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"Wake up Jennifer," Colin said shaking my shoulder gently. "Huh. What time is it?" I asked groggily. "It's 7:45 and I have chocolate chip pancakes downstairs," Colin grinned. I leaped out of bed and ran downstairs nearly falling twice. "Take it easy. They aren't going anywhere," Colin laughed. I sat down at the table. Colin handed me a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. They smelled great. I poured some syrup over them and took a bite. "These are amazing," I exclaimed. "Thanks," he replied. I ate my pancakes and had a glass of orange juice. I went through my morning routine. The outfit I chose for this taping was jeans with a long-sleeved red shirt. I got dressed, fixed my hair, and put on some lip gloss. "Are you ready to go?" Colin asked."Yes," I answered. We got in the car and drove to the studio. "Wayne is sick today so Greg is filling in for him," Colin informed me. "It'll be so exciting to meet him. I hope I don't make a fool of myself," I replied. "You made a wonderful first impression when you met Ryan and me," Colin said. "That's good. I could feel myself shaking because I'm such a huge fan of you guys," I replied. "Aw you're so sweet," Colin told me pinching my cheek.

We pulled into the parking lot. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. Colin and I walked past security and into the studio. We didn't have too much time to waste so I just took a quick look in my dressing room mirror to make sure I looked alright. "Knock knock," Ryan said. "Hey Ryan," I greeted him. "How are you doing kiddo?" Ryan asked. "There was a bit of an incident with my father," I started. He put his arms around me. "He gave me some descent cuts on my arms with a knife," I said briefly. "I'll try to be gentle with you if we do living scenery," Ryan offered. "Thanks," I replied. We walked onto the stage and put on our microphones. Greg walked up to us. "It's an honor to finally meet the famously beautiful Jennifer," he said taking my hand. "Thank you. It's even more of an honor to be meeting the even more famous Greg Proops," I replied. "Thank you very much darling," Greg said. We hugged. "You guys match," Colin exclaimed referring to Ryan and me. Both of us had red shirts on. "I guess we do," Ryan said putting his arm around me.

Drew arrived on the set and we got into our positions. I sat between Greg and Colin. The audience filed into the studio. "Welcome to Whose Line Is It Anyway, the show were the points will never matter! Let's meet today's cast. We have the Joker Greg Proops, Queen of Hearts Jennifer Doran, King of Diamonds with that incredible shine Colin Mochrie, and our Ace Ryan Stiles. I'm Drew Carey. Let's have some fun," Drew said. He got into his chair. "We're going to start with a game called Hats. Jennifer and Greg have a box and Ryan and Colin have a box. They will have to come up with as many examples as possible for the world's worst dating service video. Take it away," Drew said. Greg put on this huge fish head hat. I laughed so hard. "When I'm not funny I sit around with this thing on my head," he said. I had to try hard to stop laughing. Colin walked out wearing a cake hat. "Happy birthday now blow me out," he said. We laughed. "Want some help hitting those high notes?" I asked wearing an opera hat with horns on it. The audience clapped. Ryan came out with a turkey hat. "I do all the stuffing this year," he said. Everyone lost it. Greg put on a pink furry wig and pretended to cough up a fur ball. Drew pressed the buzzer. "That was pretty good. 100 points for everyone," he awarded.

We went on to a game called Hey You Down There. Greg was the narrator and Ryan and Colin did the miming. The scene was about firemen. It was so funny! "Whose Line. This is for Jennifer and Colin. Before the show, our audience wrote sentences that would be used in this scene. Jennifer and Colin can take a sentence out of their pockets. The scene is Jennifer is rescued by beach lifeguard Colin. Take it away," Drew said. I laid down, flailed my arms, and screamed. Colin swam out to me. "Stay calm," he shouted. Colin put his arm around me and took me back to shore. "Are you alright?" he asked. "I think so. Thank you so much for saving my life. When I was in the water I thought to myself,"Where is my jelly sandwich?" I answered pulling out a sentence. "You left it in the cooler. When I first saw you, I realized that "I'm in love with my dog," Colin replied using a sentence. "Since you're way too old for me that doesn't matter too much but it hurts knowing I've been upstaged by a dog," I said sadly. The audience burst out laughing. "I'm sorry but "the dog ate my homework," Colin read. "You have to do homework on romance? I knew this wouldn't work out because as we walked up the beach, I noticed that "lava burst out of the ground," I replied laughing. "In that case, we have to make a sacrifice for the volcano," Colin said. He pretended to kill me and I fell to my death. Drew pressed the buzzer. Colin helped me up and we walked back to our seats. The audience was still clapping. "That was so funny! 1,000 points to Jennifer and Colin," Drew said.

We read the credits with Scooby Doo voices. "You were fantastic," Ryan, Colin, and Greg told me. "Thank you so much," I replied. I was flattered that they thought I was good. "Awesome job Jennifer," Drew said patting my arm. I winced. "Are you alright?" Drew asked worriedly. My eyes darted between Colin and Ryan like I was being hypnotized. Greg and Drew took a step closer to me. Colin sensed that I didn't know whether to say anything or not. "It happened again," he said. "Will someone please tell me what is going on?" Drew asked. "My dad came after me with a knife. I guess everyone is going to find out everything eventually," I sighed. Drew reached out to roll up my sleeves. I jerked my arm away. Ryan put his arm around my shoulder. "It's okay," he whispered.  I surrendered and held out my arm while looking away from them.  I felt my shirt sleeves moving up my arm.  I could feel the tension building inside of me.  Everyone gasped.  "Oh honey," Greg said sorrowfully.  My heart was filled with shame.  I broke free from Drew's grip and ran out of the studio.

"Jennifer," I heard everyone shouting as I sprinted away.  I was determined not to let them catch me.  It was pretty clear that they wouldn't be able to keep up with me when I was about a half mile away.  I ran for at least an hour.  My lungs burned and my legs were ready to give out on me.  I trudged home to Colin's house.  I stumbled into the living room and collapsed on the couch.  Once I was halfway recovered, I had some water and a light lunch.  I couldn't eat much.  I felt so exposed.  My parents are going to kill me for sure.  I dragged myself to the bedroom and fell onto the bed crying.

An hour later, I heard the front door open.  "Let me see if she's here," Colin said.  He walked upstairs and into the room.  I wanted to disappear.  "I'm glad we found you," Colin said sitting down on the bed next to me.  I sobbed into the sheets.  "None of us blame you for running away.  We were all out of line," he said.  "I just feel so horrible," I cried.  Colin rubbed my back.  "It's not your fault.  Your parents are the ones to blame," he replied.  All the tears and pain I've been holding back my entire life were released.  Colin took me into his arms and rocked me back and forth.  "You'll be okay," he repeated soothingly.

Thanks for reading everyone!  I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to post this.  I have a really important essay due on Thursday so I don't think I will have any time to update before then.  I should get caught up on my stories as soon as I'm on break.  Thanks for sticking with me!

Lots of love,


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