
Then once everyone's ready those of us who were there the week of my kidnapping start to tell our story.

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