Late Nights

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Today was the big day. Our first arena show premieres at seven o'clock. All of us slept in till ten because we were so tired from running the whole show. A big breakfast was catered to us. There was french toast, pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, donuts, and fresh-squeezed orange juice. I took some breakfast and brought it outside. The sun was shining. I could hear birds chirping and the horses whinnying in the barn. It seemed like everything would be perfect today. "Hey you, how are you?" Gina asked. "I'm doing great. It's such a beautiful day," I exclaimed. "I just came to let you know that we're leaving for the arena at four o'clock," she informed. "Okay thanks," I replied. I ate the rest of my breakfast. I put my silverware in the sink and went to my room to get ready. I went through my morning routine and put on jean shorts and a light pink t-shirt. I brushed my hair and applied lip balm to make my lips soft. I put on the silver heart necklace that a fan gave me yesterday. It looked so beautiful. I pulled on my brown riding boots and sat down in the lounge.  

"Hey Jennifer can you give us a hand warming up the horses for the show?" a stable hand asked. "Of course," I answered. I headed with her to the barn. It was kind of crowded in the stall aisles with all the horse equipment for the show. The horses were tacked up in their warm up gear. I led Rocky out of his stall and mounted him. We walked off into the arena. Keenan and Sophie joined me with their horses. "Good morning! Did you sleep well?" I asked. "Yep! I can't remember the last time I slept that great. I was so tired last night," Sophie answered. We trotted around the arena a few times before cantering and galloping. The three of us dismounted and brought the horses to the bath station. I rubbed Rocky's coat with soap and rinsed it off with water. I wet his mane and tail and ran shampoo through them. I washed it out being careful not to get the liquid near his eyes. I put conditioner in his mane and tail to make them extra soft and shiny. I washed it out and preceded to dry him off. I brushed Rocky's coat, cleaned his hooves, and combed his mane and tail. "I believe it's time for a last minute choreography practice," Keenan stated. We hurried to the arena. "Hello everyone! I just wanted to have you run through Everybody Come On and make sure you remember which area of the arena you're running around for the clapping part," Gina announced. The music came on and we danced to the song. "Great job girls. Since things went so smoothly with rehearsal last night, you can have the next two hours to yourself," Gina informed.

The three of us walked out of the arena. "What do you guys want to do?" I asked. "We should grab a bite to eat and go to the local fair in town," Sophie suggested. "Sounds good," Keenan and I agreed. We let our security know where we were going and we selected a restaurant within walking distance to eat at. Sophie, Keenan, and I were seated. I ordered a tomato, basil, and chicken flatbread and a piece of cheesecake for dessert. They were super yummy! We went for a walk in the park to work off lunch before heading to the fair. "We should go on the bumper cars," I said. I got in a purple car. The rest of the cars were filled and activated. I moved my car towards Keenan and caught her off guard. She spun out of control when I hit her. "You're going down Jennifer," Keenan shouted playfully. We had an epic time ramming into each other. Sophie eventually made us call it a tie but it was super fun. The next thing we did was go on the roller coaster. A few fans ran into us and all of us went on the ride together. We took pictures with them and played some games. All of us won stuffed bears and we headed back to the arena.

"I hope you enjoyed your break. Now it's time to change into your stage clothes and get your hair and makeup done," Gina informed. I jogged into my trailer and put on my riding pants, orange and blue long-sleeve top, and brown riding boots. My hair stylist ran a brush through my hair and made it a little wavy. She applied some mascara, foundation so my skin color looks realistic under the lights, and pink lip gloss. "You look gorgeous girl. What have you been doing since the last time I saw you?" the stylist asked. "I've been exercising more and eating better so that's making me feel really good," I answered. "Cool! You looked totally amazing before but you took it to a whole new level," she replied. I smiled to myself.

After makeup, we got into our van and drove to the arena. It took about a half hour to get there. We pulled up to the backstage entrance and helped unload the horses. I led Rocky into the stable. A stable hand took him to a stall. Gina guided us to the dressing rooms where some food was set up. "I know you girls don't like to eat a big meal before a performance but please have at least a salad," she said firmly. We obliged and created salads to our liking. At 6:00, Brian led a group vocal warmup. One by one, we received our microphones and waited for the big entrance. "Girls, it's time to get on the horses," Gina informed. I found Rocky and mounted him. "You'll do amazing," I whispered to him. I got behind Sophie and her horse. A man began announcing us. Keenan galloped out with her horse and there was a five second pause for Sophie to go out. "Please welcome Jennifer Mochrie," he announced. I applied pressure to Rocky's sides and we raced into the arena. The audience clapped and screamed. I waved and smiled at the audience as we galloped around the arena one time. "Hi everyone! We're so happy that you were able to come to the show and would like to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us and making our dreams come true," I said. The audience clapped and we performed our show.

For the closing, we joined hands and raised them for our bow on our horses. The audience's cheering seemed to go on forever. Keenan, Sophie, and I released each other's hands and we trotted out of the arena. "Amazing job!" Gina praised as we dismounted. "Thanks," we replied breathlessly. I picked up a bottle of water and drank it within a matter of minutes. We were taken to the area for the meet and greet. The event took an extra hour to meet every last fan but it was so worth it seeing so many smiling faces. Before we left the arena, I gave Rocky a sugar cube and a muzzle rub to show him how much I appreciated his work. Gina ushered us back to the vans and we drove back to the set. We got ready for bed and immediately fell asleep from exhaustion.

Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter is out so late. This is the week of my ap exams and I'm sick with a cold and some wheezing problems so it's been difficult finding time to write. Please don't be angry with me and I'll try to make it up to you guys. Thanks for everything!

Lots of love,


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