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Adam POV

With a groan I slowly open my eyes and the first thing I become aware of is a skull splitting headache.
"Look who's finally awake." I hear a familiar voice whisper.
Turning my head to the voice I see Mira sitting next to me.
"Hey." I say as I feel her on my cheek.
"Hey." she greets back.
"How are you feeling?" she asks, a smile forming on her face.
"Like crap." I reply with a chuckle.
For a few moments we just sit staring at each other before I realise where we are.
"What happened?" I ask confused.
"Our house got shot to shit. And apparently it wasn't just us." Dad replies.
"Who else was attacked?" I ask worried.
"Before I tell you that I need to tell you that they're ok." Dad replies.
He then continues, "The others who were attacked were Sakura and Jessie."
When I hear their names I feel something inside me..... change.
I feel terror and rage come together to create a new indescribable emotion.
As I sit there trying to figure out what I'm feeling the radio next to Dad comes to life with static.
"Henry? You there?" a raspy voice asks through the radio.
"Francoise? Do you have any idea the trouble you caused sending the flash drive to me." Dad replies sounding irritated.
"I apologize for that but for now we need to meet." Francoise replies, chuckling.
"Fine. Where?" Dad agrees.
After a brief moment of silence Francoise answers, "Cora's place."
"Understood. I'll meet you there in a few hours." Dad says before signing off.
He then turns to us and with a serious expression on his face he says, "We need to leave."
Hey guys it's me the Narrator. Let me explain why this statement is so important. You see the Lot family has lived in this one house since before humanity wiped itself out. How did they live in this city with humans still around.
Well let me explain.
Anima's had tech that would make them appear human, but only to human eyes. However that changed when humans were gone.
There is even a holiday dedicated to the day Anima's burned their disguises and rebuilt the ruins they used to live in. It's called Judgement day. It's also the day humans were officially declared extinct.
Anyway, back to the story.
A few minutes later we slowly leave the safety of our bunker only to see the ruin that used to be our home. It's seems they didn't just stop at shooting up the place, they also tore it to pieces looking for the flash drive.
Dad yells us to pack our things and be ready to leave in fifteen minutes.
I'm lucky to find my clothes are still intact, otherwise I'd have to get new ones and I do NOT want to replace my favourite hoodie.
"I heard about why guns make you spaz out." Charlie says from my rooms doorway. Or at least what's left of my room and it's doorway.
"If they told you then it means one of your parents was there that night." I reply wondering why you call something a secret if everyone knows about it.
"Both my parents were there. I don't know why they were there though. I'm just glad they came back alive." she replies.
"That's more than a lot of other kids can say about that night." I comment, feeling guilty that so many lives were lost because of me.
Twenty people in the raid, another fifteen as backup. Five medics and three tech specialists.
Out of the original twenty only five made it back. The backup forces lost seven more rescuing my rescuers.
Twenty two people who can never see their kids again. And all because of my stupid genetic code.
"I think you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened. After all it's not like you asked to be kidnapped." Charlie suddenly comments.
Surprised I turn to look at her. She looks bored as she nonchalantly leans against the door frame. But her eyes look sad, as if she's remembering something she doesn't want to remember.
"What happened to your mom?" I ask as gently as possible.
"Mom got in a car accident about three years ago." she replies, shutting her eyes.
"I didn't know your parents were there that night." I say apologetically.
"Neither did I. Only found out about it earlier while you were having your beauty sleep." she replies with a shrug.
"Were you and your parents close?" I ask, surprised by just how curious I am about this girl.
"Me and my mom were close. My dad wasn't home often so uncle Francoise would fill the dad role whenever he came to visit." she replies, a sad smile forming on her face as she remembers the time she spent with her mother.
Suddenly I hear her giggle and when she sees my confused expression she explains, "I've actually known you for a lot longer than you've known me."
"How so?" I ask confused.
"Whenever uncle Francoise came to visit he would always tell me about this guy called Adam. For years I thought you were his love child or something. Imagine my surprise when you told me you know him." she replies, her voice sounding much softer than before.
It's at that moment I remember.
"Charlize van Zyl!" I exclaim smacking my hand against my forehead.
"I haven't seen Francoise in so long that I completely forgot about his niece Charlie. You used to beat up the bullies at your school because they had a crush on you." I comment almost laughing at the irony.
"Hey, they only had a crush on me because I was stronger than them." she says playfully punching my shoulder.
The two of us then share a laugh before I remember that I need to finish packing.
Once I'm done I ask Charlie, "Where are your clothes?"
"Back at the apartment. We'll pick them up on our way." she replies before leaving.

Narrator POV

"I told the old fool what you ordered mother." Ben says.
The room he's in is a large hall filled with paintings and by one specific painting stands his adopted mother.
"Do you think he can fix his mistake." the black wolf asks, turning around.
"I do not." Ben replies.
"I see. Then you may kill him." the woman says, casually taking a sip from her glass of wine.
"And the son?" Ben asks.
"Do you see any potential?" the woman asks.
"I do. Enough that he'd make a decent enough officer." Ben replies.
"Then do as you please." the woman says, turning back to the painting.
Without another word Ben turns and leaves his face still as expressionless as it was when he entered the room.

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