Let Me Fall

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The next morning, I woke up around seven o'clock since Colin and I are being picked up by the Whose Line tour bus at eight o'clock.  I practically jumped out of bed with excitement, but my ribs reminded me to take it easy.  Dad was still packing so I made myself some pancakes and scrambled eggs.  I took the orange juice out of the fridge, poured some into a glass, and returned the juice to the fridge.  I ate my breakfast as I checked my email.  I received an email from the Greek Theater with the photos of me and Josh Groban.  I smiled to myself.  Last night was a dream come true.  Maybe I'll be lucky enough to be his friend one day.  I made my way through my morning routine.  I decided to wear jeans and a gray sweatshirt.  I packed my last remaining toiletry supplies and I was ready to go.  I sat in the living room waiting for the bus to arrive.  At approximately eight o'clock, the tour bus made its way onto our street.  "The bus is here," I yelled to Dad.  He ran down the stairs and I grabbed my bag with my phone, laptop, charging cables, a pillow, a blanket, a few books, magazines, movies, and headphones inside and headed outside with my two suitcases of clothes.  The driver put my clothes suitcases in the luggage area and I boarded the bus with my entertainment bag.  "Good morning," I greeted Drew, Ryan, Wayne, Greg, Chip, and Jeff.  "Hey Jennifer," they replied.  "Are you excited for the tour?" Chip asked.  "I'm so excited," I answered with a smile on my face.  Dad made his way onto the tour bus and we began the four-hour drive to Las Vegas.  Jeff showed me to the sleeping area of the bus.  Each side of the room had two sets of bunk beds.  "We haven't decided who should sleep where yet.  Do you have a preference?" he asked.  "I'll take the top bunk on right," I decided.  I took my pillow and blanket up to the top bunk and set up my bed.  The rest of the cast came into the room and made bunk bed plans.  Ryan would have the bed under mine.  Jeff would sleep on the bed behind mine with Greg underneath his bed.  Chip and Colin would have the bunks opposite of my bunk.  Wayne and Drew had the bunk opposite of Jeff and Greg's bunk bed.  We played some card games to pass the time.

We arrived in Las Vegas around noon so we decided to find someplace to eat before getting settled into the MGM Grand Theatre.  "There's a cute little place," Chip spotted pointing to Coco's Bakery Restaurant.  All of us mutually decided to stop here for lunch.  The driver pulled into the parking lot and let us out of the bus before pulling away to get gas.  We walked into the restaurant.  There weren't many people eating so we were taken care of immediately.  I had the grilled herb chicken with rice and vegetables.  The restaurant was famous for their pies so I tried the chocolate cream pie.  It was fantastic!  I excused myself from the table to use the restroom.  I came back within a few minutes and my fellow cast members were gone.  Anxiety ran through my veins as I scanned the parking lot for the tour bus.  It was gone.  I reached into my pocked for my phone, but it was out of power.  I sighed to myself.  "How am I going to find them?" I asked myself.

A few blocks away, Colin and the cast were pulling into the back parking lot of the MGM Grand Theatre.  Some theatre crew members were unloading the luggage from the bus.  I had the feeling that I was forgetting something.  "Hey Ryan, do you think we have everything with us?" I asked him.  "I think so, Colin.  The crew is bringing our luggage to the dressing room and the microphones are being provided so I think we have everything," he answered.  What all of us forgot hit me like a ton of bricks.  "Jennifer!  Jennifer's not here.  I can't believe we lost her.  I am the worst father ever," I wailed.  "What's going on?" Drew asked.  "Jennifer is missing," Ryan answered.   "Maybe she got kidnapped," Jeff stated.  Panic flooded our minds.  "We'll find her.  We just have to think rationally.  Where did we last see her?" Greg questioned.  "The restaurant," Chip said.  "Let's call them to see if she's still there," Wayne suggested.  I pulled out my cellphone and called them.  "Hello?" someone answered.  "Hi!  We were at the restaurant around ten minutes ago and we just realized that the girl in our group isn't with us.  We were wondering if you have seen her since then.  She has long brown hair and blue eyes.  She was wearing jeans and a gray sweatshirt," I informed.  "She was still here when you left.  She was in the restroom.  She came up to me saying where she was supposed to be and that her phone died.  The MGM is only a couple blocks away from our location so I gave her instructions on how to get there.  I would contact security and they should have her with them," the lady replied.  "Thank you so much!  Bye," I said quickly before hanging up the phone.  "She told Jennifer how to get here so we should call security to find out where exactly she is," I told everyone.  Drew pulled out his phone, dialed the MGM security number, and stepped away for a moment.  "She's with them.  They'll escort her to the dressing room," he said.  We practically ran to the dressing room.  Just as we arrived, Jennifer walked into the room with two security guards at her sides.  Jennifer ran up to us and hugged us.  "I'm so sorry that we forgot you at the restaurant, honey," Greg apologized.  "It's okay.  Things happen.  At least it worked out okay in the end.  I forgive you," she said with a faint smile on her face.

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