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Jennifer's POV

I could barely stop crying as I saw Ryan and Greg leave my room.  Now, I'm stuck by myself with no one I know for at least a day.  A young woman walked into the room.  "Hi Jennifer!  My name is Sonia and I'll be with you for the next twenty-four hours.  As of now, you're officially on suicide watch till tomorrow afternoon.  That means that you have to have someone with you at all times for your own safety even if it's something like showering and going to the bathroom.  I'm sorry about having no privacy, but those are the rules," she said.  "It's okay.  I get it," I replied.  I spent about five hours reading some magazines I brought with me until it was time for dinner.  Normally, I would get dinner with the other teens on the floor, but I can't leave my room.  Sonia brought me a plate of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and carrots.  I wasn't looking forward to eating it.  I haven't been hungry in a long time even when Colin was cooking for me and he is a really good cook so I'm sort of scared to eat this hospital food.  I can see Sonia watching my every move.  She can't make me eat it, but I'm sure she'll be taking notes that I didn't eat.  Slowly, I managed to eat my dinner.  My stomach felt awful so I laid down and fell asleep.

I wasn't able to sleep very well especially since I'm used to taking medicine to help with that.  I had at least a few nightmares.  I hope I didn't scream, cry, or do anything weird during the night. "It's time for breakfast," Sonia informed as I sat up in bed. She handed me a plate of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. I felt queasy just looking at it. I ate half of my breakfast and put the plate to the side. I curled up under my cover until lunchtime. I ate even less of my lunch than I did with my breakfast. My stomach was pushed to the limit.  I'm sure I'm going to be sick if I have to keep eating like this while I'm here.  I needed to take a shower so Sonia showed me to the bathroom area.  It was humiliating not being able to shower in private.

Just as I came back to my room, dinner was waiting for me on my desk.  I sank into my chair and ate a few bites of spaghetti and meatballs.  I couldn't eat any more.  I collapsed onto my bed crying.  I missed my whose line family and not having to eat ridiculously large meals. This is going to be harder than I thought it would be. I climbed into bed and read till I fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up to someone knocking on my door shouting "breakfast is in a half hour. Get up!" I got out from under the covers, put on some clothes, and finished getting ready in the bathroom. I had no idea where breakfast was served. About ten other teenagers were heading in the same direction so I followed them. I noticed a guy with blond hair in a green shirt who was a few inches taller than me. He seemed nice and I didn't want to sit by myself so I sat next to him at one of the tables. He turned towards me and said, "Hey I haven't seen you around here before. What's your name?" "I'm Jennifer. I just got here yesterday," I explained. "I'm Daniel Evans, but everyone calls me Danny. I got here two days ago. The first night is always the worst," he comforted giving my hand a small squeeze under the table. "Thanks," I smiled softly. The staff brought in breakfast. I moved the scrambled eggs on my plate around with my fork.  I ate a few bites of it and nibbled on my toast.  I drank a glass of orange juice.

Breakfast lasted a half hour and then it was time for a group information session for new arrivals.  A strict lady explained how each day has a schedule of events that we must follow and gave us a list of what items are considered prohibited if they could be used to harm ourselves or others.  Every day, each person here has a group therapy session, meeting with a psychiatrist, individual therapy session, and one social group event. I'm sure this will help me, but it's a bit intimidating. Maybe I'll make some friends while I'm here.

My nurse/supervisor Sonia showed me to my psychiatrist's office. "Ah you must be Jennifer Mochrie. I'm Dr. Johnson," a middle-aged man introduced. "It's nice to meet you," I replied shaking his hand.  "In your own words, why do you think you're here?" Dr. Johnson inquired.  "I tried to kill myself yesterday;" I answered.  "Describe how you feel on a daily basis," he asked.  "I feel depressed, worthless, physically and mentally tired, never very hungry, and overwhelmed," I responded.  "How long have you been feeling this way?" Dr. Johnson persisted.  "I've been feeling depressed and worthless for about a month.  The tiredness has lasted three weeks.  The insomnia has lasted about three months.  I haven't had much of an appetite for the past two weeks," I told him.  "Could you give me a brief background of yourself?" he asked.  "Well, I've lived in the Los Angeles area most of my life.  I grew up with abusive parents and lived with them up until about a year ago.  They've tried to kill me multiple times by poisoning, stabbing, and shooting me.  They were killed about seven months ago after their latest attempt to kill me.  I'm a bit of a celebrity.  I was on a pretty popular kids show for two years and I'm on Whose Line Is It Anyway now.  After my parents were convicted of child abuse and theft, I started getting a lot of hate mail because people didn't believe me.  They criticized me and said that I should just kill myself.  I guess that wraps it up," I answered looking down at my feet.

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