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I woke up on a soft bed in a strange room. I thought about it for a second and remembered that I was at Ryan's house. I rolled out of bed heading downstairs. Ryan was drinking a cup of coffee. "Good morning Ry," I greeted. "Hey Jennifer," he smiled. I made myself a bowl of cereal and had some orange juice. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and hurried to my room to get dressed. I slipped into khaki shorts and a pink halter top with ruffles. I fixed my hair and did some makeup. I was ready to face the day.  I jogged to the living room. I knew I had to talk to Ryan about last night and give a bit of an explanation. "Can we talk Ryan?" I asked softly. "Of course," he offered. We sat down on the couch. "I'm really sorry you had to see me in those lights last night. I didn't know you were there. Nights are a rough time of day for me. Since you were at the trial, you know that I was abused. My parents would hurl insults at me, cut me up, and ultimately shot and stabbed me. It's been this way for a long time," I began. "When did it start?" Ryan inquired. "My parents and I have never gotten along, but it all started when I became famous and making a fair amount of money. They were jealous that I was becoming wealthier than the two of them put together," I admitted. 

"When did you know that things were spinning out of control?" he interrogated.  "It was when they were basically using me as a slave.  I would cook, clean, do laundry, and everything for them.  They were never satisfied.  Physical punishments were their way of showing authority over me and emotional punishments were used to intimidate me and make me scared of them which was what they wanted.  I would wake up on the floor in the morning after being knocked unconscious the previous night if they weren't happy something I did.  I realized slowly that they were trying to kill me and that's when the panic button went off in my mind," I said memories rushing through my brain.  I felt my body begin to shake.  Ryan stroked my back. 

"I wasn't always an only child.  My sister Kayla was born when I was twelve.  I knew my parents didn't plan her, but I was excited to have a little sister.  Mom and dad were already violent so I made it goal to do everything I could to protect her.  She looked a lot like me.  She was cheerful and so full of life even as an infant.  She was like an angel.  Kayla never cried when I was with her.  One day, I had to leave the house to record songs with Keenan and Sophie for our first album.  Kayla wasn't there when I returned.  They drowned her in the ocean because she cried.  My parents vowed to kill me if I told anyone.  I haven't gotten over feeling guilty.  I was supposed to protect her.  I let her down.  It's my fault she's dead," I wept into his chest.  "You couldn't have done anything more to save her.  You fought so hard to keep both of you safe.  I'm sure Kayla's very proud of you," Ryan comforted hugging me.  "Thank you," I whispered.  He wiped away my tears and gave me a tight hug.  We sat this way for a moment.  I calmed down.  "Do you have any plans for the day?" I asked.  "I thought we could go car shopping for you and go for a drive," Ryan suggested.  "That would be great," I smiled.  We got in Ryan's car and drove to a local car dealership.

After searching through tons of models and brands, I came across a royal blue Ford Mustang.  I loved how it looked. "What a beauty," Ryan exclaimed. "I love it," I agreed. I approached one of the salesmen. "Would I be able to take the Ford Mustang for a test drive?" I asked. "Of course," he answered. Ryan and I followed him into the parking lot. The salesman stopped at the car and handed me the keys. I got in the drivers seat, started the car, and pulled out of the parking lot. I drove it around the block. "What do you think?" the salesman inquired. "I love it. I'm going with this one," I announced. He led the two of us into his office. I gave the salesman my information as he filled out the form on the computer. It was time to pay for it. "I'm paying for it," Ryan stated. "I have money. I can pay for it," I said firmly turning towards him. "It's your belated birthday present. I'm paying," he insisted. "Alright," I sighed. Ryan handed over his credit card and signed for it. I couldn't believe it. I am officially an owner of a Mustang. We shook hands with the salesman, got in my royal blue car, and went for a ride along the coast.

Ryan and I brought a pizza home and ate it while watching a Charlie Chaplin movie. I laughed so hard in a long time. In the evening, I took a shower. I felt an urge to call Colin and make sure he was alright. I dialed his number. "Hello," he picked up. "Hi dad," I said. "Jennifer! I wasn't expecting you to call. Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye,' Colin apologized. "It's okay. I just wanted to make sure you were alright," I admitted. "Why wouldn't I be?" dad persisted. "Because I visited my old house. It was pretty scary but I'm okay. I guess I was a little silly," I blushed. "There's no need to be embarrassed about caring about people you love. I appreciate your concern. I'm glad that you're alright. Just please talk to one of us if you need to," Colin said. "I will. See you in a few day," I replied. We said goodbye and the call ended.

I walked downstairs in my pajamas and got a glass of water. Ryan approached me. "I appreciate that you opened up to me. The guys and I are always happy to listen to you if you need to talk about anything. I want you to know that," the gentle giant said with a welcoming smile. "Thank you," I embraced him. Ryan hugged me back. Maybe things can change.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading this chapter! It means the world to me. I leave for college on the 22nd so I have been busy with shopping and packing. I will do my best to write as many updates as possible before I leave and while I'm in college. I will have a personal mailbox so if anyone wants to send me a letter, I can send the address to you. Don't feel pressured to do this though. Thanks for everything and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Lots of love,


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