Body shaming

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Body shaming is one of the biggest problems in today's generation. Commenting about a person's body, size or height, would hurt their feelings and make them feel so insecure about how they look like. We, humans, come in different shapes and sizes, but society and media put a lot of pressure on us with beauty stereotypes and standards to deem some as healthy and some not. Body shaming is an extremely personal concept and can take a negative toll on a person people take their own insecurities and aim them at other people to make themselves feel better about their body. When you get shamed, you start feeling insecure and embarrassed. Eventually, you will lose all confidence and trust in yourself. Body shaming is experienced in both real life and all over the internet one single comment can really do much more than you expect and when it gets repeated by many people your brain starts to believe it without you even realizing it. People with pure intentions of insulting someone, constantly throw around "her body is so flat," and "He is too fat," that makes him so ugly," and "he needs to lose weight" "she should be curvy", "he should be muscular." Body shaming has become a problem for both genders and with these comments that I mentioned above, are why both male and female have such low self-esteem by been a victim by many people in their surroundings and mostly social media

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