Baby, It's Cold Outside

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This New Year's Eve, Drew decided that all of us are going to something different.  We're going to spend the day at a cabin near Big Bear Lake which is about 100 miles from Los Angeles.  I'm excited to have my first road trip with the whose line cast.  Colin and I are traveling with Ryan, Chip, and Johnathan while Jeff, Greg, Drew, and Wayne are driving in another car; Robin couldn't come with us since he's performing stand up tonight.  I figured I should pack a duffel bag just in case we need some extra supplies.  I put some warm clothing, toiletries/shower supplies, a flashlight, granola bars, water bottles, and blankets in it.  I made sure that I would stay warm by wearing jeans, a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, and a winter coat.  I heard a car honking outside.  I grabbed my bag and walked out of the house with Colin. I crawled into the back seat of the van with my bag. "Are you warm enough Jennifer?" Ryan asked glancing at me from the driver's seat. "I am. I've got four layers on including my coat so I'm ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at us," I answered. We drove off to our cabin.

We arrived at the cabin in three hours so it was noon. The other car was there. There were a few feet of snow on the ground. Drew unlocked the cabin and all of us went inside with our bags. There was a room with lots of bunk beds, a bathroom with showers, and a really huge family room area with a fireplace. "This is pretty good for being out in the middle of nowhere," Greg laughed. I tossed my bag up to one of the top bunks to get it out of the way even though we aren't staying overnight. "I'm so glad all of you were able to come here for our New Year's Eve celebration. I brought tons of food, beverages, and snow stuff so let's begin with lunch," Drew said. We ate grilled chicken sandwiches, chips, fruit, and chocolate chip cookies for lunch.

"Do you want to go sledding with me and Chip?" Jeff asked. "Of course I do," I answered excitedly. The three of us grabbed sleds and ran outside. The hills surrounding the cabin were fairly steep and covered in tons of snow. Chip constructed a sledding path. "To make sure this is safe, I'll test it first," Jeff stated. He got on the sled and slid down the hill really fast. "This is the perfect sledding hill," I declared. When Jeff got out of the way, I prepared for my slide. I wanted to get off to a running start. I backed up a few feet and ran towards the hill with my sled before jumping on it at the last second. I whizzed by the trees. I hit a bump on the path and I flew into the air. "Woah," I yelled. I actually managed to stay on my sled as I landed. It slowed down and stopped. "That was awesome," Chip grinned running down the hill. "Thanks," I smiled.

I wanted to get some cool snow pictures for my Instagram. "Hey Jeff, can you help me with some pictures?" I asked him. "Sure," Jeff answered. We walked a little ways away where the snow was fluffier than the snow near the cabin. I had a picture taken of me tossing some snow in the air, jumping into the air, and looking up at the sky. I felt something cold touch my face. "It's snowing," I exclaimed. Jeff and I stood in awe of the snow's beauty. Suddenly, I heard something hit Jeff. "Was that you?" he asked curiously. "No," I shook my head. A snowball hit me in the shoulder. I looked up at the hill and found Drew and the rest of the cast with snowballs in their hands. A massive snowball fight began. Jeff and I moved like ninjas jumping out of the way of snowballs and catching the cast off guard with our snowballs. Our coats were drenched in snow by the end of the fight. "Let's build a snowman," Chip suggested. "We have to make it huge," Wayne commanded. Colin, Jonathan, Wayne, and I worked on the bottom snowball. Drew, Greg, and Jeff built the middle snowball. Chip and Ryan made the top snowball. I have never seen such big snowballs. Jeff carefully lifted the middle snowball and put it into its position atop the large bottom snowball. Ryan set the snowman's head on the rest of its body. Our jaws dropped. It was taller than me! "Good job team," Drew told us.

As we were heading back to the cabin, a snowstorm began. The temperature had to be below freezing. It was nearly impossible to see and walk through the snow. We made it to the cabin and let our coats and boots to dry on the mats. "Jennifer, you're soaked," Ryan informed. My sweatshirt and jeans were cold and damp. "Go take a shower to warm up," he instructed. I walked off to the bunk bed room, found some warm clothing and shower supplies, and found the bathroom. The shower area looked fairly nice for being in a cabin. I got in the shower to get warm. The lights started flickering. My heart was racing. Then, the lights went out completely. Everything was pitch black.  I thought that the boys were pulling a prank on me.  "Very funny guys," I shouted.  I heard footsteps.  I was getting really scared.  A single beam of light was moving towards me.  I screamed.  "It's okay!  It's me Ryan.  The power went out.  I thought you might want a flashlight to find your way around the cabin," Ryan said.  "Thanks Ry," I replied.  He handed me the flashlight over the top of the door before leaving the bathroom.  I got dry, put on some dry clothes, and made my way back to the main room of the cabin.

Drew and Chip were getting a fire started in the fireplace.  I looked out the window.  There was an endless amount of snow on the ground and in the air.  "I don't think we can go home today.  This blizzard is way to strong to drive through," Colin said.  "At least we have plenty of food and water with a fire going," I stated hopefully.  I brought the blankets and food that I packed to the fireplace and passed the blankets around to everyone.  "You really planned ahead," Jonathan remarked.  "I used to be in Girl Scouts so I try to plan ahead for these types of situations," I replied.  We cooked hot dogs and baked beans over the fire.  For dessert, all of us created smores.  Jeff and Greg told ghost stories which allowed for me to stay warm snuggling up to Chip and Ryan.  It felt strange not watching TV on New Year's Eve.  We had our phones out so we would be able to keep track of the countdown to the New Year.  "Happy New Year!" we shouted as our phones read 12:00.  The boys drank champagne and I got sparkling grape juice since I'm underage.  When we were getting tired, we moved to the bunk bed room.  "We're bunk buddies," Jeff exclaimed.  "Awesome," I replied smiling back at him.  I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put on my pajamas in the bathroom.  I climbed up the bunk bed ladder carefully.  I slid into my sleeping bag.  "Goodnight guys," I said.  "Goodnight Jennifer," they replied.  Someone turned off the light and we fell asleep snug in our sleeping bags.

Hey guys!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  It's a bit late for a New Year's chapter, but I didn't want to miss it entirely.  I head back to college on Monday and classes begin on Tuesday.  I'm looking forward to going back.  This semester, I'm taking an Intro to Creative Writing class which I'm really excited about.  I'm hoping to apply what I learn in that class to my stories.  I'm really excited about the way this story is developing.  I've been having a lot of ideas for this story and I hope you find them as interesting as I do when they are revealed in the coming chapters.  Please remember that all of your suggestions are important to me and I love seeing them in the comment section below.  I always try to incorporate them into my chapters in some way.  Thanks for helping this story get so close to 4,000 reads!  You guys are amazing!

Lots of love,


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