Modern-day Romeo and Juliet

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Relationships nowadays are like shuffling a deck of cards to see which card you find will have to date with you. They stay together in a live-in relationship for a few days or weeks and then realize it's not working, so they just leave each other by breaking up and all that. There are people that jump from one relationship to another saying "this person is the one and will be the love of my life." Others fake their love to someone just to get what they want and leave. They are not committed to their relationship or their partners. It's not like everyone in today's world is doing the same thing. However, the majority of people engage in such activities. Love, Trust, Understanding, Belongingness, Commitment, and Being there for each other in all situations are all missing from the core of relationship values. People leave when their partner is in a bad mood rather than supporting them. This shallowness is increasing all the time.

We've made so many rules about dating that it's actually corrupted our minds. Dating expectations have been tainted by the rising generation. We expect a lot but do very little.

People are constantly looking for love without having healed from previous relationships. They are moving too quickly to numb the pain. These people are bringing toxic baggage into their new relationship.

People become bored and seek partners with higher status, greater financial stability, better looks, and a better physique. This usually results in some form of infidelity. This disease and greed of "finding something slightly better" is destroying the concept of relationship.

Long Distance relationship of any kind mostly results in a breakup. One of the prime reasons for this is that people these days are constantly looking for emotional and physical gratification all the time, every moment. It has become an addiction.

What you see nowadays isn't the love you all know. It's just fake affection and personal benefits. Modern-day Romeo and Juliet is a social media relationship and nothing much. This kind of relationship is toxic and won't last forever.

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