𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 18

90 3 0

Once again I don't know how yen works so I'm using google so tell me if something is wrong

He wasn't very happy, wasn't bright, mostly vengeful. His day was already ruined, but it got worse when three people had asked to join his team, of course he asked someone to help him, but he didn't expect them to be so..what's the word? So aggravating.

One tall guy with spiky black hair, blue eyes and burnt from the face down, still having some patches of skin, one short blond girl with pig tails and hazel eyes, and one tall girl with straight green hair and black roots, purple eyes, and a shit ton of piercings on her face.

One of them stuck out to him, the green haired girl, the way she looked at him, the way she stood, everything seemed so off about her, Tomura didn't like that, didn't like that he couldn't tell what she was thinking.

Your old friend, Zacrin was back in town. He moved away but now he's back, you didn't really get a chance to talk to him, but he gave you his number. He's one of the few people that make you happy.

Before you touched your phone you realized you told Denki you'd hang out after finals.

You: Denki

Denki: What

You: Are we still hanging out?

Denki: yeah if you still want to

You: yes that's why I'm asking

You: I'll be there in 20

Denki: you don't know my address tho-

You: We walked home together before

Denki: oh, okay

As you looked through your closet you found a box, labeled 'DO NOT TOUCH' Still, it was in your room so you assumed it was something you put away.

Inside were a bunch of chains and some black heels that went all the way up to your knees, eyeliner and black lipstick.

'Oh no, I can't do this right now' You quickly closed the box shut and put it back where it was. 'I forgot how long we've lived here.' You thought while putting on your skirt and shirt. 'Maybe, just this once' You said grabbing the box again and taking out the shoes. 'Wonder if they fit now' You had slid them on and tied them together. Looking in the mirror, they actually fitted perfectly on you, they weren't that high of heels, more like tall boots, and easy to walk in.

'I mean I guess they kind of go?' They did in fact match your outfit, you weren't sure to wear them or not.

"Oh wow you actually came." "Yep, let's go!" Denki locked the door and followed you as you walked down the street. "Where are we going?" "It's a surprise."

Since you didn't have a car you and Denki walked all the way to this place you found, you were tired so you offered to carry Denki all the way there, when you did he almost vomited.

"Sorry." You apologized whilst scanning the area. "But we are here!" He looked up at the sign that read. 'King red' "Is this a lobster place?" He asked. "What- No it's a candy shop!"

"I hope you like sweets bolt boy!" You walked in with Denki following you. It smelled of candy, and sweets. "Alright, ice cream or candy first?" You pointed to the two sections in front of you. "Uhh candy?" "Awesome!" You two went down the candy sections looking at everything.

"Oh my god Denki they have a shit ton of Mochi flavors for 1424 yen." You grabbed one of them and put it in your cart. Something caught you're eye that made you stray away from the cart.

'Ooh this looks cool 'King Reds Candy Lobster''

You and Denki went to the park after you were done, sat down on the bench.

'4:03' Your phone read. "Mr bolt I got these lobster candies." You said sliding him one of them. "Mr bolt?" He said taking it and facing you. "I mean unless you like bolt boy." "Eh." "Okay then about about...boltster?" "I like bolt boy better actually." "Then it's settled, I'm changing your contact name to bolt boy."

You and Denki walked through the park, talking and eating you're ice cream before it melted.

It got really late, the sun started to set and you two started to walk home.

"Did you have fun?" You asked looking up at him. "Yeah, did you plan all of this?" "Yes I did!" Denki loved your smile, it made him smile.

You soon reached his house. "Wait Denki." You hugged him one more time. You let go and kissed him on the forehead. "Bye!" You ran using your quirk back to your house. The wind however still lingered around the confused Denki.

"Tomura, you have to give them a chance." He said calmly, He scowled at the three in front of him, not wanting them on his team. "Your a stubborn one." One of them said. He couldn't quite tell which one of them said it though. "You want a strong team yes? The purple guys right, I don't know about these two but I deliver what you ordered." It was like time stopped for him, everything, everyone stopped moving. The green haired girl had stepped closer, Tomura couldn't move to disintegrate her.

"You judge people off appearances, that's not a good habit. Tomura." She was now in his face, he couldn't move, couldn't talk, all he could do was listen.

"I don't have to be here anyway." She said stepping back into her place, Tomura jolted up, everyone looked at him. "Are you okay master?" "I'm fine, but who the hell are you?!" He yelled pointing to the girl, the others had no idea what she did, but Tomura was ready to hold a grudge against her.

"Oh me? You can call me Astral, I'll tell my name when I want to." She said rolling her eyes.


Since you failed the practical, you thought you were one of the people not going to the forest lodge, which disappointed you, however Aizawa had told the class everyone would be going, since only a few failed the ones who failed would get harder training.

And somehow you ended shopping with the class.

"Wait what are we doing again?" You asked Izuku. "Shopping for the boot camp." He said. "Ohh, right well uhh I'm not sure what I need." You start to wonder off on your own leaving Izuku by himself.

'Do I need this? Or do I need this? I mean this is cute but this would be better to have since-' Your thoughts were interrupted. "If your going outside I'd go with that one." She said, the green haired girl with a bunch of piercings pointed to the one in your left hand. "Oh thank you!" You said putting the other one back and paying and walking out. "Hey." She said staring to walk with you.

"You seem cool, I feel like I've saw you somewhere before." "Oh, you probably saw my brother." "Ah." For some reason, you stopped moving, everyone stopped moving around, you couldn't even talk. The girl in front of you had turned around to face you, her face went flat staring at you, until she ripped a piece of your hair out.

"Thanks." She said before walking off, by the time you could move again she had already disappeared.

'What the hell'

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now