Breaking Free

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Colin's POV

I opened my eyes and found light shining through the window.  The monitor set up next to Jennifer was still making the beeping noises that matched her heart rate so I assumed that everything was alright.  I sat up and stretched.  I went downstairs to the hospital cafeteria to get some breakfast.  I purchased a few blueberry muffins and a cup of coffee.  When I returned to Jennifer's room, Ryan, Jeff, and Greg were inside.  "How was she during the night?" Jeff asked.  "Nothing major happened.  She's still in critical condition but the doctors are pleased that she's stayed alive so far," I answered.  "I have no idea how her body can take so much pain and keep alive," Ryan said baffled.  "She's a trooper alright," I agreed.  The doctor walked into the room.  He performed some quick tests.  "Overall, she's doing well for being in this condition.  However, the fact that her fever hasn't broken concerns me.  We'll be trying a different treatment going into her IV and see if a cold wet cloth helps," he informed.  A nurse walked into the room with a bunch of cloths.  She placed them on Jennifer's forehead and arms.  Greg wiped her face while Ryan and I took care of cooling her arms.  Jennifer's skin was warm to the touch.  It suddenly occurred for me to have Jennifer's last name changed.  "I have some errands to do.  I'll be back soon," I told Greg, Jeff, and Ryan before walking out of the hospital.

Ryan's POV

"Why don't we do some improv?  It might help Jennifer come around," I suggested.  "It can't hurt to try," Jeff replied.  We performed irish drinking song, world's worst, let's make a date, and a modified version of scenes from a hat.  Seeing Jennifer still unconscious was taking it's toll on us.  Although he won't admit it, Greg still is hung up with guilt.  She needs to wake up.  Colin walked into the room.  "Did you get your errands done?" I asked.  "Yep.  I got Jennifer's last name changed.  Jennifer Ann Mochrie.  It has a nice ring to it," Colin answered beaming with pride.  We smiled.

Jennifer's POV

My body felt funny.  It was like I was paralyzed and my skin was on fire.  I heard people talking in the background but I couldn't see anything.  I fought to open my eyes.  Gray figures against a white background focused.  "Jennifer?  Are you awake?" Jeff asked.  "I think so," I answered wiping the sweat from my forehead with a rag.  Greg, Ryan, Colin, and Jeff ran towards me and gave me the biggest hugs.  "I was so scared you weren't going to make it," Greg cried.  "You do know it's not your fault right?" I inquired.  His face had an expression that seemed to ask "You heard me?!"  I sent a grin in his direction with a twinkle in my eye.  Greg leaned over and collapsed crying into my arms.  I held him close for a good twenty seconds before releasing him.  Greg looked like he forgave himself.  "I have some news for you Jennifer.  I got your last name changed to Mochrie," Colin informed.  "Cool!  After I get out of here, I want to get my parents' house sold.  I don't have any use for it now that I live with you," I said.  "We can do that when you get better.  How are you feeling?" Colin asked.  "I feel way too warm and my throat is dry," I answered.  Ryan gave me a glass of water.

The doctor walked into the room.  "It's nice to see you up Jennifer.  How are you feeling?" he asked.  "I'm kind of warm, it's hard to breathe, and my stomach hurts," I answered.  "That's pretty normal considering what you've been through.  Do you remember what happened?" the doctor asked.  "I remember being shot and stabbed but that's about it," I answered honestly.  "It's okay.  It's probably better off that you don't remember anyway.  Your fever has gone down considerably since the last time I stepped in so that's a good sign.  We had to do surgery to remove the bullet which was only a few millimeters away from hitting your heart and we stitched up the stab wound.  I'd like you to stay overnight to make sure that the infection healed.  To help you regain your strength and stamina, I would recommend a cardio workout.  We need to make sure that you're lungs and heart muscles strengthen to prevent any complications," he replied.  "But she will fully recover right?" Greg asked.  "She will.  We just need to precede with caution since it was such a dangerous injury," the doctor explained.  "Oh okay," Colin replied.  The doctor left the room to tend to other patients.

A nurse brought a tray of food with chicken noodle soup, crackers, and some vegetables on it.  I wasn't feeling hungry but I need food to get my strength back so I ate it reluctantly.  "Not exactly five-star hospital food," Greg smirked seeing my unenthusiastic expression.  "It's not that it's bad.  The stab wound is making eating painful," I moaned.  "I'm sorry sweetheart.  All of us know this isn't easy for you.  The fact that you're doing your best is really inspiring.  We don't tell you enough what an amazing girl you are," Ryan replied putting his arm around me.  "Thanks!  Just because you don't tell me that doesn't mean I can't feel it.  I'm really lucky too.  For the first time in my life, I have people who care about me.  You guys give me something to live for.  If I didn't have you guys, I would have given up a long time ago.  But now, I'm here to stay," I said lightening up the mood.  I finished my meal.  I yawned.  Why does eating make me so tired?  My eyelids feel heavy.  They slowly close enveloping me in calm darkness.  "Sweet dreams," I hear them whisper before falling asleep.

Hey guys!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  I'm on spring break this week so I'll be able to do a lot more writing.  I have a lot of ideas for this story and I can't wait to see them develop in this story.  Thanks for all the support!

Lots of love,


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