𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟼

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It's been a few days, Izuku's still in the hospital. You've been trying to think, just think of a way you could help him without giving in.

"Your not zoning out again are you?" Denki asked, you shook your head and continued writing.

Your mind was preoccupied all week.

Then the weekend came again and you decided to go back. To see them both at the same time instead of separate.

Even though it was only your second time coming they felt you getting more aggressive. The only knew info they told you was that his symptoms worsen everyday.

You decided to go to the place they took you to. It was big so using your quirk to quickly search every rooms was no problem. Only that you found nothing. There was nothing to go off of.

'You would have thought they'd leave at least one thing behind. Smart ass.' You leaned against a wall, sighing to yourself.

You left the place, 'we'll try again tomorrow' you went to see Izuku one more time before you went to the dorms.

When you got there they told you they couldn't find him.

'Oh no.' Now he was just walking the streets alone. And he was sick, they told he jumped out the window.

You searched the streets, he couldn't have ran that far, maybe he didn't run at all. You had no idea where he would go.

While you were running, you got a call from Denki. "Hello?" You answered, you heard snoring in the background. "Yeah so I don't know if you know this but your brother escaped from the hospital and now he's here.."

You sighed and turned around, "Is that him snoring?" You asked, he smacked his lips. "Uh no, that's Iida, he knocked him out." You started running faster, you would arrive there in about 3 minutes. "So what is he doing?" He didn't answer, you just heard a yell and then a door slam.

You got there and saw Izuku walking down the street, you stopped and he immediately turned around, he looked so scared. "Izuku, come on, you gotta go back." You took a step forward but he backed up. "No, I don't want to." You started noticed a some white streaks in his hair. "Please? I just want you to be safe." He shook his head, it was getting dark and it was cold, he needed to get back, but he didn't want to.

As you walked close he started to run away from you.

Most of the time it was obvious you were crying or about to, your voice was always higher. You've almost fully discarded school, you haven't quite seen that much of Izuku. You tried to steer clear. For both of you.

You went to the ware house again, the walls were your main suspicion, on some floors the walls were thinner. So you smashed one with a brick you found.

A little light peered through, you started smashing it more until it was big enough to walk through. It revealed another room. Some part of the room was lit up with a lamp on a desk.

The desk had a notebook on it, you put gloves on, started flipping through it, it was contained with mostly non sense but some of it, was interesting.

Uraraka went to see her friend. Although she wasn't mad at Izuku for hitting her she was more worried, as most people would be. He was sleeping so Uraraka left a box for him. Denki came to see him, Iida, Sero, even Tysu. He's made a big impression on his class and friends. And they knew he'd be okay.

You were flipping through other books, you also found a shelf filled with them. Most of them written in a different language, but the ones that weren't, they were like a list of diseases.

There was a dark spot, in the opposite side of the desk where the lamp was. You turned the lamp to face it.

The light revealed a huge green tank, it had a person in it. You only saw their white hair, you turned back around continuing to flip through the books.

A specific one you came across look extremely old, the first page just listed a bunch of symptoms, and the second a diagram, that was when you realized you were reading it wrong so you flipped to what seemed like the last page which was the first.

'The Incurable' It read. 'Oh. That would make sense' You decided to take this one.

The person in the green tank suddenly opened their eyes, which startled you causing you to fall back. They were just staring, their red eyes were just staring right at you.

You immediately ran out the room, and out the building. 'Jesus' As soon as it opened its eyes you felt a presence.

You got to your dorm, rushed in your room and sat on your bed. 'This better not be cursed.' You opened the book, to the first page. It was thick, and old. It would take a while.

'The incurable, chapter 68: 1869,November 21. Patients are dying, the medication seem to be having the opposite effect, and I've only given them one tablet. I cannot cure it. I have failed and all test are negative. I have worsened their case, they seem to be going into a unresponsive state. They won't-'

Your reading was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Y/n it's time to leave." You looked outside, it was around 7 now. 'Shit'

You stayed up all night reading that, you hurried and got ready, barely had time to eat.

For Izuku, at the moment he felt so weak, he couldn't move, couldn't speak, he could barely think. He was still fighting, and you were still trying to find him.

The doctor came in for a check up. But as he said, his symptoms get worse everyday. Because of one for all coursing through his veins it was speeding it up, making it way faster than it was supposed to be. His hair had fully went white, his eyes went from green to red and his freckles fully disappeared.

"Whats wrong with him? Why does he look like that?"

"He is unresponsive, as you can see he's not dead, but he's gone into a catatonic state."

"What is that? What does that mean?"

"He's not able to respond to people, or anything."

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now