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Adam POV
The day goes by incredibly slowly. Ben was sent home after waking up so now I'm more or less alone at school.
During lunch John was to busy with his soccer team to leave the classroom and Eve was taking an extra tour of the campus.
Seth was about as friendly as usual, if being friendly was ignoring someone's entire existence. Even Mira seemed like she was avoiding me.
Does she think I'm mad at her?
I decide to wait for her after school so that I can sort things out.
By the school I see a poster for the spring dance.
I don't think I've ever gone to one of those. Even though it's not a rule you usually only go with the person your dating so I've never had a reason to go.
"I thought you went home already." I hear Mira's voice.
"I was waiting for you." I reply, turning around.
"Look Adam, I'm really sorry about what I said. I know how much it makes you feel like you don't have a family but you should that we will always be your family." she says on the verge of tears.
"It's ok. I know you didn't mean it like that. And besides I love you to much to stay mad at you." I say with a smile.
"What?" she asks looking surprised.
"How can anyone stay mad at his sister." I add turning around.
Feeling embarrassed I start walking home. For a moment I was afraid she got the wrong idea.
Luckily everything was ok and we chatted happily all the way home.
In case you were wondering when the other siblings went home, they went home directly after school. Mira however stays after school to make sure her classroom is tidy and locked. Her class prefect is pretty crappy at his job.
Once we get home we see Dad's car parked outside in the driveway.
Another question that I should probably answer is why they seem to be using human tech. Well you see after the human race went extinct they left everything that they had made just lying around so the Anima's just picked up where humanity left off. After all they were handed a prebuilt civilization with societal rules on a silver platter.
Upon opening the door we are assaulted by waves of noise as the other's get ready for our afternoon routine.
"Welcome home you two." I hear Dad's voice from the kitchen.
"Hey Dad." we greet simultaneously.
"Is Seth training already?" I ask not seeing him among the others.
"Yip. Although he will probably leave again as soon as you walk in." Dad says leaving the kitchen.
I see that he's already in his training clothes.
I find it friggin badass that his bulging muscle is clearly visible despite his thick black fur.
I remember asking him how Seth and Mira are white wolves when he's a black wolf and Mom's a grey wolf. All he said was that it was a family trait on Mom's side.
"You two should get ready." Dad says on his way to the gym.
Doing as he says we go upstairs to change into our training clothes. Once downstairs I run to the gym while Mira goes to the basement.
The gym is where we guys spend time together while working out.
And the basement was converted into a medium sized ballet studio where the girls spend time together.
When I reach the gym Seth walks past me and barely glances at me before he's gone.
"Has he still not said anything about why he avoids you?" John asks when I step into the gym.
"I wish he would." I reply before starting the daily routine. While we work out we talk about our day.
Keep in mind that because Pete is only seven he is their water boy. Despite not being actively a part of their daily routine he still talks a lot. John is fifteen so he can work out with them. John is also a grey wolf. Their father, Henry, has the most intense workout session among all the boys.

Mira POV
"I'm glad you and Adam were able to figure things out." Mom says as I take a sip of water.
"Yeah, me too." I reply.
"Ok girls. Enough ballet for today. It's time for some combat training." Mom orders clapping her hands together as loudly as possible.
"Ruth I think your ready for something a bit more advanced." Mom says looking at the short grey wolf with the braided hair.
When Ruth hears this she looks ten times more excited.
At twelve she seems to enjoy this training a lot.
Eve, her senior by two years, does not seem to enjoy it at all.
"Eve you need to keep practicing yesterday's moves some more." Mom says.
With a nod Eve goes to her own corner to practice.
Although tall she also looks deceptively frail. I know better since she has kicked my ass on many an occasion.
"But I am a bit disappointed that you still haven't asked him to the dance yet." Mom continues our conversation.
"I'm sorry, I forgot." I reply getting back to my own training with Mom.
"You forgot yes. But you were also afraid that if he rejected you your relationship would be ruined." Mom says hitting the nail on the head.
"I just can't help but feel like he still thinks of me as his sister." I say remembering what Adam told Sakura.
"If your thinking about that girl then you have no need to worry about that." Mom says with a sly smile.
"Just ask him already." Ruth says. She sounds like a mom who has given up on her child's education.
"I'm certain he feels the same." Eve adds, a little more timidly.
Hearing their advice reminds me that I didn't even want to tell them how I felt back when I just realised my feelings for Adam. They quickly saw through me though and now they are my greatest supporters.
"We should get back to work." I say not wanting to continue this discussion.

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