A Glimmer of Hope

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I heard an annoying beep noise. I waited for it to turn off but it kept going. I opened my eyes slowly. Wayne, Drew, Ryan, Jonathan, Brad, Greg, Chip, Jeff, Robin, and Colin were sitting around my bed with tissues in their hands. "What?" I mumbled softly. They jumped and rushed over to me. "Thank goodness your okay," Chip exclaimed. "What happened?" I asked. "You got an infection the day after your appendix was removed. You became really sick. Doctors didn't know if you were going to make it. Your heart stopped beating twice but they were able to bring you back. If you're wondering why we're all here looking wishy washy, the doctors predicted that you were going to die today," Ryan answered his eyes watering. "Oh my gosh! Come here," I replied with open arms. He ran over to me and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. "A little too tight Ry," I squeaked patting his back. "Sorry," he replied loosening his grip. We let go of each other. All the guys hugged me. "Don't scare us like that again darling," Greg smirked pretending to be angry. It made me laugh. Colin couldn't find any words to say when it was his turn to hug me. He sobbed into my shoulder. That made me start crying. "Aw," Jeff said. Colin and I composed ourselves. "If you're saying that I got an infection the day after my appendix was removed, how much time has passed since I've been like this?" I inquired. "It's been almost a week," Drew answered. "Woah! I've missed a lot," I exclaimed. "We put filming on hold," Drew replied. "I appreciate it but you didn't have to do that," I said. "Of course we did. None of us could be funny with this hanging over our shoulders," Wayne replied.

A doctor walked into the room. "I can't even tell you how surprised that you're alive and let alone talking," he stated. He took my blood pressure and another white blood cell count. "You are completely recovered no matter how crazy it seems. You can get out of the hospital now. The only thing is that you shouldn't walk for two days so we make sure that the stitches don't tear," the doctor told me leaving the room. "This is great," Jeff exclaimed. "Did anyone bring me clothes?" I asked. "I have some in here," Colin answered handing me a bag. "Everybody out," I instructed. They scrambled out of the room. As I put on undergarments, sweatpants, and a sweatshirt, I realized how much weight I lost. My frame looked much thinner and my stomach was completely flat. I liked being thin but I didn't want to look sick. I put on my converse shoes. "It's safe now," I told them. They came back into the room. Jeff scooped me into his arms and we drove home.

"Sorry I don't have much food for lunch," Colin said. "That's alright. Greg and I can get some stuff at the store," Ryan offered. "That would be great thanks," Colin replied. Ryan and Greg left. "I have something to tell you Jennifer," Colin told me. "What is it?" I asked. "While you were in the hospital, I went to the social service place and adopted you. I hope you're okay with that," Colin answered worriedly. "Am I okay with that? This is the best thing that has happened to me," I replied bursting into tears. "You'll never have to go back to those monsters,"Colin said hugging me. He wiped the tears off my face. "Would you like to see your room? All of us helped to decorate it," Jeff smiled proudly. "I would love to," I replied. Jeff put me on his back and ran upstairs. My room was painted purple and it had light purple carpet. There was a bed with a purple and white bedspread, a white futon, a TV, a white dresser, a full-length mirror, a walk-closet, a desk, a window seat, a music corner with guitars and microphones, and some beautiful paintings of horses and flowers. "This is beautiful," I exclaimed hugging Colin and Jeff. "I'm glad you like it," Colin replied. "I love it. I wish you didn't spend so much on me though," I said. "If it makes you feel better, I didn't pay for this all myself but don't worry about money.  Consider it seventeen years worth of birthday presents," Colin told me. "Alright," I agreed.

"We're back," Ryan shouted from downstairs. We joined them. There were chicken pot pies and chocolate cake on the table and more food in the fridge. "How did you guys know I love chocolate cake?" I asked. "I just had a feeling," Ryan winked. All of us sat down and devoured the pot pies. Colin cut the cake and passed out the pieces. I took a bite. "So good," I said happily after my mouth was empty. Everyone was happy. After lunch, we played some improv games. Chip and Jeff sang a duet about me. It was so funny that I almost fell off the stool. I am so lucky that I get to watch them perform almost every day and even perform with them.

The phone rang. "Hello?" Colin answered. "Sure hold on please," he said handing me the phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Jennifer this is Gina, the Saddle Club publicity manager. How are you?" Gina asked. "I'm fantastic Gina. I've missed you," I answered. "Me too sweets. Listen, the second season of the Saddle Club just finished up last week. We're planning on having you girls release two new albums. One of them would be all new songs and the other is a special edition album with rare new songs on it What do you think? The others agreed to it already," Gina stated. "I would love to do it. Where are we doing the recording?" I asked. "We're doing the recording in a studio that's close to your house and the photoshoot will be done in Australia a few weeks later," Gina answered. "Okay. I'm able to record in a couple days," I told her. "That will work. The other girls are flying in around that time," Gina stated. "Awesome," I replied. "I'll text you the location of the studio later today. Have a great day," Gina said. "Thank you! You too," I replied. We hung up. I had a huge smile on my face. "What was that about?" Jonathan asked. "The Saddle Club is making a comeback," I smiled. "Congratulations," everyone exclaimed hugging me. "What are you guys doing?" Brad asked. "We're going to be recording a completely new album and making a rare album with a bunch of old and new songs," I answered. "That's great," Colin replied.

We had a nice dinner. After we watched a movie, everyone left. I put on some pajamas and went downstairs to get something to drink.  I opened the fridge, took out the orange juice, and poured myself a glass.  I sat down at the table with it.  I stared out the window as I drank the orange juice.  "What are you doing?" Colin asked sitting next to me.  "Just thinking," I answered.  "I just want to let you know that I'll support you no matter what and that you can tell me anything," he said.  "Thanks.  I still have to get used to being supported and loved but I think I absolutely love it.  I trust you but I just need some time to breathe before I start pulling dark secrets about my past out from under the rug," I replied carefully.  "Take as much time as you need," Colin said understandingly.  I gave a small smile.  "Do you I have a taping tomorrow?" I asked.  "No because we need to get a certain someone all better," Colin answered pinching me cheek.  "Alright but I have to go back the day after tomorrow," I stated.  "We'll see," he replied mischievously.  I shook my head.  "I'm going to bed," I announced standing up.  "Goodnight Jennifer.  Sweet dreams," Colin said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  "Goodnight Colin and thanks for everything," I replied hugging him.  "You deserve it," he smiled.  I washed my face and brushed my teeth upstairs.  I admired my room for a few minutes before falling asleep on my comfy bed.

Hey guys!  Thanks for reading!  I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far and the way I shaped each character.  Thanks for all the support!

Lots of love,


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