𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟻

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Izuku was more stressed than ever, his headaches wouldn't stop and his stomach hurt, his heart everything hurt, he was also super pale.

You were with him the whole day, silently watching him and his movements. One of he things you noticed was that he could barely hold his pencil, and he was struggling to stay awake.

He seemed mostly normal today, still worrisome.

When at the dorms after school you heard him vomiting.

"Hey-" "Not right now Denki." You interrupted and still listening.

You went back to your room to find your phone, you heard some commotion outside, so you rushed and when you found it you ran out.

You saw Iida and Denki holding him back from attacking Uraraka. You ran and used your quirk to knock him out, you hit the wall.

You got up and Uraraka was on the floor.

"Are you okay?" You held your hand out, and pulled her up. She wasn't hurt, thankfully.

"What happened?" You asked her, you were carrying Izuku down to the office. "I don't know, I accidentally bumped into him and he started attacking me, thankfully Iida and kaminari were there." If Mr Aizawa wasn't going to help, you definitely knew someone who would.

"So is this like an after effect or what?" You asked, All Might shrugged, he looked at the unconscious Izuku. "I've never experienced any 'after effects' and neither did the past holders. So this is definitely weird." You were thinking back, to past things, then something hit you.

"Do you know where those criminals are? The ones who took us? Do you know where I can find them?" He shook his head, "No, you can't go there." He said. You sighed. "Well can you go then? Please?! At least try to get something from them!"

You were worried about him. Who wouldn't be if their loved one was like this out of no where.

All Might reached the place, he asked to speak to the two.

They were mostly uncooperative, but there names: Riku, and Spence.

"Oh? The former number 1 hero wants to see us? I'm so honored." He was in shackles, on the other side of the glass.

"What did you do to him?" He got to straight to the point, not that they were going to answer but he was hoping to get something out of it. "Do what? To who?" A smirk crept up his face, all might frowned.

"You know what I'm talking about." He said, Riku's smirk left, he told him that if he wanted to know anything he would have to ask his assistant, but he didn't talk until all might did, he did answer his questions.

"What, did you do to him?" He repeated, Spence sat there, expressionless. "I won't answer that, any other questions." The only person he was scared of was his boss, everyone else is dead to him.

While All Might was meeting, you were sticking with Izuku. It was the weekend, he's been sleep for a while, his heart beat was normal. He must have been really tired.

You were half asleep when you heard him jolt awake, breathing heavy, looking around, he woke you up too. "Hey, good morning." You slouched back down into your seat. He was confused as to why you said good morning when it was clearly dark out. It was just something you said to people who've slept for a long time.

He looked at his hands, like he's never seen them before, and you, everything. Nothing felt real to him.

He had laid back down curled into his covers and fell asleep.

All Might had a break through, well he didn't tell him that much, he let something slip. It wasn't much. But now at least he had something to tell the doctors.

"Well?" You asked as he walked through the door, you followed behind him. "They're really secretive. But one of them, he told me that the doctors can't cure something that doesn't exist." Doesn't exist? Did that mean it was permanent? Was he going to die?!

You two reached Izukus room, he was in the corner of his bed, curled up and crying.

He must have been going through so much stuff at the moment, he was crying his eyes out.

You just wanted to help him, just wanted to heal him. But you couldn't. You could only heal physically injury's. All Might talked to him, and you told him you went to call your mom.

You sped out the door, making your way to the prison.

Maybe all might was being too soft on them.

"Tell me!" You said, he raised an eyebrow and started laughing. "Why are you laughing?" You narrowed your eyes, keeping your eye contact.

"I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously." You leaned in closer, giving him a dead look.

"I swear on my life, tell me now or I'll phase through this god damn window and kill you!" Riku's smile crept on his face again. "Fine, but your not being specific on what you want to know." He slouched back in his hair, stopped smiled. You leaned back.

"I want know what you did to him, I know you did something." From the moment you two got back, it was like a piece of Izuku went missing.

"So you can help him? There is no cure. No cure they can make. You can't cure something that doesn't exist." That's what all might told you he said, you planted your hand in the arm rest.

"If it doesn't exist then tell me why this is happening!" He tilted his head to the side and smiled. "It doesn't exist because we made it. Now let me purpose a deal." He leaned in, you heard his shackles ring.

"We can save him, if you get us out of here." You shook your head, "No way." There was no way you were going to agree. And they knew that. "Then, I guess your brother will meet his demise."

He was taunting you, you knew that, they wouldn't do this for no reason, no there was a catch. They didn't just make him sick out of spite.

When you went to Aizawa to help you he told you: "Don't worry he'll be fine." All might told you that, you even went to present mic and he said the same thing. But he wasn't, how could they not see the pain he's in right now? They were forcing you to do this by yourself. If they weren't going to do anything than you sure as hell weren't going to sit back.

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now