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I woke up feeling well rested, but my ribs were in a lot of pain.  I got out of bed and saw that my ribs were covered in purple and blue bruises.  I knew that I would definitely need to ice them a lot so they can heal quickly.  Colin was already awake.  "How are you feeling, Jennifer?" he asked getting up from the sofa.  "It looks like my bruises showed up.  My ribs hurt a lot, but I guess that's to be expected from falling off a horse," I answered.  He took a look at them.  "Ice and pain relievers are just about all we can do right now," Colin said.  He whipped up some waffles with strawberries and whipped cream and we ate together.  I wasn't sure what Emily and I would be doing today so I decided to wear jeans and a purple and white flannel shirt with black converse.  I saw that tonight was my Josh Groban concert that Dad gave me two tickets and backstage passes for at Christmas.  Maybe I'll take Emily if she likes his music.  My phone rang.  "Hello?" I answered.  "Hey Jennifer!  It's Emily.  How do you feel about seeing a movie, getting lunch, and shopping?" she asked.  "That sounds great," I answered.  We arranged that we would see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and that I would pick her up since she lives nearby.

I drove to Emily's house in my blue Mustang. "How are you doing?" she asked as she got in the car. "I'm doing pretty well, but my ribs are bruised that I have to ice them often and take Tylenol," I answered. "A fall like that will do it to you. I'm glad that you didn't get hurt worse," she replied. "Me too," I agreed. We arrived at the theater, bought our tickets, and found our seats.  There were about fifteen minutes of previews and then the movie started.  It was incredible!  There was so much action and excitement.  It did have some really sad parts though.  "I can't believe Cedric had to die," I said wiping a tear from my face as we walked out of the theater.  "I know.  Voldemort really doesn't care who he kills except for trying to destroy Harry," Emily replied.  We got in the car and decided to eat at IHOP.  I ordered the chocolate chip pancake combo and she ordered the french toast combo.  "So what have you been doing since you stopped filming for the Saddle Club?" Emily asked.  "I've been on Whose Line Is It Anyway for a year.  A few months ago, I participated in a Saddle Club tour to celebrate the release of our Secrets and Dreams album.  I'll be on a Whose Line tour in some cities for a couple weeks so I'm really excited for that.  I'll be starting college at Julliard to study theater in the fall," I answered.  "That's amazing!  You'll do fantastic!  I'm going to be studying environmental science and film in Indiana," she replied.  "Cool!  You could maybe do nature documentaries," I stated.  We got to know each other better for about an hour.  Emily and I share a love for horses, dogs, comedy, baking, and have similar music interests.  Even though I've only known her for a day, I feel that we're destined to be best friends.  "I actually have two tickets and backstage passes to see Josh Groban tonight.  Would you be interested in going with me?" I asked her.  "Are you serious?  I would love to!  Thank you so much," Emily answered hugging me.  "You're welcome!" I laughed hugging her.

Emily helped me go shopping for outfits I can wear on tour.  We drove to my house.  "Hi Dad," I said as we walked though the door.  "Hi Jennifer!" Colin replied from upstairs.  Emily followed me into my bedroom.  "Dad, this is Emily.  She's the one who found me after I fell off," I explained to him.  "It's lovely to meet you.  I'm very grateful that you helped Jennifer yesterday," Colin said shaking Emily's hand.  "It's nice to meet you.  You don't need to thank me.  I just did what I would hope someone would do for me," she replied.  Dad cooked us chicken parmesan which was amazing.  Emily and I fixed our hair and it was time to leave for the concert.  I hugged Dad and we drove to the Greek Theater.  It took around twenty minutes to get there.  We got out of the car and hurried into the theater.  I couldn't believe that I was actually going to be able to meet Josh Groban and hear him sing.  I showed our tickets and passes to a theater worker and he directed us to the area where we will wait to be taken to see Josh Groban.  We were the first people there so we would be able to meet him first.  My heart was racing in anticipation of meeting one of my idols.  "I'm so nervous and excited at the same time," I told Emily.  "Me too," she replied jumping up and down.  A theater worker took me to see Josh first.  Josh was wearing a white dress shirt and black pants.  "Hi there!  How are you?" he asked smiling at me.  "I'm doing wonderful thanks.  How are you?" I asked him.  "I'm doing great.  Thanks for asking!  Tell me a bit about yourself," Josh said.  "My name is Jennifer Mochrie.  I'm on Whose Line Is It Anyway and I was on the Saddle Club when I was younger so I got to record some albums.  Your music really keeps me grounded.  You have such a beautiful voice and you're a wonderful person," I replied.  "Thank you so much!  I really enjoy watching you on Whose Line.  It's awesome that you were able to record music at such a young age," he stated.  "Really?  Thank you!  It was a lot of fun," I told him.  "You're welcome!  Where are you sitting?" Josh asked.  "I'm sitting in the first row with my friend," I answered.  "I'll be looking for you," he smiled.  Josh signed a picture for me and we took a few photos together.  Emily joined us for the last one and we got a group shot.  When our time with him was over, we found our seats and waited for the concert to begin.

I was in awe watching Josh Groban perform songs from his newest album, Closer.  One of my favorites was You Raise Me Up.  Josh winked at me as he performed it and I almost started crying.  I could not get the smile off of my face.  The song ended and everyone applauded loudly.  "This next song is very special to me since it launched my career.  David Foster called me up the night of the Grammys in 1999 saying that Andrea Bocelli couldn't make the rehearsal so I had to step in to rehearse with Celine Dion.  I was so nervous and my hands were shaking, but she was so nice and helped me get through it.  I'd like to sing this song with a very special young lady.  I would like to invite Miss Jennifer Mochrie to the stage," Josh said looking at me.  My jaw dropped to the floor.  Emily gently pushed me to get up out of my chair.  I got to my feet and made my way to the stage with the help of security.  I was so excited to be able to sing with Josh Groban.  He smiled warmly at me and handed me a microphone.  "You'll do amazing," Josh whispered to me.  I took a deep breath and the music began to play.  I started the duet and people started clapping which was assuring for me.  Josh joined in for his part.  It felt so surreal.  He took my hand and I gave the song my all.  I could hardly believe it when the whole audience was on their feet cheering for us.  Josh and I hugged and he discretely handed me a slip of paper.  I put it in pocket quickly so no one could see as I walked back to my seat before the concert continued.  He performed the rest of his songs on the Closer album, bowed as we clapped for him, and the concert concluded.  "I can't believe how awesome the concert was.  You and Josh literally sounded perfect together.  I recorded it and just sent it to you," Emily said.  "Thank you so much," I grinned.  I pulled out of the parking lot and we drove home dropping Emily off at her house on the way.

I saw Dad in the living room as I walked into the house.  "How was the concert?" he asked.  "It was incredible!  I got to meet Josh and he actually watches Whose Line.  He was so nice.  He actually invited me up on stage to sing with him," I answered excitedly.  I showed him the video of us singing together and our pictures.  "I had no idea you could sing like that.  This was a major accomplishment.  I'm so proud of you," Colin told me.  "Thanks Dad," I replied giving him a hug.  I finished packing all of my bags for the tour and I took a shower.  Just as I was about to go downstairs for a snack, I remembered the piece of paper that Josh Groban gave me.  I found it quickly.  It read "It was so nice meeting you today, Jennifer.  You are a beautiful person inside and out.  Here is my number if you would ever like to talk or hang out since I like in Los Angeles when I'm not on tour.  Love, Josh Groban."  I had a smile on my face from ear to ear.  I can't wait to talk to him after the tour is finished.  I took my suitcases downstairs and had some chocolate chip cookies as a snack.  I got ready for bed and fell asleep so I could be rested for the start of the Whose Line tour tomorrow.

Hey everyone!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  I realized as I was writing this chapter that I did a poor job with establishing what year this story is set.  I've decided that 2005 is the current year for this section of the book and that the New Years celebration two chapters ago was ringing in 2005.  I just wanted to clarify this so the rest of the book is easier to understand the setting.  Thank you so much for all the love and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Lots of love,


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