The Big Rush

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I was woken up by the sound of my phone. "Hello?" I answered groggily. "Hi Jennifer it's Gina. I'm calling to let you know that the rehearsals for the Sydney Royal Easter Show start in two days so we need you to fly out to Sydney as soon as possible," Gina informed. "It's a little late notice," I commented annoyed. "I'm really sorry but it's not my fault. The directors were really late at giving us the information," she explained. "Oh okay. How am I getting to Sydney?" I asked. "There's a private plane waiting for you at the airport and a cab is on the way to get you there. We have all your outfits for the shows so just pack a couple outfits to wear for everyday use," Gina answered. We ended the phone call abruptly to get ready. I went through my morning routine in half the time that it normally takes me to get ready. I pulled on jeans, a long-sleeved gray shirt, and a black leather jacket. I threw a couple outfits together in a few minutes, packed toiletries, and threw some personal items into a bag. I put on a pair of boots and ran into Colin's room. "Wake up," I said shaking his shoulder. "What is it?" he mumbled. "Gina just called me about the Saddle Club shows and I have to leave for rehearsal literally right now," I answered frantically. "Okay then. Do you need a ride to the airport?" Colin asked sitting up in bed. "A cab will be here in a few minutes. I'm sorry it's so last minute but I just found out twenty minutes ago," I apologized. "It's fine with me. Call me if you can with more information later," he replied. We hugged and he gave me a kiss. "Have a good trip," Colin said. "Thanks! Hopefully you can come to our arena show when we make it to the LA area," I replied running out the door with my suitcase and bag. I got in the cab and I was driven to the airport. The cab drove me to the private plane side of the airport and stopped at one of them. I paid the driver and got my luggage out of the cab. "Are you Miss Jennifer Mochrie?" the pilot asked. "Yes," I answered. "We'll be leaving for Sydney in a couple minutes so get comfortable because it's a really long flight," he replied. I grabbed my luggage and climbed the stairs into the plane.

As promised, the plane started moving soon. The private plane wasn't as big as when Keenan and Sophie traveled with me but there was still plenty of room. There was a big TV complete with movies and a DVD player, a couch that was big enough to be a bed, a refrigerator, and a freezer. I logged into my twitter account @jennifermochrie, took a picture of myself and wrote Flying to Sydney, and posted it. I took a look at the clock. It was 8:00. I didn't have time to see what time it was this morning since I was so busy. I popped Frozen into the dvd player and got comfortable on the couch. I love that movie. The music is great so I sang along. It was fun being so carefree.  I pulled out my phone.  It was now 10:00.  I received an email from Gina with a set of dates for the arena show and a schedule of rehearsals for an intense week.  I saw that we're doing 14 shows in Australia, 10 shows in America, and 5 in Canada.  That's a lot!  One of the America shows is in LA.  I emailed Colin the information so maybe I can see them.  Our schedule for learning the show consists of vocal training for the songs we're performing at the arena shows, learning simple dance routines that we'll perform during a couple songs, learning a routine we're performing on our horses, and a photoshoot.  Just reading that made me tired so I drifted off into dreamland.

I woke up feeling more refreshed at 1:00.  I checked to see what food was available to me.  I made a turkey sandwich and ate it along with an apple and a chocolate chip cookie.  Even though I didn't have breakfast this morning, my stomach felt full.  I started feeling lonely.  I scrolled through my contact list and my finger landed on Greg's name.  I dialed his number.  "Hello Greg speaking," Greg answered.  "Hi Greg it's Jennifer," I informed.  "How are you doing my darling?" he asked.  "I'm pretty good," I shrugged.  "It doesn't sound like it.  What's up?" Greg persisted.  "Well, I woke up to a call this morning from Gina telling me that rehearsals for the Saddle Club arena tour start in two days so I had to quick pack and get in the cab she sent for me.  I'm on a private plane now about 6 hours into the flight," I answered.  "That is pretty rough.  I know you'll do great though," he complimented.  "Thanks!  This week will be really intense with learning the show.  We have to rehearse vocals, learn dance routines that we'll be doing for a couple songs, learn some horse routines, and do a photoshoot," I informed.  "Are you just doing shows in Australia or are there other countries that you're performing in?" Greg asked.  "We're doing fourteen Australia shows, ten shows in America, and five in Canada.  There's a show in LA if you guys want to come," I stated.  "Of course we want to come.  I've never seen an arena show with horses in it," he said.  "We're pretty good for not riding horses every day.  I feel so bad that I didn't get to say goodbye to you guys," I replied.  "You don't have to feel bad.  You didn't know that you were going to have to leave so unexpectedly," Greg assured.  "I guess but I'll be gone for such a long time.  We're on the road for over a month and I didn't even get to say bye.  I'll miss you guys," I admitted a tear running down my face.  "Entertainment can be a lonely business but that doesn't mean that you can't call us.  Things will get better when you get to see your friends.  Then you won't be so lonely," he advised.  "Thanks Greg!  You always know what to do.  I feel better already," I exclaimed.  "You're welcome sweetheart.  Have a safe trip," Greg replied before we ended the call.

I watched a few more movies before dinner.  I had grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, and a salad.  At 7:00, I started getting ready for bed.  I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put on my pajamas.  I walked into my bedroom and got comfortable on the bed.  I pulled the blanket up to my shoulders and turned off the light before falling asleep.

Hey guys!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Thanks for all the support you have given me since I started this story.  This is the last update till it's after Easter.  I'm going to see my brother out at Northern Illinois University in Dekalb with my family for the weekend.  My grandparents from Iowa will meet us there and we'll be able to spend Easter with them.  There are a few concerts that we're seeing.  Chris Martin from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra will be doing a concert with his wife at the college.  I'm so intimidated to see it because he's the best trumpet player in the world right now.  Happy Easter!

Lots of love,


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