It's Not Over Yet

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I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I was hit by a truck.  Everything hurt.  I realized that I was still in the clothes from last night.  I knew I had to get Colin even though I didn't want to wake him up.  I sat up and tried to stand up.  It hurt too much so I crawled to his room.  "Colin," I said softly kneeling beside his bed.  He rubbed his eyes and looked down at me.  "What's wrong?" Colin asked worriedly.  "I feel terrible.  I just woke up feeling like I was hit by a truck," I answered tiredly.  He pulled me onto his bed.  "What hurts?" Colin asked.  "I feel bad everywhere but my stomach, legs, and head hurt the most," I answered.  He felt my forehead.  "You feel pretty warm," Colin observed.  He lifted me up and took me downstairs.  Colin gave me some Tylenol to reduce my fever.  He went back upstairs with me and set me down on his bed.  "Try to get some sleep," Colin said giving me a pillow.  "Alright," I replied getting comfortable in bed.  He pulled the covers up to my shoulder and I fell asleep.

"Jennifer?  Jennifer?  Please speak to me," Colin begged shaking me.  I opened my eyes.  My skin was covered in sweat.  "Thank goodness you woke up.  I've been trying to wake you up for five minutes," he exclaimed.  "Sorry," I replied.  "Don't worry about it.  I don't think you're able to film today," Colin said.  "I have to," I replied.  I sat up a little bit but fell backwards onto the bed.  Colin gave me a worried look.  "Maybe not," I groaned.  "I have to leave for filming now.  I've already called Drew to let him know that you're sick.  He hopes you feel better soon and is having Jeff step in for you.  One of the cast members will be here soon enough to look after you while I'm gone.  I'll be back as soon as I can," Colin said giving me a gentle hug.  I was sad to see him leave but was overcome with sleepiness and surrendered myself to the darkness.

My mind was filled with images of my parents hurting me.  I was in a corner begging them to stop.  But why would they stop?  After all, I betrayed them by telling their secret.  "It's not your fault," a voice kept repeating.  I opened my eyes slowly.  I saw a figure next to my bed with my blurry vision.  It became clearer.  Robin Williams looked worried as he held me hand.  "You okay kid?" he asked.  "Was I ever," I sighed.  "I'm sorry.  I didn't know till now that they were hurting you," Robin said sadly.  "It's okay.  Things have changed a lot.  I can't do this anymore," I cried.  He took me in his arms.  "You've been through too much.  It's beyond terrible what they have done to you but you're a fighter.  You'll come out on top this time and you know that we all care about you.  Colin, Ryan, Drew, Greg, Chip, Jeff, Brad, Wayne, and I are all behind you and will make sure that you'll be safe from now on," Robin replied.  I hugged him and cried into his shoulder.  "This is what love is.  It's not something you can buy, borrow, or sell.  It can only be given and it's about time that you received it unconditionally," Robin said holding me tightly.  We sat like this for a few minutes.  Robin and I watched Aladdin together.  He made me laugh so hard doing the movie that it hurt.  "I think I need to go back to bed," I yawned.  "Alright dear.  Sleep well," Robin smiled.  I went upstairs to Colin's room and got settled on the bed.  The smell of Colin's cologne comforts me.  I fell asleep.

Colin's POV

We finished up the episode taping a little after noon.  "Tell Jennifer that we hope she gets better soon," Wayne, Jeff, Ryan, and Drew said.  "I will," I replied.  I hurried home to check up on Jennifer.  "Hey Robin.  How has Jennifer been?" I asked him.  "She was a little worked up earlier about what her parents have done to her but I calmed her down.  We watched Aladdin and she went back to bed about ten minutes ago," Robin answered.  "I hope she's alright.  I know she's a strong girl, but she has a past that could eat her alive," I replied.  "We'll just have to wait for her to be comfortable enough to tell us exactly what has been happening.  She really needs to get this off her chest.  It's not healthy to keep everything she's feeling inside," Robin sighed.  "I'll check up on her," I said.  I walked upstairs and found Jennifer asleep on my bed.  I felt her forehead.  It was still warm.  I went back downstairs.  "She seems to be okay at the moment even though she has a fever," I told Robin.  Suddenly, I heard a scream.  Robin and I ran upstairs and found Jennifer on the bathroom floor.  "What's wrong?" I asked.  "It's my stomach.  It hurts so much," she answered painfully.  There was neon-colored vomit in the toilet.  "Get the car started," I instructed Robin tossing him my keys.  I picked Jennifer up carefully and put her in the back seat with Robin.  I've never seen her in so much pain.  I got in the front seat of the car and sped off to the hospital. 

As soon as we got to the hospital, nurses wheeled Jennifer into a room.  "Okay Jennifer what's happening?" they asked.  "My stomach is killing me," Jennifer answered writhing in pain.  A nurse pushed on different areas of her stomach.  "Where did it hurt the most?" the nurse asked.  "The lower right section," Jennifer answered.  The nurses exchanged a worried look and immediately did a white blood cell count and some other tests.  A doctor walked into the room.  "Based on the tests we did, Jennifer has appendicitis.  We have to operate immediately," he stated.  I signed the paper that gave them permission to do the surgery.  Jennifer was rushed into the operating room.  I felt terrible.  "I should have taken her to the hospital earlier," I said.  "She'll be alright Colin.  Since the appendix didn't rupture yet, she has better chances of not developing an infection," Robin replied putting his hand on my shoulder.  "You're right," I agreed. 

I went into the hallway to let everyone know what is going on.  I called Ryan's number.  "Hello," Ryan answered.  "Hey Ryan it's Colin," I said.  "How are you doing?" Ryan asked.  "Better than Jennifer.  We're at the hospital now and she has to have her appendix removed," I answered sadly.  "I'll be over there in a few minutes.  Do you want me to call the rest of the guys for you?" Ryan asked.  "That would be great thanks," I answered.  We hung up.  I went back to Jennifer's room and sat down next to Robin.  Ten minutes later, Ryan, Drew, Brad, Wayne, Jeff, Chip, and Greg walked inside.  They brought flowers, stuffed animals, balloons, and cards.  "Wow!  That's a lot of stuff.  I'm sure Jennifer will love them," I exclaimed.  We hugged each other.  All of us were feeling sad that Jennifer had to go through this in addition to what her parents have done to her.

Jennifer was wheeled into the room after an hour.  "How did the surgery go?" I asked the doctor.  "It went well.  The appendix was removed easily and we gave her stitches.  I'm expecting a normal recovery but her immune system is a little weak at the moment so we'll be watching out for infections," the doctor answered.  "Okay," I replied.  We stood around her bed.  A few minutes later, Jennifer woke up.  "What happened?" she asked drowsily.  "You had your appendix removed," I told her.  "So I'm back in the hospital again?  I can't seem to stay out of the hospital for more than a month at a time," Jennifer sighed.  "It's not your fault.  You're immune system is just a little weak right now," I replied.  "We brought you some things," Jeff smiled handing her a stuffed animal dog.  "Thank you so much," Jennifer exclaimed smiling.  Our hearts soared to see her smiling again.  Chip put the flowers in a vase full of water.  "How did the taping go today?" Jennifer asked.  "It went well.  We missed you though," Ryan answered.  "I wanted to go except I could barely sit up so that didn't work out so well," Jennifer laughed.  We smiled and laughed.

All of us kept Jennifer smiling by acting out scenes and Greg and Robin did some stand up.  The guys stayed till visiting hours were over.  They gave her gentle hugs and left Jennifer and I alone.  "Colin?" Jennifer asked.  "Yes," I answered.  "Do you think things are going to get better?" she asked.  "I know they will," I answered confidently.  Jennifer fell asleep.  I kissed her cheek and fell asleep on the makeshift bed.

Hey guys!  Thanks for reading.  Let me know if you have any ideas for future chapters.

Lots of love,


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