School Excitement

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I woke up with tears smeared across my face.  I looked awful.  I tiptoed into the bathroom and washed my face to make myself presentable so Colin wouldn't suspect that anything was out of the ordinary.  I pranced downstairs.  "Happy Graduation Day," dad smiled wrapping me into a hug.  "Thanks dad," I replied hugging him.  "What can I get you for breakfast?" Colin asked.  "Chocolate chip pancakes would be great," I answered.  He made them for me and placed a plate of three big pancakes with syrup in front of me.  I cut a bite and brought it to my mouth.  Pure deliciousness filled my mouth.  I really missed dad's pancakes when I was on tour.  I ate my breakfast and walked upstairs to get ready.  I washed my face for the second time, brushed my teeth, and put on a strapless mint green dress with a silver sash around my waist.  I loved how the color looked on me.  I brushed my hair and proceeded to curl it.  I loved having a change of pace from my natural straight hair.  I sprayed some perfume on myself, applied some natural makeup and lip gloss, and slipped my feet into silver heels.  I felt beautiful.

I stepped out of my room and walked downstairs.  Robin, Chip, Ryan, Drew, Jeff,  Brad, Wayne, Jonathan, and Greg were in the family room.  I wasn't expecting them to come over before the ceremony.  I was touched.  "Hey guys," I greeted.  "Wow!  You look so grown up, in a good way," Jeff quickly added.  "Thanks," I smirked.  "I'm sorry that we have a whose line taping a little bit after the ceremony," Drew apologized.  "Don't worry about it.  It will be a fun way to celebrate.  Plus, we're only filming one episode so it shouldn't take more than an hour or two," I replied.  Colin made us a delicious lunch of barbeque pulled pork sandwiches and grilled vegetables.  I washed my mouth and reapplied my lip gloss.  I put on my graduation robe, zipped it up, and placed the highest honors stole and medal around my neck.  I placed my graduation cap on my head.  I can't believe that I'm actually graduating.  I'm going to announce what my future plans will be at the cast party later tonight.  I adjusted the cap and all of us drove to my high school. 

It felt strange to see it again after being gone most of the year with tours and filming whose line episodes.  I gave the guys hugs before I walked to the field house to meet with the rest of my graduating class.  "Jennifer," my friends squealed running up to me.  I pulled them into a hug.  "I missed you guys so much," I said.  "We missed you too.  How did your audition go?" they asked.  "Fantastic!  They gave me a full ride scholarship," I beamed.  "That's incredible!  I'm so happy for you," they replied.  We took a few pictures together and I found a bunch of my friends to do pictures with too.  "It's time to take your place in the lines," the graduation coordinator announced.  I found my spot.  A few minutes later, we began the procession into the gymnasium.  Everyone stood in front of their seats and those of us in choir joined the other choir members in the front of the gymnasium.  We sang the National Anthem, the Alma Mater, and our graduation song "You'll be in My Heart."  I think everyone got a little emotional during the song.  There were a few speeches and it was time to receive our diplomas.  It was bittersweet watching my classmates cross the stage.  Finally, it was time to get ready to cross the stage.  A photographer took my picture and I made my way to the stairs.  "Jennifer Ann Mochrie with highest honors," the speaker read.  I couldn't help but smile as I walked across the stage.  I received my diploma, shook hands with the principal, and switched my tassel to the left side as I made my way back to my seat.  Everyone's name was called and the audience clapped for us.  We recessed out of the gymnasium to Stars and Stripes Forever.  I took a few more pictures with my friends before rushing out to meet the guys.  After a round of hugs, we got in our cars and drove to the studio.

I took off my graduation gear and left it in the car.  "Just to let you know Jennifer, one of the games you'll be playing is living scenery so you might want to change into some different clothes," one of the members of the wardrobe crew advised.  I went to my dressing room.  I always keep a few outfits in my closet for situations like this.  I put on black slacks and a sequined silver top.  I caught up with my fan mail and we got ready to film.  We played Multiple Personalities, Living Scenery, Scenes from a Hat, and Dubbing.  It was really fun.  We stuck around so members of the audience could meet us and then we went out to my favorite restaurant for my graduation dinner.  I ordered filet mignon with a loaded baked potato.  "I didn't know that you were an honor student let alone graduating with highest honors.  I'm so proud of you," Chip complimented.  "Thank you!  I managed to keep my GPA up with advanced placement classes and while being on tour so I'm happy," I smiled.  "I actually dropped out of high school.  Luckily everything has worked out great but I would have been in a lot of trouble if it didn't," Ryan admitted.  We splurged and ordered dessert.  I had the chocolate fudge cake with vanilla ice cream.  It was the yummiest thing that I've had in awhile.

All of us went to back to Colin's house to talk.  "So Jennifer, what are your plans now that you're done with high school?" Jeff asked.  "I'm so glad you asked.  It's been dying to tell you guys this for a long time.  Before I got on the show, I knew for sure that I wanted to attend college.  Theater has always been my passion.  I auditioned at various schools throughout the country during the fall.  I have been offered a full-ride scholarship to Juilliard to study theater and I've accepted it," I exclaimed with a smile on my face.  "Oh my goodness!  That's fantastic!  I'm so proud of you," Colin said taking me into his arms and lifting me onto his shoulders.  "You have worked so hard Jennifer.  You deserve this.  You'll learn from the best.  I graduated from there," Robin informed.  Dad let me down and I hugged all the guys.  They really are my family.

Hey guys!  I'm back from my family vacation in Michigan.  I had an amazing time.  Now that I'm back, my writing schedule should be back to normal.  Thanks for sticking with me.  I'm so grateful to have you guys in my life.  You are literally the best fans ever.  I really think that we're a Wattpad family.  Thank you for everything!

Lots of Love,


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