Second phase: Social and personal issues

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Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a mental disorder that affects many people all over the world. Social anxiety is a terrifying disorder that makes seemingly insignificant tasks seem life-threatening. This disease has many symptoms that disrupt one's daily life, making life difficult and making it even more complicated for them to live normally. The way society views social anxiety and mental disorders is a disgrace, and we as a human should not feel that way about any human being. People suffer from social anxiety on a daily basis, and while it can prevent them from living their ideal life, there are many symptoms as well as treatments and therapies to help them cope. What exactly is social anxiety, you may wonder? The fear that everyone around you is constantly judging you and that you are being critiqued or looked down on is known as social anxiety. There are numerous misconceptions about what social anxiety is. Being socially anxious is not the same as being overly shy. A shy person, for example, may have a social anxiety disorder, but they may not have it as easily. An outgoing person, on the other hand, could have an anxiety disorder as well as not have one. Social anxiety has a negative impact on one's life and can be mentally exhausting at times.

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