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I slept pretty well last night. It takes me a night or two to get used to sleeping in a new place. I got out of bed and walked into the hallway. Greg walked out of his room. "Good morning Jennifer," he greeted with a smile. "Good morning Greg," I replied. We walked downstairs together into the dining room. Scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, coffee, and fresh-squeezed orange juice. My mouth watered. We sat down at the table and filled our plates. "Do you know if we're filming today?" I asked. "We're not going to be filming for awhile. There's a report that there was a flu outbreak at the studio so health precautions are being taken," Greg answered. "Is that what Drew has?" I asked. "No. He had a case of food poisoning," he answered. "That's not suspicious at all," I said sarcastically. Greg let out a big laugh. I smiled to myself and finished my breakfast. I went through my morning routine. I put on jeans, a blue belt, a purple top with a swirl design on it, a gray button up shirt that I left open, and purple converse. I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail. I applied lip gloss and and scampered down the hall.

"Greg can I use your kitchen please?" I asked. "Sure. What do you have in mind?" Greg questioned. "Taking some homemade chicken noodle soup to Drew," I answered. "That's so sweet," he replied. We entered the kitchen. I gathered the ingredients from the fridge. I cut the chicken into pieces and boiled it. I sliced some carrots, celery, and onion. I prepared the chicken broth and noodles. When the chicken was cooked, I slid the pieces into the chicken broth along with the vegetables and noodles. The kitchen smelled wonderful. Greg handed me a container for the soup. I poured the soup into it and put on the cover. Greg and I put on our jackets and left for Drew's house with the soup.

We pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. "I don't think he knows I'm back yet. This will be entertaining," I smirked. I rang the doorbell. Drew opened the door. "Jennifer? I wasn't expecting to see you. I thought you were still in Australia," he said. "We finished a little early because the arena tour has to be planned," I explained. "Cool! Come on in," Drew replied. We walked inside. "How are you feeling?" I asked. "A little better. I just don't have the energy to host the show yet plus we the reported flu outbreak in the studio, I doubt we will be going back till next week at the earliest," Drew answered. "I made some homemade chicken noodle soup if you feel up to eating it," I said. "Thank you so much," he replied hugging me. Drew took a sip of it. "This is amazing," he exclaimed. "Thanks," I replied.

We visited with Drew for an hour before leaving him so he could rest. Greg and I went back to his house for lunch. We had vegetable soup and salad. Eric walked into the room. "Here's your mail sir," he said handing Greg some letters. "Thank you. There's one for you Jennifer," Greg told me. My eyebrows furrowed. "Who would know I'm here?" I asked myself silently. I took the letter and opened it. "Dear Jennifer, How have you been? I miss seeing you every day. Let me know when we can hang out. Actually, don't come to me. I'll come to you," it read. There was no signature. I was terrified. I laughed nervously to act like everything was okay. "Keenan is already talking about hanging out again sometime," I said happily. "Well that's great," Greg smiled. I walked upstairs and buried the letter in my suitcase. I'm terrified that it's my parents who sent it. I rushed downstairs and turned on the news. "Breaking news: Linda and Tom Doran, recently sent to jail on accounts of child abuse, neglect, theft, and murder, have escaped from prison," a news woman reported. I screamed. "What is it?" Greg asked running into the room. I pointed to the TV. and cried silently. He watched the report. "I'll inform the security staff of the situation. It's going to be okay," Greg stated rubbing my back. "They're going to get me. What am I going to do?" I screamed hysterically. I paced back and forth quickly. My breathing got out of control.  My vision became hazy and my eyes closed.

"Jennifer?  Are you okay?" I heard Greg ask faintly.  I opened my eyes.  "What happened?" I asked.  "You hyperventilated and passed out," he answered handing me a glass of water.  I drank it.  "How long have I been out?" I asked.  "Approximately ten minutes," Greg answered.  I sighed and stood up.  I felt dizzy for a second.  Greg steadied me.  "I think you need some sugar," he said.  Greg put his arm around me and got a soda.  It was refreshing to my taste buds.  When I felt better, I walked upstairs and into the guest bathroom.  I shut the door and undressed.  I filled the tub with warm water and poured bubble bath into it.  I got in the tub and laid down.  The warm water felt nice but I was still stressed beyond belief.  "I'm just a little unwell," I convinced myself.  I decided to get out of the tub before I get wrinkly.  I got dry and put on my clothes.  I brushed my hair and made myself presentable.

Dinner flew by.  My mind was occupied with the terrifying thought that my parents would find me.  I forced myself to eat even though I had no appetite at all.  Greg and I watched a movie.  At 10:00, Greg suggested that we get ready for bed.  We went into our rooms.  I put on my pajamas, washed my face, and brushed my teeth.  I got under the covers and stared at the ceiling.  I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep if I stayed here by myself.  I grabbed my pillow and knocked on Greg's door.  "Come in," he stated.  I opened the door.  "Can I stay with you tonight?  I'm pretty worked up," I said slightly embarrassed.  "You don't even have to ask.  Of course you can," Greg answered.  I walked inside and sat down on the bed.  He put his arms around me.  "I know something in the letter made you upset.  We don't have to talk about it now or anything.  I just want you to know that I'm here to help," Greg said.  I leaned on his shoulder.  "Thanks.  Everything in my life has been traumatic enough and I don't think I can take anything more right now," I replied.  "I know one of the best things that has happened to all of us on whose line.  We got to meet you.  I'm being serious.  You're unbelievably kind, sweet, funny, loyal, generous, and I could go on forever.  Be true to yourself and you'll never go wrong," Greg advised.  I was overwhelmed.  I hugged him tightly.  "Let's try to get some sleep.  I'm right here," Greg said soothingly.  I got comfortable and fell asleep feeling safe.

Hey guys!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  I really appreciate it that you always comment when I ask a question.  It makes my life a lot more pleasant.  Thanks for everything!

Lots of love,


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