𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷

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Izuku blinked as he watched you—or it use his power.

She charged at the surprised Izuku, he dodged it making her punch the ground causing it to shake.
She rolled over landing on her feet again. Izuku ran towards her, she waiting for him, until there fist collided, causing it to blow them both back, Izuku used 5 percent, while she used 100 percent.

'What was that?! What did she do?!' You were unable to move, stranded in the forest. When you get heard, and felt it.



Let me take over.

No, we've been through this.

I won't do any-

You said that last time.

Your going to bleed to death, your only chance of survival is me.

I'd rather die.


No, I made a promise!

Your going to die! Would you like to die?! That means we both die!

Exactly! Your only worried about yourself!

I'm worried about you! If you let me take over I can buy us more time! Perhaps even help Izuku! Did you even hear that loud bang?!

Of course I heard it! But I'm not going to let you take over! As I said over my dead fucking body! Literally!

Your going to die! Do you not understand?! She's going kill him too! Are you willing to sit here and let him die too?!


Let me take over y/n, if your alive,he's alive.

Your manipulating me again!

No I'm not! I'm trying to help you!

And I told you I don't need help! I'll be fine! I'm sitting here arguing with you so I'm clearly fine!

She almost killed you! Your lucky your alive! Do you want to die that bad?!

I don't want to die at all.

That's not what you wrote In you-

Shut up. Fine. Do whatever.

It got up and started running to Izuku, seeing him lying on the ground, running over to him. "Are you okay?" Izuku was hurt bad, like she had done to you, he wondered how you were still walking.

"Sorry, if I let y/n take over she will die. For now you are safe with-" It was interrupted when she went to swing at her with a sword but it dodged her.

She was indeed in your body, but a duplicate of you. Izuku couldn't tell which one was which.

"Oh, you must be it nice to meet you. Name's astral, let's hope your alive to remember it!" It didn't move, it let astral come to it.

When Astral was about to make impact with it, it phased at the very last second, her whole body going through her, making her hit the ground again which shook as she made contact with it.

"Astral, hm sounds familiar." It said turning around. "Oh yeah, Astral killer, yes I remember now." Astral smirked as she licked the blade filled with your blood. Only it had no effect. "Why aren't you on the floor?" She stood up swinging her blades in your direction, it kept dodging them. "Your hits do not effect me, unfortunately." It grabbed her blades snatching them from her. "Mine do." It threw the blades and went for her using your quirk, waiting for when she lowered her guard.

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now