Happy Together

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I opened my eyes. The sun was shining. "Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be descending soon. Please fasten your seat belt," the pilot instructed over the intercom. I walked out of the bedroom, sat down in a chair, and fastened the seat belt. The landing was very smooth. The plane moved off the runway. A flight attendant let me know that it was safe to get off the plane. I swung my carry on bag over my shoulder and walked down the stairs to the ground. Gina arrived. "How are you Jennifer? I do hope I didn't upset you since everything was such short notice," she said. "You didn't. It's not your fault. I need something like this to get me up on my feet since the incident with my parents. I'm assuming you heard about it," I stated. "I did. I'm so sorry that we couldn't help you when you were younger but we didn't know what was happening," Gina apologized. "You have nothing to apologize for. Anyway, what time is it?" I asked. "It's 8:00 in the morning," she answered. We got in her car and drove to a restaurant near the Saddle Club set for some breakfast. I had the Brioche French toast which was amazing and a smoothie.

We drove onto the set. "The other girls should be arriving later so let's work on your solo numbers," Gina suggested. Brian, the vocal trainer, walked up to me. "How are you Jennifer?" he asked hugging me. "I'm doing pretty well," I answered returning the hug. We went into a room designated for vocal rehearsals. Brian had me do some warmups to prepare me for singing. "As of now, the solos that you perform with no backup are In Denial, How I Feel, Diablo, Star, Bounce, Watch the Clouds go by, and Stars Tonight. Bounce and Watch the Clouds go by will be released on the next album you guys perform. The debut of the Secrets & Dreams album will be tomorrow," Brian informed. "Cool! Are we doing anything special for that?" I asked. "The three of you will be performing at the mall," he answered. We rehearsed for a few hours before taking a break for lunch.

I heard the sound of a car pulling into the gravel driveway. I ran out to meet them. Keenan, Sophie, Heidi, Kia, Jessica, and Janelle ran out of the car. I ran towards them and we enveloped each other in hugs. "It's so good to see you guys," I exclaimed. "It's been way too long since we've seen each other but we'll have tons of time to catch up while we're on tour," Kia replied. Jessica crushed me in a hug. "You've grown up a lot since I've seen you last," I grinned. "Thanks!" she replied. Jessica played my little sister Melanie on the Saddle Club and we're basically like sisters in real life. "Now that you're all here, we're going to teach you the dances," Gina informed. Most of the dance numbers weren't hard to memorize and kind of cute but they involved a lot of running around which is super challenging to do while singing.

Finally, it was time to learn the routines we are performing with our horses. Excitement filled the air as we walked into the barn where we spent countless hours filming when we were younger. The horses neighed happily. I found Rocky and immediately gave him a hug. He rubbed his muzzle against my hair. It tickled a little bit. I got Rocky's grooming kit and tack from the tack room and got him ready to ride. I led Rocky out of the stall and into the arena. The other girls walked behind me and we mounted our horses. "When we introduce you guys, you will gallop into the arena," Gina stated. We practiced this and we learned the routines. Keenan, Sophie, and I get to perform more advanced routines because we have more riding experience.

The last thing we had to get done today was a photoshoot to promote the tour and have giant posters for venues we perform at to hang up. All of us paraded to the costume, hair, and makeup trailer. I found my rack of clothes that I'll be wearing during the performance. There was a long-sleeved orange top with navy blue sleeves that I wore on the show, a gray t-shirt, tan riding pants, an orange and blue zip up, a white and thin red stripe collared shirt, and brown riding boots. "Which outfit do you want me to where for the photo?" I asked Gina. "Let's go with the orange and blue top," she answered. I went into my dressing room and changed into it along with the tan riding pants and brown riding boots. I felt comfortable wearing them. I adjusted my shirt and sat down at the hair and makeup area. A stylist ran a brush through my hair and put it in two pigtails. It looked kind of cute. Sophie and Keenan finished getting ready and we stepped out of the trailer. "We'll be doing the photos by the fence," Rachel informed. We put our arms around each other's shoulders and smiled. Rachel took a few pictures. Then it was time for individual shots and shots with the horses. "Jennifer you're first," Rachel said. I leaned against the fence and gave a big smile. The camera made a few clicking sounds. A photography assistant led Rocky over to me. His chestnut coat was glistening in the sun. For pictures with the horses, we do one formal picture and then Rachel captures how we interact with the horses. I held the reins as Rocky moved his head towards mine. I smiled. After the photo, I petted Rocky and kissed his cheek. I knew that Rachel probably took a picture of me kissing him. "You're turn Keenan," she informed. I led Rocky away from the fence and spent the rest of the afternoon pampering him.

All of us decided to go out for dinner that night. We carpooled with the crew and drove to a nice restaurant. Kia, Heidi, Jessica, Janelle, Keenan, Sophie, and I sat together to catch up. I ordered the garlic prawn. It was served with jasmine rice and vegetables. Learning about what was going on in everyone's life was a lot of fun. We're all really close friends. At 8:00, we decided to call it a night. The cast is staying in a really huge tour bus to keep things simple. There's an odd number of people so I'm rooming with Sophie and Keenan. Our room is the biggest so it shouldn't be too crowded. I made a mental note to call Colin tomorrow. I was too tired and jet lagged to talk tonight. I moved my suitcase into the room and got ready for bed. Sophie, Keenan, and I said goodnight to each other and we fell asleep.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry that this chapter came out so late. I have been really busy with important school projects. There are only 6 weeks until I graduate high school. It's pretty crazy. I hope you all are well and thanks for putting up with me.

Lots of love,


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