Thrills and Spills

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When I woke up the next morning, there was beams of light streaming through the cabin windows.  I peered over the railing of my bunk bed and saw that Jeff was waking up.  I climbed down the ladder.  "Good morning Jeff," I said quietly in case the others were still asleep.  "Hey Jennifer," he replied.  I picked up my bag of clothes and bathroom supplies and walked to the bathroom.  I turned on the lights.  I was pleased to see that the power was working again.  I put on a pair of jeans and a gray long-sleeved shirt.  I washed my face, brushed my teeth and hair, and put on some lip balm.  By the time that I finished getting ready, all of the guys were awake.  Colin was making pancakes.  "Do you need any help Dad?" I asked him.  "It would be great if you can make the scrambled eggs and bacon," he answered.  I began to get them ready.  Breakfast was ready in a few minutes.  I helped Colin serve everyone and then we sat down to eat.  "Thanks for making everything," Drew told us.  "You're welcome," Colin and I replied.  All of us dug into our breakfast.  "I saw that the roads and highways were cleared of the snow so we can go home once we have everything packed up," Greg informed.  "That's good.  I need to do some riding with Rocky," I stated. Once we finished eating, we packed up all our stuff from the retreat and drove back to Los Angeles. Since I wanted to ride Rocky, I got dropped off at Greg's house and he drove me to Sunset Farm. "Call me if you need a ride home," Greg said. "Okay thanks," I replied as I got out of the car.

I walked up to the boarding barn of Sunset farm.  I could hear horses neighing as I walked into the barn.  I found Rocky at the front of his stall.  "Hello boy," I whispered petting his cheek.  He bobbed his head up and down.  I grabbed Rocky's grooming kit and got him clean.  I put Rocky's saddle blanket, saddle, and bridle on him and we walked out of the barn and into the outdoor arena.  I led him up to the fence and mounted him.  We started at a walk and transitioned into a trot, canter, and gallop.  I decided to do the cross country course.  It has been ages since Rocky and I have done cross country.  We cantered towards a log.  I rose slightly out of the saddle as Rocky jumped over it.  There were a few combination jumps and arrowhead jumps as we galloped through the course.  Rocky and I approached a drop fence which is a fence that you land at a lower level than the level that you take off from.  Rocky began the jump as I got into jumping position.  Just as his front hooves touched the ground, Rocky swerved to the left causing me to go flying.  I hit the ground with a thud and everything went black.

I woke up on the grass. My ribs were aching. "Are you alright?" a girl around my age with blond hair asked running up to me. "I think I might have done something to my ribs," I winced. "Your horse has stayed right by you. The two of must have a strong bond. Do you need me to get some help?" she asked. I sat up slowly and didn't feel too much pain so I assumed that my ribs weren't broken. "It would be great if you could walk back to barn with me so I can call for someone to pick me up," I answered as I stood up. "Of course! I wouldn't want you walking around by yourself after a nasty fall like that. I was just walking around when I saw your horse swerve after the jump. My name is Emily Meyers," she replied. "Nice to meet you, Emily. I'm Jennifer Mochrie," I introduced shaking her hand. We walked over to where Rocky was grazing. He seemed sad that I got hurt. "It's not your fault boy. We haven't done this in ages," I told Rocky patting his neck. I grabbed Rocky's reins and the three of us walked off the cross country course. "Your horse is beautiful! What's his name?" Emily asked as we approached the barn. "His name is Rocky," I answered. "It suits him. I don't have a horse, but I'm taking lessons and doing some work as a stable hand to save up for one," she said. "That's nice that you're getting experience here until you get a horse. I didn't get Rocky till Christmas, but I have known him for a long time," I explained. "I feel like I've seen you and Rocky before. Were you in the Saddle Club?" Emily asked. I nodded. "My last name was changed a few months ago for legal reasons, but I played the role of Lisa and Rocky was my horse Prancer," I explained. "That's so cool! I loved that show," Emily smiled. We walked Rocky into the boarding barn and found his stall.  "I can take care of Rocky for you.  It might not be a bad idea for you to go to the hospital and make sure you didn't break anything or get a concussion.  Let me know if you want to hang out once you're better," Emily said handing me a piece of paper with her number on it.  "Definitely," I replied.

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