𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟺

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Denki was a sweet guy, charming, he was funny, confusing sometimes. He was fun to be around, he lifted up your mood. And well, not everyone's flaws float to the surface.

Today we take a deeper look into Denki's personal life, roll the clips.

Denki just happen to be in the living room, studying, he was tired, but he managed. Maybe just one break.

One break turned into two breaks which turned into three and then a full two hour nap. Not saying this is a flaw, but I suggest you study if you want to pass your midterm.

Now that you were back, there was something holding him back from talking to you. It was just awkward, he couldn't say anything. Every time he did he instantly regretted it. Sometimes it would come off as rude even though he didn't mean to. Although you found it funny, it was still weird. So that was the last day you hung out since you got back.

Of course it was going to be weird. For some reason, he couldn't even look at you, not for the reason you thought.

You tried to get him comfortable again, you took him out, went to king red, the park, a wreck it room, and even watched a movie, he appreciated all of it, but he just couldn't.

When he got back to the dorms Mina showered him in questions. "Well what happened?!" Mina exclaimed, Denki paused. "Don't tell me you messed up!" Denki rubbed the back of his head and looked away, Mina hit him on the shoulder. "Denki!" He sighed and sat down on the couch. "I know! It's just, everything's so awkward now." Mina furrowed her eyebrows.

"No, nothings awkward." She pointed at him. "Your awkward! Your not even thinking about how your making her feel." That all made sense to him, he understood. "Yeah but-" Mina interrupted him. "I'm helping you with this, except I don't know what to do now so I'm going to go talk to her." Mina left and made her way down the hall.

You were cleaning when you got a knock on the door. "Come in!" You said sweeping the floor. "Hey y/n." Mina said as she sat on your bed. "Do you need anything?" She stayed silent for a moment. "I guess you could say that, I have a question. Has Denki been acting..weird?"

"Yeah but I think it's just because of what happened, I don't blame him." It was weird she was asking you, but it made you feel better that it wasn't just you. "Oh yes whatever happened must have been bad, I'm no expert but I think you should talk to him." You shook your head opening your backpack. "No, I think he just needs space." That was just it, you knew how it felt to want to space.

"Are you sure? Your not mad?" You shook your head and started looking for pajamas while she continued to talk.

"Mina that's great and all, and Denki's a cool friend but I really don't like him..like that." Mina's eyes widened, you heard a thump and laughter outside your door. "No no I didn't say he liked I said he really...respects...you..." She gave you an awkward smile and got up. "Anyways, I'm going to leave now. Have a good night." She left out the door, you remade your bed and got ready to go to sleep.

Denki had fell on the other side of your door, sero and mineta were laughing at him, Mina was kind of disappointed as well.

You got done and finally went to sleep, a little early but you were tired.

"You'll be volunteering at some middle schools, so choose wisely." Aizawa left silently after he handed out papers. You scanned over the papers thinking of which to choose. "Hey what are you going to choose?" Izuku shrugged. 'Oh Hana is on the list.'

Hana Middle School, your old school. You ended up choosing that. A lot of memories were created there.

"Before we go in, don't do or touch anything, just listen to the teacher and you'll be fine." You nodded with the rest and followed Aizawa in.

The teacher inside assigned you, Izuku and Denki to class 2-b. They had you all stand in the corner, you kept glancing over at Izuku who seemed to not feel well. You wanted to ask him but you didn't want to interrupt. Instead you kept a close eye on him, he looked like he was about to pass out.

She called Izuku to the front of the class, he slowly walked over. He couldn't even keep his eyes open. They all waited for him, he blinked a few times. As he started to speak he fell to the floor face first.

You knew he wasn't feeling good, should have told Aizawa. He was in the nurses office. So now you had to talk to the middle schoolers.

On your way out you were stopped by one of them. "Hey y/n!" They said catching up with you. "Oh hi Kyran."


You spilled hot coffee on your skirt at lunch, you were drying it off.

"Are you okay?" You asked Izuku, he wasn't eating, in fact he hasn't really ate lately. He gave you a nod. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." He nodded again, you gestured to Denki to watch him as you went.

Denki did what you told him, he kept glancing at him. Izuku took notice of this. "What are you looking at?!" He yelled, Denki shook dropped his fork. "Nothing. Chill." A few students snapped their heads back, hearing the commotion of Izuku and Denki yelled back and fourth.

You came back and heard them, tried to calm Izuku down but he hit you. He rubbed his head, he told you he just needed space, you took a step back. He stared at the ground for a few seconds, breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" You asked, when you looked at his face his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground, he started shaking violently. "Help!"


Something definitely wasn't right, it was right there in front of everyone's face. But the doctors still said it was from stress. You tried to get them to look deeper but they didn't. And you had to get back to school.

Ugh I just want this to be over!

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now