𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷

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No matter how much you didn't want to wake up there was always your brother to drag you out of bed.

"Nooo, it's not time yet!" You whined as you clung to the cover before he could pull them. "Come on y/n! We have school we can't be late!" You both tugged the covers, before you let go. "Exactly that's why we should sleep in." "No! Get up!" You turned over and fell off the bed hitting your head on the bedside table. "Fine." You muttered.

After you got dressed and ate you, and your brother Izuku made your way down to school.

"Hey y/n." Izuku asked. Looking up from you're phone you look at him. "Hm?" "Are you sure your gonna be okay?" "Yeah why?" "well it's just-" "I'll be fine, in fact, I think I'll be better. So you have nothing to worry about!"

You definitely made some enemies during the entrance exam, to your surprise you ended up seeing them there.

Everyone gave you a look when you and Izuku walked in the classroom, more at you then him. "I told you we had time to get coffee." You whispered. Sitting down in one of the seats, Izuku sat next to you and you put your head down.

"Excuse me!" You pretended to be sleep thinking they were talking to Izuku. "My name is Tenya Iida!"

You failed to 'sleep' when you snickered under you breath but loud enough for him to hear. "May I ask what's so funny?" You lift your head up and started laughing even louder. "You-you're eyebrows pfft-" He seemed quiet offended that you were laughing over such a little thing.

"Hey you're the one who kicked me during the entrance exams!" Izuku looked at you as you shrugged your shoulders.

"I actually have no idea what your talking about." You said. "I did kick a few people though, never thought I'd see you here though." "A few-" He was interrupted by someone. "It took you all 8 seconds to quiet down.."

The lecture continued a few minutes until he brought the class outside after you changed into the outfits they gave you.

You and Izuku stood next to each other as Mr Aizawa explained the quirk assessment test.

'That's great, there's most likely going to be test that involves speed so at least and I can pass at one thing.'  You thought to yourself, forgetting to listen.

Well actually when it was your turn, you had no idea what was happening.
"Y/n." "Huh?" You looked around and your on the center of a circle. "It's your turn, throw the ball." "Oh right of course." You focused all your energy on the ball and sent it flying. 701.2 meters The device read.

'I wonder what Izuku is gonna do'

You waited for him to throw the ball, and waited, but he never threw it he just stood there. 'what are you doing izuku' You focused on him until he layed his eyes on you, he gave you a look that told you he'd explain later.

He finally turned around and threw the ball. 705.3 meters The device read.

'oh. I understand.'

The many attempts izuku tried to talk to you all failed. You'd just run away, while you just waited for school to be over.

You slammed the door behind you shut after school was over. You heard izuku coming so you rushed out the door. "Y/n wait!" He yelled, you picked up the pace not wanting to talk. "Please, let me explain." You were breathing so heavy not taking your eyes off your feet, you tripped on you're shoelace and fell to floor. You didn't get up, didn't move, just laid there.

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now