Fun in the Arizona Sun

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We finished our last two days at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas and it is now time to move on to Arizona.  We pack up our suitcases and equipment and board the tour bus.  "As you guys know, we're going to Arizona.  Our show there isn't till tomorrow, so we are going to be sightseeing today.  We're going to the Grand Canyon!" Drew exclaims.  We all clap and cheer.  It will be so awesome to see the Grand Canyon in person.  We eat some fruit and chocolate chip muffins on the bus to hold us over till lunch.  We keep ourselves busy by playing cards.  In four hours, we arrive at Grand Canyon National Park.  "Do you guys want to get one of those mule rides where you get to ride into the bottom of the canyon?" Ryan asks.  "That would be awesome," Chip answered.  We agree that the mule ride would be a lot of fun, so we go to the lodge.  "Hi we'd like to go on the three hour mule ride that goes down into the Grand Canyon," Colin tells the man at the front desk.  "We actually have that ride leaving in ten minutes.  Since there are enough people in your group, it would just be you guys in the group," he says.  "Perfect," Drew says.  We pay for our ride and a woman leads us down to the area where we'll get on the mules and start the ride.  She picks out mules for us based on our heights.  I get a black mule named Zeus.  I pat his neck and we get on the mules.  

"Hey guys!  My name is Grace and I'll be your tour guide into the Grand Canyon," the woman says, mounting her mule.  She puts us in a line based on our mules, so I'm right behind Grace and her mule.  We begin our three hour ride.  For the first part of the journey, we travel on a dirt path in a forested area.  We can see the Grand Canyon from the path and we make our way into the canyon.  I am in awe of the beauty surrounding us.  The canyon looks so tall from the bottom.  I take some pictures for my Instagram.  It's really relaxing riding through nature.  The next two hours of the ride slip past us.  We get off our mules and all of the guys are walking funny.  "How are you not sore?" Chip asks me, wincing in pain as we board the bus.  "I would be riding over three hours a day when I was in the Saddle Club.  This is what I do," I laugh.  The guys waddle into their seats and we drive to a restaurant for lunch.  

After lunch, we make a three and a half hour drive to Phoenix.  We decide to visit one more attraction before we head to the resort we will be staying at.  I suggest that we visit the Phoenix Zoo.  We pay our admission fees and walk into the park.  "Let's start with the lions," Jeff says.  We walk to the exhibit.  The lions came pretty close to us near the barrier of the exhibit.  We make our way to the giraffes, tigers, zebras, monkeys, pandas, and koalas.  All the animals are so cute.  The reptile house creeps Wayne out, so we don't spend much time there.  We go around to the rest of the exhibits and before we leave, I buy a really cute stuffed panda from the gift shop.

Our bus driver takes us to the resort we'll be staying at tonight since we're performing in Phoenix tomorrow.  The resort is supposed to have a pretty awesome waterpark in it, so I can't wait to explore it.  Jeff checks us into the hotel and Drew unveils the room assignments.  "Jeff and Chip, Wayne and Greg, Colin and Jennifer, and Ryan and I," he states.  Dad picks up the key to our room.  It's on the top floor of the hotel.  We put our luggage in the room and then we join the rest of the crew for dinner.

Ryan, Chip, Jeff, Wayne, Dad, and I want to check out the waterpark after dinner, so we change into our swimsuits and head to the waterpark.  The lazy river is the first thing we go on.  It is a relaxing way to start our fun.  Jeff and I decide to try a watercoaster ride.  I get in the front seat and Jeff gets behind me.  The lifeguard presses a button and the ride shoots forward up a hill.  Jeff and I immediately burst out laughing.  The watercoaster makes some sharp turns and we go over a series of hills.  The ride dumps water on us as we go over the top of each hill.  The coaster turns and the ride is over.  We get off the ride and join Ryan, Chip, Wayne, and Dad in the wave pool.  I get an inner tube, walk into the water, and get in the tube.  The wave rocks us.  A few minutes pass and Jeff says, "I heard that there is going to be a wave that's ten feet tall.  You probably want to get out of the tube."  "Oh wow," I exclaim, quickly getting out of the tube.  A huge wave approaches and Jeff grabs my hand.  It crashes into us and we fall backwards into the water.  Jeff and I surface.  Our hair is pretty messed up.  "That was so awesome," I laugh.  Wayne, Jeff, and I go to the waterslides.  We go down the slides that make you go really fast and make crazy turns.  I am tempted to go in the surfing area in the resort, but I decide not to because of recent injuries.  When we tire ourselves out, all of us go back to our rooms.  I take a shower and put on my pajamas.  I eat a granola bar as a snack before I brush my teeth.  I jump in bed and I hear Dad saying, "Goodnight, Jennifer" right before my eyes close.

Hey guys!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  As some of you may know, I recently began a new story called Transparent.  It is a Good Mythical Morning aka Rhett and Link fanfic.  It would be awesome if you guys checked it out.  Thanks for all the support and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Lots of love,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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