Alone again

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Alone again

Today the world went away

I'm not sure where it's gone

It left with no final say

It left many things undone

The people all rushed into hiding

To where I don't know

This horrid emptiness inside me

I wonder if it shows

Everyone has disappeared

It's everything I ever feared

I have driven away so many people

And others left on their way

I live in this empty world, so feeble

Completely and utterly alone

The void that is left behind

With the feet that flee the scene

Makes something twist deep inside

Crushing itself inside of me

Please someone take my outstretched hands

Anyone who remains

Please someone help me understand

How to deal with this pain

I'm alone once more in the dark

Why I am still shocked

The world is plain, empty, and stark

And my world has seemingly stopped

Today the world went away

They all left yet I stayed

I walk through emptiness with nothing to say

Hoping someone will find me on day

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