Watching Her Shine

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We've been on tour for about two months. It has been really exciting seeing parts of Australia for the first time and visiting some of our favorite places again. On this tour, we had ten show dates in Canada. It was amazing being able to travel to a new country. The people are lovely there. I can see why Colin loves it so much. Today is the last day of our tour. For the past three weeks, we have been back in America. I've been to most of the major cities but it was something totally different for the rest of the girls. Tonight is our Los Angeles show. All of the whose line guys are coming to see me which is so sweet. Everyone is so tired at this point. Peforming two hour shows almost every day is exhausting. Even though I'm tired, I'm having trouble sleeping. I went to the doctor about a week ago and he gave me a prescription for a medicine that will help me sleep. It's been working but he said the stress of traveling around the world can make it difficult to sleep too. I'm not too worried about it at this point.

"Jennifer? Are you okay?" Keenan asked. I was brought out of my trance. "I'm fine," I answered. "You've been having trouble sleeping again haven't you?" she inquired. I sighed. "Yeah. Everyone's tired though. Performing almost every day is draining," I stated. "I know. After today, things will get back to normal," Keenan said giving me a half-hug. I gave a tired smile. I finished brushing my hair and proceded to apply strawberry lip gloss. "Are you girls almost ready?" Gina asked popping her head into the door. "In a minute," we answered. I slipped my feet into sandals and we walked out the room. We boarded our plane and flew to Los Angeles.

Our flight about four hours long since we took off in Chicago. All of us were so hungry when we landed so we quickly found a restaurant to eat at. We were seated immediately. "Can I start you guys out with something to drink?" our waitress asked. "I'll have a lemonade please," I answered. The others ordered their drinks. She went to get them from the kitchen. "How are you guys feeling about it being the last show of our arena tour?" Sophie asked. "It's hard because we won't be able to see each other for awhile but touring is exhausting especially when you have to sing, dance, and ride horses pretty much at the same time," Heidi answered. We nodded. Our waitress came out with our drinks. "Are you ready to order? she asked. "I think so. I'll have grilled chicken sandwich combo please," I answered. The waitress scribbled on her order pad and took the other orders. "Do you have any projects lined up after this?" Kia asked me. "We're finishing up whose line in about a month then I can figure out something," I answered. "That's awesome," she replied. Our food came. It was delicious. We paid for our meals when we finished and left the restaurant.

Our transportation crew drove us to the arena where we're doing the show. We could tell that it would be amazing just by looking at the outside. The walls were covered with pictures of us. It felt strange seeing myself on a building but it was kind of cool at the same time. We strutted into the arena feeling like stars. There seemed to be an endless amount of rows. "Are the horses here?" Jessica asked. "They arrived just a few minutes ago," Gina informed. The younger girls ran towards the stable. Keenan, Sophie, Heidi, Kia, and I exchanged a smile and followed them. Rocky was bobbing his head up and down. I petted his cheek. "Are you excited boy?" I asked. Rocky neighed happily. "I'm excited too. I'm just very tired. I don't know what's wrong with me boy," I whispered leaning against him. He accomodated me. "I love you," I told Rocky running my hand down his face. I fed him an apple. I spent a long time grooming Rocky to prepare him for the show before the horse crew took him away to tack him up for the show. I went to my dressing room to get ready.

Colin's POV

I finished buttoning my shirt and got in the car. The Saddle Club show is in an hour and a half but the guys and I decided to get there early since we've never driven to this paticular arena. I drove to the venue. It ended up taking forty minutes to get there. I spotted Drew, Greg, Wayne, Jonathan, Chip, Ryan, and Jeff in the parking lot. "Hey guys," I said. "Hey Colin! I bet you're really excited to see Jennifer and have her back home," Ryan stated. "I am. The house is too quiet when it's only me in it," I admitted. All of us walked up to the arena entrance. There were huge posters of the girls. "Jennifer looks amazing. She looks like she's been photographed all her life," Jeff commented. "She has had to model for all of the album covers and publicity photos," Greg informed. We walked inside, found our seats, and waited for the show to start.

"Please welcome Keenan, Sophie, and Jennifer!" the announcer shouted. The three of them galloped into the arena. I was amazed on how great of a rider Jennifer was. The show was fantastic. It was unbelievable that they were able to sing, dance, and ride at the same time. After the show, we stayed to take Jennifer home. "Do you know where we might find Jennifer?" I asked a security guard. "Her and the other girls are occupied for the next forty minutes but I can take you to her dressing room and you can wait for her there," he answered. We were led to the dressing room and sat down.

An hour later, we heard the sound of laughter coming closer to us. Jennifer walked into the dressing room smiling. "Welcome back Jennifer!" we yelled. "Thanks! Sorry I'm later. There were so many fans lined up for the meet and greet and we didn't want to say no to anyone so it took longer," she replied. Jennifer hugged each of us. "You did amazing tonight," Chip complimented. "Thanks! It was a lot of work to learn everything but it was worth it. All of us were pleased how the show turned out," she replied. "I bet you're really tired," Drew stated. "I'm beyond exhausted. Traveling to different time zones really messes with me. Running around singing and riding takes a lot of energy out of you. Do you want to meet my horse?" Jennifer asked. "Sure," we answered. She led us to the stable, opened the stall door, and walked the horse out. "This is Rocky. He played Prancer, the horse that I ride at the stable," Jennifer introduced. We petted him before giving her a chance to say goodbye to Rocky. Jennifer said goodbye to her friends and we walked out of the arena carrying her suitcases. We loaded them into the trunk, said goodbye to everyone, and got in the car. We drove home. As we pulled into the driveway, I noticed that Jennifer was asleep. I unbuckled the seatbelt and carried her into the house. I set Jennifer down on her bed. She looked too tired to be woken up. I pulled the covers up to her shoulders and kissed her goodnight before turning off the light. It's great to have her home.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter! I still have my skin infection. I have to take two antibiotics and if it doesn't drain by next week, I have to go back to the doctor and they'll remove the infection with a syringe. Sounds disguesting right? Hopefully I don't get too grossed out no matter what happens. I really appreciate all the support I have received. I go to prom of the 29th and the 31st is graduation. It's feels pretty bittersweet that I'm graduating high school. Is anything exciting happening in your lives? I would love to find out.

Lots of love,


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